Women's candles rating in women: description, reviews. Is it possible to put candles from thrush in the first, second, third trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation, lactation, with chronic thrush? What helps with thrush better: candles or tablets?

Women's candles rating in women: description, reviews. Is it possible to put candles from thrush in the first, second, third trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation, lactation, with chronic thrush? What helps with thrush better: candles or tablets?

A list of effective and inexpensive candles from thrush.

Thrush is a vaginal disease, which is characterized by the reproduction and growth of mushrooms of the genus Candida. It acquired its name due to whitish discharge, which are very similar to cottage cheese or kefir. In this article we will talk about the main symptoms of thrush, as well as ways to treat it with candles.

Thrush in women: the first signs, symptoms, causes of appearance when to use candles from thrush?

The most interesting thing is that there are many symptoms of candidiasis, and they can differ in different women.

Signs of infection:

  • Discharge from the external genitalia, which are very similar to cottage cheese. They are clearly visible on dark underwear, may contain mucus or lumps that are very similar to cottage cheese
  • Itching is observed, unpleasant sensations in the vagina, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cervical canal
  • Often, during urination, acute pain, as well as discomfort, is observed. The fact is that this is due to the destruction of the epithelium, which is also damaged in the urethra. Because of this, urine comes into contact with unprotected walls, causing pain, burning
  • Unpleasant sensations during intercourse. This is also due to damage to the mucous membrane
  • Unpleasant odor. It is peculiar, sour, which is very reminiscent of kefir. The smell is barely noticeable, only the patient can feel it

Reasons for the appearance:

  • Hypothermia
  • Close linen
  • Reducing immunity
  • Klimax
  • Intake of antibiotics, sweet food, baking
  • Violation of the balance of hormones
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Sex with an infected partner

There may be an atypical course, which manifests itself with rather weak symptoms. This may not disturb a woman, in this case, you can learn about infection only with the help of a doctor and conduct certain analyzes.


Women's candles rating in women

There are substances, as well as drugs that are most effective in relation to mushrooms of the genus Candida. The rating is compiled on the basis of the rate of action of the drug, as well as its effectiveness and repeated manifestation of thrush, some time after taking drugs.


  • Zalain
  • Betadin
  • McMuror complex
  • Clotrimazole
  • Hexicon
  • Nystatin
  • Pimafucin
  • Terzhinan
  • Livarol
  • Viferon
  • Flucostat
  • Acylact
  • Denpatol
  • Klion

Read the description and recommendations for the use of these candles below.

Candles from thrush
Candles from thrush

The most inexpensive and effective candles from thrush: List

Candles from thrush differ not only in their effectiveness, but also by price. The cost of the drug is due to the manufacturer, as well as the complexity of the manufacture of substance and initial matter. The cheapest products based on Clotrimazole and Nystatin are. But there are substances, such as pimafucin, which are produced quite difficult. That is why there is a high price for the drug.

Review of the cheapest products from thrush:

  • Nystatin. The cost of about $ 2. One of the disadvantages is the duration of application. It is necessary to put candles for two weeks
  • Clotrimazole. The course of treatment is 7 days, the cost is approximately $ 5
  • The candles are also inexpensive Betadin Based on the Povidon-iodine. The most interesting thing is that these candles are effective not only in relation to thrush, but also to some bacteria and viruses. The course is from 7 to 14 days. The main advantage is what can be used during pregnancy
  • Ketokonazole. The cost of the rate will be approximately $ 5. This is one of the analogues of Fluconazole
Cheap candles
Cheap candles

Viferon candles from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

One of the effective, but quite expensive, are candles Viferon. The main difference from all other drugs is that these are not antibiotics at all, not an antiviral substance, and not an antifungal drug. This is a medicine that contains human interferon, which contributes to the struggle of the body to infection. At the same time, Viferon himself does not depress bacteria and does not kill them. This does the body itself.

You must use one candle per day. This is usually done at night. Viferon is often prescribed in combination with other drugs, as well as tablets. The course is 5-10 days. In a week you can repeat the course if necessary. The price depends on the dosage and is $ 8-10 per 10 pcs. Entered into the anus.

