Lactobifade for dogs: pharmacological properties, main advantages and disadvantages, instructions for use, side effects, price

Lactobifade for dogs: pharmacological properties, main advantages and disadvantages, instructions for use, side effects, price

If your dog has problems with the intestines, sluggish appetite and behavior, you should pay attention to the drug Lactobifadol.

The gastrointestinal tract is considered a complex, amazing, rather fragile system. If the human the level of beneficial bacteria in the intestines is maintained in therapy, and then after each disease and treatment doctors prescribe a special diet or medicine, then in the field of veterinary medicine they remember this in extreme cases.

Even puppies are often prescribed serious antibiotics, but at the same time, some kind of diet restoring the intestinal flora is not prescribed. Therefore, the owners of pets should know about the existence of a special drug - Lactobifadolthat can be given to dogs.

General information and description of the drug Lactobifadol for dogs

There are 2 types of microorganisms in a healthy intestine:

  1. Lactobacteria
  2. Bifidobacteria

In order for the organ to function normally, he could absorb nutrients, it is necessary to maintain their ideal number. It is a pity, it is sometimes quite difficult to do. This is why the tool was released Lactobifadol for dogs.

Due to contaminated ecology, disturbed nutrition, the number of bacteria that live in the intestines may decrease. However, antibiotics prescribed by a doctor can also become very destructive. If your dog is prescribed therapy using such drugs, and you can’t do without them, then purchase Lactobifadol. With timely admission, you will avoid more serious problems in the future.

  • Lactobifalol for dogs - Safe drug. It can be used for very small puppies, like a natural immunomodulator. The composition of the product contains living, dried bacteria. There are 2 types of them in total. For comfort, they were mixed with a filler, and after that they dried with a contact-relapse method.
  • Lactobifadol It is produced in the form of a white powder with a brownish tint. At the moment, this drug is used in most of the animal husbandry sphere. Many veterinarians say that the product makes it possible to avoid taking more serious drugs. Lactobifadol Restores the body, even if the animal has suffered a serious illness.

Lactobiphanda: pharmacological properties

As mentioned above, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are present in the drug.

They have the following properties:

  • They enter a group of bacteria that prevail into animal intestines.
  • They have increased antagonistic activity, help quickly eliminate pathogens.
  • Very quickly multiply inside the intestines of the animal.

If a Lactobifadol For dogs, compare with other medical drugs that are used to treat people, in the first version there are no bifidobacteria such as V.Bifidum. The latter are characteristic, mainly for people.

With bifidobacteria
With bifidobacteria

Bifidobacteria present in the composition of the drug can cope with the following substances:

  • Monomycin.
  • Oxacillin.
  • Streptomycin and so on.

Lactobacteria can cope with:

  • Penillin.
  • Monomycin.
  • Furozolin and so on.

The product also contains bran fibers. It is prescribed to the dog, even if it is still treated with antibiotics or other negatively influencing agents.

Lactobiphael has such important qualities:

  • Increases the action of the immune system, resistance of the whole organism.
  • Thanks to the tool in the intestines of the dog, bacteria that normalize the microflora, which prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, are populated faster in the intestine.
  • Restores normal microbiocenosis of the skin, open cavities. It also positively affects the genitourinary system.
  • With the help of the product, the dog begins to eat better. It improves significantly appetite, digestion is normalized after the illness, the use of other antibiotics and other drugs.
  • Thanks to the drug, animals grow faster, develop.
  • The skin after the drug becomes healthy, the condition of the wool improves.
  • Restores metabolic processes, normalizes the absorption of macro elements, as well as trace elements that can be in the stern of the animal.
  • Affects positively on the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
  • It is considered a preventive drug, if obesity is observed in the animal, it normalizes its weight.
According to the doctor
According to the doctor

Since the drug contains bran fibers of bran, thanks to it, bacteria get used to the intestinal flora faster. Lactobifadol - This is an active sorbent with which they are binded, plus toxic substances are removed from the body.

  • Normalizes the functionality of the intestine.
  • Ideal during the treatment of constipation, diarrhea in dogs with a lot of weight. It is also prescribed for diabetes, toxicosis.
  • It is very important if the animal’s diet is poor, it does not have enough dietary fiber.

It is possible to determine the correct dose of taking the drug only by the size of feces, their softness, the general condition.

Lactobifadol: the main advantages and disadvantages of the drug for dogs

Lactobiphanda medicine for dogs has several important advantages:

  • There are no substances that are dangerous to the health of a pet. It includes exclusively those bacteria that positively affect the intestinal microflora.
  • The product does not cause allergies. Toxicosis and other side effects appear from it.
  • Lactobifadol It does not have contraindications. Therefore, it can be used for very small puppies.
  • Completely acts on the whole body. The drug restores the flora of the intestinal tract, helps in improving health.
  • Easy to use. It is necessary to mix the product with food or any liquid. It is not necessary to forcibly give the dog the medicine, because she herself will eat it.
  • While working with the drug, you do not need to observe some precautions. The medicine is considered absolutely safe, does not harm a person.
  • The product contains bacteria that are adapted for dogs. These bacteria multiply rapidly when they enter the intestines.
  • The medicine can be used with antibiotics.
  • It does not matter what age is the dog. The drug is suitable for any animal, any age.
  • There are no synthetic vitamins, artificial minerals in the medicine. This means that it will not affect the premium.
  • Lactobifadol It has no taste, so you can easily hide it behind the smell of food.
  • There is a special spoon in the box, which is very comfortable. Its capacity is 9 g.
With food
With food

It is also worth mentioning some shortcomings. There are only 2 of them:

  • The preparation does not attract attention to the dog of taste ingredients.
  • The drug can not always be found in specialized pharmacies.

