How to find out without analyzes - do you have a thrush: a test, signs. How is the thrush determined in women, men, adolescents?

How to find out without analyzes - do you have a thrush: a test, signs. How is the thrush determined in women, men, adolescents?

In this article you will learn to determine at home whether you have a thrush or not.

Thrush is a very common disease in women of different ages. The disease occurs due to the presence of fungi in the body, which everyone has, plus still unfavorable conditions-and thrush makes itself felt unpleasant. It is important to notice the symptoms of the disease in time, and begin to treat. What are the symptoms of thrush? How to recognize this disease at home without visiting a doctor? We find out in this article.

What are the symptoms of thrush in women?

In order to start treatment in time, you need to know the symptoms of thrush, and if you observe them at yourself, you need to visit a doctor so that he prescribes treatment. This is the following symptoms of thrush in women:

  • Itching and redness in the vagina
  • Painful sensations when having sex
  • Pain during urination
  • Thick white curdled, sometimes bloody, vaginal discharge
  • Swelling of the genitals

What are the symptoms of thrush in men?

Men can also get a thrush, but it is more difficult for them to determine this disease in themselves than the female sex. Symptoms of thrush in men:

  • Burning inside the penis
  • Redness of the head of the penis
  • Whitish plaque with a sour unpleasant odor on the head under the foreskin
  • Edema of the foreskin
Both women and men can get through thrush

What are the symptoms of thrush in adolescents-girls?

Teenage girls can also get a thrush, even if they do not live sexual life. Causes of thrush disease in teenage girls can be as follows:

  • The use of deodorants, gels and creams, so common among young people, for intimate places
  • Weakened immunity
  • Hygiene is not respected
  • Finding in wet clothes for a long time
  • Being in light clothes when it is cold outside

Symptoms of thrush in adolescents The following:

  • Lower abdominal pain
  • The pain around the vagina
  • Blood discharge

How to determine the thrush in women at home by test?

Everyone knows pregnancy tests, when you can find out by the test result whether pregnancy has occurred or not. Same way, by test called Frautest, you can find out if there are candy fungi in the vagina in a large quantity leading to the disease.

You need to use the Frautest test in the next sequence:

  1. The correct result can only be obtained by a hermetically sealed test.
  2. We take the test in the hand, remove the foil from the cap, there is a liquid inside it (you can’t turn it over and touch your fingers). We put the prepared test aside.
  3. There is a test of the test with a swab at the end. We introduce it into the vagina to a depth of 2 cm, hold it inside the seconds, rotating in a circle.
  4. We take out the swab of the vagina, and lower it into the cap with liquid, rotate in a circle for 20 seconds.
  5. We take out the swab from the liquid and throw it out (you can’t leave it for more than 20 seconds in it), and then we carry out manipulations with a cap.
  6. We take the test, hold the cap with liquid with one hand, and turn the other counterclockwise until the 2 concave parts coincide on it. Then we turn in the opposite direction, to its original position.
  7. We repeat the procedure with turning the cap again.
  8. After 10-20 minutes, we are waiting for the result: 2 strips, even if they are fuzzy - there is thrush, 1 strip - there is no thrush, there are no stripes - incorrectly made test (Perhaps there was little material for analysis).
  9. If the result did not work out, you will have to conduct a test again with a new set of dough, the old one is thrown out.
Test for the definition of thrush in women

So, now we know how you can find out at home whether you have a thrush or not.

Why does the thrush arise?

There are situations in life that seem to push a thrush to the disease:

  • Pregnancy (the body is rebuilt, weakened)
  • Long -term use of antibiotics
  • Long -term use of contraceptives
  • Eating a large number of carbohydrates
  • Excessive passion for spicy food
  • Reducing immunity
  • Wearing synthetic linen
  • Frequent infectious diseases
  • After treatment with chemotherapy
  • Frequent change of sex partners
  • Frequent use of douching
  • The use of deodorants and ointments for intimate places
  • In HIV infected
  • In patients with diabetes mellitus
  • Frequent stressful situations
Causes of thrush

What will happen if you do not treat thrush: consequences

If a do not notice thrush on timeand not to treat, it goes into a chronic form, in which the symptoms of the disease are weak, worn out, but the disease has not gone away - it progresses, and causes the following consequences:

  • Inflammation of the cervix
  • Spikes of pipes
  • Infertility
  • A pregnant woman can get a thrush and a newborn child
  • This infection greatly reduces immunity, which can lead to an oncological disease
Thrush in the mouth of a newborn baby from a sick mother

Video: Symptoms of thrush

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Comments K. article

  1. Wow, even a test for the definition of thrush happens? I did not know. But I also understand from the first symptoms that I have a thrush ((

  2. Yes, I also determine the thrush by the first symptoms unmistakably. But I never prescribe the treatment for myself, only to the doctor. Here the last doctor treated me with a two -stage scheme, after the antifungal drug, the lactozhinal began, to restore microflora. By the way, after this treatment I do not remember about thrush.

  3. I have enough symptoms. Itching, burning, dryness, sometimes even pain. I immediately realized that the thrush. It was treated with candles and douching. And now, so that there was no repetition of all this, for the balance of microflora, I accept the Femi multiflora from Evalar. Doctors also often recommend it, one of the most effective probiotics in this regard. Health is good that pleases. There are no more bad symptoms))

  4. It seems to me without analyzes and visiting a doctor it is better not to make diagnoses. I also tried to treat thrush so, as a result, one relapse followed another. I went to the doctor first appointed candles with fluconazole, and the second stage of the lactozhinal course. As the doctor explained to me without the second stage, the result is weak, that is, there will be no sense. And Lactozhinal repeatedly reduces the risk of new inflammation.

  5. And in the treatment of thrush, the doctor first advised me of antifungal candles, and then a choice of lactojinal or gynofloor. Before buying a question, I studied - lactorzhinal is safer, besides, it is not hormonal, so I took it.

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