Flucostat candles from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Candles are based Flucostat contains fluconazole, which is active in relation to mushrooms of the genus Candida. It is used by one candle for one or two weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. You can choose a drug with a low or high dosage, depending on the severity of the disease. It can be used during pregnancy, effective at the first signs of candidiasis. The price of the drug is $ 4 per package.


Terginan candles from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Candles Terzhinan They are not a monopoly, but a combined medicine, because the composition contains thornidazole, nystatin, sodium prednisone and neromycin. Active substances of the drug are neomycin sulfate, nystatin, sodium prednisone. Thanks to this, vaginal tablets can be used not only against thrush, but also during the treatment of many other ailments.

Effective in relation to staphylococci, enterobacteria, E. coli, salmonella. Therefore, you can use for bacterial vaginitis, trichomonias, candidal vaginitis, as well as mixed vaginitis, which are provoked by anaerobic infection and yeast. Preparations are used for 10 or 20 days, depending on the complexity of the diagnosis. It is necessary to enter one candle 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. During treatment, it is advisable to use disposable gaskets and old linen, because the candles will come out with discharge in the form of white or yellow lumps.


  • It is necessary to moisten the tablet in water for two or three seconds or squeeze in wet palms, hold for a few seconds
  • When the tablet is moisturized, it is necessary to introduce it as deep as possible into the vagina
  • In no case do not interrupt it during treatment, you can use it during menstruation

The price of 10 tablets is $ 8.


Candles Acylact from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Acylact It contains lactobacilli, which are normally in the vagina of a healthy woman in normal quantities. With the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms, the number of beneficial bacteria is reduced. Accordingly, with an increase, the activity of mushrooms, as well as other pathogenic bacteria, is inhibited. Regarding this substance, it is effective not only in relation to thrush, but is often used in the treatment of colpitis and vaginitis, of different etiologies. Moreover, both bacterial and viral.

Often Acylactit is used to sanctify the birth canal before natural delivery, as well as after surgery, to normalize the flora. It is often used after prolonged administration of antibiotics in order to normalize microflora in the vagina. Apply one candle for 10 days. If necessary, the treatment period can be increased. The cost of the drug is low, for 10 candles you will pay about $ 2.


Holescon candles from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Hexicon - This is an antimicrobial drug that is used in the treatment of not only thrush. Coopies of chlorhexidine are most often used in the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. It is used to prevent infection after random sexual intercourse. With complex therapy, they are often used in the treatment of thrush.

Assign one two candle for 5 or 10 days. It all depends on the degree of infection and disease. With thrush, treatment with one drug can be ineffective, because the medicine has a very average antifungal effect. The main advantage of the drug is that it works in relation to other pathogenic microorganisms that can be in the vagina with mixed infection. The cost of 10 candles is $ 6.

Candles depentol from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Depantol It is a complex drug, contains chlorhexidine and dexpanthenol. In turn, chlorhexidine has an antibacterial effect on gram -positive, gram -negative microorganisms, mushrooms, as well as viruses. Dexpanthenol helps to restore cells and improve their elasticity. Stimulates the production of collagen.

Thanks to this, the mucous membrane of the vagina is very quickly restored. Prescribed not only with thrush, but also with mixed infections. The treatment period is 7-10 days. In this case, candles are found 2 times, in the morning and evening. After introducing a candle, it is necessary to lie down for 15 minutes. The cost of the drug for 10 pieces of about $ 10.


Candles Zalain from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Zalain - This is an antifungal monopoly that helps the destruction of the fungi of the genus Candida. The composition of the drugs contains a serponazole. This drug based on imidazole is used for 1 candle before bedtime. The main advantage of the drug is that most often one candle is enough to overcome thrush. Typically, one candle is introduced in a one -time in the evening, before bedtime. But if you have not disappeared the symptoms of thrush, you can re -use the drug after 7 days. It is advisable to treat the external genitalia, as well as the crotch with antifungal drugs, such as Clotrimazole during treatment with the drug.

Candles Clotrimazole from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Clotrimazole - One of the most inexpensive drugs that is used for thrush. The cost of the drug is low. The main active substance is Clotrimazole. It helps to cope with the mushrooms of the genus Candida. It is used directly for vaginitis, which are provoked by bacteria of the genus Candida.