So that Lactobifadol can maintain its own biological qualities, store it at least at +2 ° C and maximum at +10 ° C. When buy the drug, immediately put it in a cool place. Although it is allowed to transport the product even at +25 ° C. The maximum shelf life of the drug at optimal temperature is 15 days.

It is forbidden to use lactobifel for dogs in the following situations:

  • If the deadline for its use has passed. You can find this period on the box.
  • The powder will turn into a remedy with lumps, its consistency will change.
  • Some extraneous admixture got into the medicine.
  • The powder has changed color.

If, having bought it, you saw that the product has a package, do not give it to the dog. In any case, which was described above, it is necessary to throw away the drug. Do not take additional measures, since in Lactobifadole There are no chemical components that are dangerous to health.

Lactobifadol: What diseases of the dogs should the drug should be used?

The veterinarian can prescribe lactobifolol to your dog if she found some of their listed ailments:

  • During dysbiosis. It does not matter for what reason the ailment could appear.
  • During failures associated with digestion.
  • During infectious lesions of the intestinal tract.
  • If you need to increase immunity.

You can use the product even for preventive purposes to avoid dysbiosis, gastrointestinal diseases. Very often, lactobifadol is included in complex treatment.

Use the drug by prescription of a doctor
Use the drug by prescription of a doctor

This happens in the following situations:

  • If the animal found a pathology associated with buds or liver.
  • After the surgery, injury, complex illness.

The product quickly restores the microflora of the intestinal tract after taking antibiotics, anti -molesty drugs, and stress. If you give a pet to the dog lactobifudel before going to the doctor, your favorite will better transfer this visit, he will not have any consequences.

Doctors are advised to give a tool:

  • Puppies.
  • Pregnant females.
  • Dogs who feed puppies with milk.
  • Old individuals who are often concerned about dysbiosis.

Instructions for the use of lactobifadol for dogs

One of the main advantages of the product is easy use. As indicated in the instructions, the drug Lactobifadol must be given to the animal every day. Depending on how the dog feels, its individual characteristics, the dosage of the drug is at least 2 mg and a maximum of 4 mg per 1 kg of a total of a pet.

For example, your dog weighs more than 10 kg, then you will have to give her 1 \\ 4 tsp. If you have a puppy, then give him very little medicine. The duration of therapy is on average 6 days. However, the doctor may adjust the deadline. It is also allowed to give the drug constantly.

  • Lactobifalol for dogs Let's once a day. Mix the product with any food, you can also add to water or milk.
  • Give a little puppy the medicine like this - dilute it with a liquid, then drink a pet. Since the product does not have some kind of extraneous taste or smell, mixing powder with food or water, you will not encounter additional problems.
  • Even if an overdose occurs, the animal tolerates perfectly Lactobifadol. Also, the drug is not able to cause side effects.
Give with food
Give with food

If you miss the drug, do not take additional measures. Just continue to give Lactobifel to the dog According to the previous scheme. It is strictly forbidden to heat the food in which the medicine is present, or the drug itself. So you can destroy all the beneficial bacteria, and therefore the drug will lose its own useful qualities. By adding the drug to the prepared food, for example, to porridge, try to do this when the food cools down completely.

Important: we do not advise giving lactobifadol with some other antibacterial drug. Also, it is impossible to administer the antibacterial agent with other methods.

Lactobifadol: side effects

  • During the use of lactobifadol in some cases, the dog may change the structure of the chair. This, as a rule, happens in the first days of therapy. A few days later, the pet normalizes the general condition, and therefore you do not have to take any additional measures.
  • The tool is tolerated by pets well. All because it contains not artificial substances, but natural bacteria.
  • With an overdose, there were never disturbances in the body of a pet.
  • Sometimes dogs may be allergic to some components of the drug. This is manifested in the form of failures in the functionality of the digestive tract. Having canceled the drug, all symptoms quickly disappear.
There may be an allergy
There may be an allergy

During the treatment of a pet with the use of lactobifadol, you must definitely adhere to instructions, regime and dosage. When side effects appear, it is urgent to stop giving a pet the drug.

Lactobiphanda for dogs: Price

There is one packaging of this tool approximately 90 rub. You can purchase the drug at any specialized pharmacy.

Lactobifadol - This is the author's development of a Russian company. The drug is effective, but you will definitely not find a similar agent. There are no analogues on the market.

People who have already given Lactobifadol The dog speaks only good about the drug. This is because the medicine is inexpensive, it helps to quickly get a pets, has no side effects.

Video: Dog gastrointestinal problems

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