Use the drug for 1 tablet for 6 days or in the amount of 2 tablets in the morning and evening, for 3 days. If after 2 months clinical manifestations of the disease have appeared, consult a doctor. Perhaps you need to reconsider treatment methods and use another drug.


Candles Klion from thrush: instructions, readings, price, composition

Klion It is a combined drug that is used as an antifungal. It is prescribed for candidiasis and bacterial vaginitis. The preparation contains 100 mg of myconazole and 100 mg of metronidazole. That is, one candle contains an antibiotic, as well as an antifungal drug. It is usually prescribed for the treatment of vaginal infections that are caused by the growth of trichomonas or fungi.

It is necessary to use one tablet per day, for 10 days. In this case, the tablet itself must be wetted with water and introduced deep into the vagina. It is advisable to go to bed immediately so that the tablet does not go out and is in the vagina for as long as possible. With severe infections, tablets are prescribed 2 times a day, in the morning and evening. Sometimes the intake of metronidazole is connected in vaginal tablets and the drug that is taken inside. The cost of the drug is low, but thanks to the combined composition, it is possible to achieve maximum results. The price of 10 vaginal tablets is $ 8.


What helps with thrush better: candles or tablets?

There are many drugs for thrush are quite effective, but many doctors often prescribe pills. There are tablets that need to be taken only one -time in order to get rid of thrush. The main disadvantage of this technique is that the drug is absorbed in the liver and intestines, respectively, more adverse reactions can occur. When administered into the vagina, drugs are absorbed only locally.

Accordingly, the appearance of side effects, as well as allergic reactions, is minimized. The main drawback of candles is that almost all of them are used for a week. Rarely what drugs you can use one -time, this applies to candles of Zalain. At the same time, many doctors note that a one -time introduction or use of one tablet from thrush is ineffective. Therefore, most often prescribed drugs that are used for 7 or 10 days. This helps to make the result persistent and impede the repeated occurrence of the disease. In severe cases, combined treatment with candles, as well as tablets, is prescribed.

Candles or tablets
Candles or tablets

What candles are prescribed from thrush in the first, second and third semester of pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you must be as careful as possible, neat, because some drugs can cause irreparable harm to the health of the child and mother. Therefore, not all candles that were effective for you before pregnancy will remain like that in an interesting position. Doctors do not recommend using candles with slotrimazole, as well as ketoconazole.

Recommended drugs during pregnancy:

  • At the same time, they prefer more gentle drugs, such as Nystatin, Pimafucin, Livarol, Ginezole. The most relevant is the drug BetadinWhich, thanks to its antifungal and antiseptic action, helps to get rid of not only candidiasis, but also mixed, bacterial infections.
  • The drug is allowed Polyginaxwhich contains nystatin and neromycin. It is prescribed only under the supervision of a doctor. Independent treatment of thrush should not be carried out. One of the best is the drug Terzhinan, which contains both antimicotic drugs and antibacterial substances.
  • It is often prescribed before childbirth, to reorganize the birth canal. Hexiconit is also often used during treatment during pregnancy, because candles have a powerful antiviral, antibacterial effect. At the same time, they cannot harm the child in any way.

What candles are placed from thrush during lactation, breastfeeding?

The main advantage of the candles is that they are absorbed directly into the vagina, and only a small amount enters the bloodstream. Therefore, a large number of candles are allowed to be used during lactation, as well as in breastfeeding. The following drugs are considered the best option during breastfeeding:

  • Hexicon
  • Polyginax
  • Betadin
  • Livarol
  • Pimafucin
  • Terzhinan

    With lactation
    With lactation

Do they put candles from thrush with menstruation?

It so happens that the infection is detected immediately before menstruation, so the doctor and the patient are faced with the question of whether to continue treatment during menstruation or stop it. The fact is that now modern candles are produced, which in no way reduce their effectiveness during menstruation. However, not all drugs are allowed to be used during menstruation.


  • Some of them may become a real threat when used during menstruation. Therefore, some of the drugs are introduced into the anus. One of these drugs are Genferon and Viferon. Candles are allowed to be used during menstruation, only they are not found in the vagina, but in the anus.
  • One of the best options that can be used for menstruation is Terzhinan. This drug actively acts in a humid environment, so blood will be a great option for dissolving a tablet in the vagina. Can be used Betadin. This drug contains iodine, as well as antimicrobial drugs and glycerin. Thanks to this, candles do not slip out of the vagina. The drug is perfectly absorbed into the walls.
  • During menstruation, it is not recommended to use drugs such as Clotrimazole Due to the fact that it can cause an aggravation of the situation, the spread of candidiasis to urinary tract. You can also not use pimafucin during menstruation. Because when using this drug into the vagina, it turns into a foam, which will then be excreted with blood.
Felch candles with menstruation
Felch candles with menstruation

Candles from thrush do not help: reasons, what to do?

There are cases when candles from thrush are absolutely ineffective. Most often, this happens during self -medication, when the drug does not prescribe the drug, but the patient selects the medicine on his own. The fact is that some of the candles contain completely different active substances. Many and mushroom strains that cause candidiasis can be resistant to certain antifungal drugs. Therefore, if Clotrimazole helped your girlfriend, this does not mean that he will help you.

Before treatment, it is necessary to hand over bacterials to the flora and sensitivity to the antibiotic. The laboratory determines which drug this microflora is most sensitive and will select the necessary treatment. Most often, drugs are prescribed that most aggressively work in relation to the microflora in the vagina. If you are treated a certain period of time, but this did not give any results and the symptoms have not disappeared, consult a doctor or change the drug, its active substance. Perhaps microflora and a specific fungus that provoked candidiasis is not sensitive to this antifungal drug.

Will candles help with chronic thrush?

In chronic thrush, which is often repeated, only candles are rarely prescribed. They must be used cyclically, that is, with a certain frequency, after specific breaks. To establish such a scheme, as well as cyclicity, can only a doctor. Most often, candles are combined with drugs that are taken inside. The most effective is comprehensive treatment, which is repeated with a certain frequency. The course of treatment can be prescribed exclusively by the doctor, based on how often you have thrush and the severity of manifestations.

Treatment of chronic candidiasis
Treatment of chronic candidiasis

The best candles from thrush: customer reviews

The most interesting thing is that customer reviews are different about different candles. This is due to the fact that many do not do an analysis of antibiotics before using the drug. Accordingly, in some cases, even the most expensive and effective means are useless and do not affect the disease.


Ekaterina, Moscow. I used Terzhinan during pregnancy, white curds were observed, as well as itching. After 7 days, all manifestations passed. I am very pleased, because I did not have to reorganize the birth canal before delivery. Thus, candles coped with the two tasks at the same time: they cured the thrush, and also carried out prevention before childbirth.

Olga, Kirov. Pimafucin candles several times used several times. They were always effective. The last time, after treatment for 6 days and the use of several packages, I did not get any result. After contacting the antenatal clinic, it was revealed that I did not have thrush at all, but bacterial vaginosis, which must be treated with antimicrobials and antibiotics.

Christina, Rostov. At the first manifestations of thrush, I use Nystatin candles. They are the cheapest and most effective. I often drink this drug, and also combine the use of candles along with pills. Effectively even in relation to chronic thrush, which appears from time to time. After using candles, I forget about the thrush and white discharge for a long time.


In pharmacies there are a huge number of candles against thrush, which contain different active substances. They are effective in relation to a variety of mushrooms. Therefore, for the most effective treatment, we recommend that you consult a doctor, as well as take an analysis for sensitivity to antibiotics. This will increase the chances of recovery and accelerate it.

Video: candles from thrush

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Comments K. article

  1. Fortunately, now the choice of funds from thrush is very large. This disease also overtook me in due time. And now I am already using a tool with lactic acid so that the thrush does not return anymore. I buy a Dry Dry Intimate Foam foam - it cleanses a good intimate area and supports the balance of microflora in order.

  2. It is important that the candles do not spoil the vaginal microflora. Therefore, in complex therapy, I also advise the Evalarovsky multi -femi multiflora to support it. There consisting of 1 billion probiotic strains, nothing more and harmful

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