Who is a gynecologist-endocrinologist, surgeon-endocrinologist, nutritionist-endocrinologist: what does the reception include what heals?

Who is a gynecologist-endocrinologist, surgeon-endocrinologist, nutritionist-endocrinologist: what does the reception include what heals?

This article describes what is the work of an endocrinologist - surgeon, nutritionist, gynecologist.

Few people know that there is not only an endocrinologist, but also a surgical direction in this area, as well as gynecological and so on. In this article you will learn about these areas that go next to endocrinology, as well as that doctors treat these and what includes their intake.

Who is a gynecologist-endocrinologist: what does he treat?


A gynecologist-endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in solving the problems of gynecology and endocrinology, diagnoses, prescribes the treatment of body pathologies in the internship, at the institute’s department after he receives a diploma of education in this profession. Who is this specialist in more detail and what else does he heal? Here's the answer:

  • This doctor solves issues with hormonal disorders in the body of a girl or woman.
  • He studies the work of hormones and how they affect the human body and organs, as well as diseases associated with a violation of hormonal balance in the body.
  • A specialist in this area treats all diseases in gynecology and problems with the body of a girl or woman in the endocrine system.

In more detail, such a doctor can consider the following conditions of the body, illness and problems:

  • Premature, later or lack of puberty and development.
  • The presence of the sexual characteristics of a man at the female.
  • Juvenile, youthful or bifunctional bleeding in the uterus or vagina.
  • Problems with the menstrual cycle.
  • PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
  • Breysiness in women.
  • Hyperandrogenia disease.
  • Endometry disease.
  • Disrupted metabolism of the body.
  • Selection of hygiene products and individual contraception.
  • Tracking the health status of pregnancy with endocrine disorders in a woman.
  • Chronic salpingoophorite and endometritis.
  • Post -voiced syndrome.

It is worth noting that this specialist treats patients, always pre -prescribing such examinations of organs in a woman’s small basin:

  • The study of hormonal function of the body.
  • A comprehensive test for diabetes.
  • Checking for the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Identification of vaginosis bacteria.
  • Hydrotopographic ultrasound and ultra-sound study of the pelvic organs.
  • Torch diagnostics.
  • Inspection of the gynecologist.
  • Metrosalpingography.
  • Taking a smear from a cervical canal.
  • Compilation of calendar of menstruation.
  • Calculation of dates and clarification of the causes of ovulation problems.
  • Finding methods for individual contraception.
  • Consulting adolescents before the first menstruation and active sexual activity.
  • Conducting planned examinations.

This doctor is still engaged in therapy and general gynecological disorders (inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs).

Endocrinologist - woman, frigidity: what is the relationship?

The relationship of the endocrinologist, women and frigidity
The relationship of the endocrinologist, women and frigidity

It can arise in any period of a woman’s life, to be both constant and temporary. There are several types of frigidity:

  • Orgasmic disorder - A woman receives a weak orgasm during intercourse, or does not receive it in everything.
  • Weak sexual attraction - The woman has a weak attraction to sex, or completely a lack of desire.
  • Pain during intercourse - Sex causes pain and leads to discomfort.
  • Sexual arousal disorder - A woman can maintain excitation level and cannot completely relax.

When these symptoms appear, it is advisable to contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist. He is engaged not only in the problems of frigidity, but also versed in the sphere of hormonal disorder in the body of a woman. After all, such a pathology can be caused by a hormonal background.

In this case, the patient should take tests for hormones and undergo an examination by a doctor. If hormonal failure is detected, it is necessary to eliminate the problem that caused it. To improve the level of the background, it will be necessary to drink a course of hormones for quick and effective stabilization.

Endocrinologist surgeon: What is treating?

Endocrinologist surgeon
Endocrinologist surgeon

The endocrinologist surgeon is engaged in the elimination of problems in the thyroid gland. What is treating and what is the work of an endocrinologist?

  • A doctor working on surgical endocrinology applies the latest methods, makes surgery.
  • Changes in a positive direction the patient's condition by hormonal therapy.
  • He also prescribes prevention, treatment of diseases that lead to the malfunction of the endocrine system.

If a person has an enlarged thyroid gland - this is a symptom of adrenal failure or diabetes. Endocrinologists not only do operations, but also use effective treatment, as a result of which patients get the opportunity to lead a happy further life, despite the presence of a serious illness.

It is worth noting:Carrying out operations on the endocrine gland is only a start on the way to health.

After such manipulations, the patient should undergo therapy for health restoration, taking drugs and hormones, which are based on a large amount of iodine.

Endocrinologist-dietitian: What does the doctor include and why contact?


A doctor-dietitian endocrinologist specializes in the diagnosis of the endocrine system, and also reveals the exchange of nutrients in the patient's body. Frequent visitors to the endocrinologist-dietitian are people suffering from the problem of overweight or violation of metabolic processes. The doctor prescribes due treatment, consisting of physical exertion, diet therapy, and taking special drugs.

It is worth knowing: The endocrinologist-dietitian is obliged to provide each patient with an individual course of treatment, suitable for health reasons. That is, hormone therapy and other drugs are prescribed for each person.

Endocrinologist-dietitian: What does the doctor include and why contact?

  • People who have problems with the thyroid gland, overweight, or a violation of the endocrine system can always make an appointment with an endocrinologist-dietitian.
  • Most often, overweight is the cause of stressful experience, and here you can not do without a professional.
  • A professional dietitian endocrinologist will not prescribe a quick result of treatment, because he knows very well that it is dangerous for human health.

The treatment process should occur measuredly, in accordance with the norms and taking into account the general state of the patient's health.

Should an endocrinologist go to IVF?


When planning ECO A woman must definitely visit an endocrinologist and undergo an examination. Typically, the doctor prescribes basic tests - checking the level of hormones TTG, T3, T4, and antibodies to thyroidoglobulin and thyroid -peroxidase.

  • The main attention is drawn to the level TTG Because during IVF, this hormone often increases, as a response to ovarian stimulation.
  • Hormone level TSH above 4 - increases the risk of implantation of embryo implantation.
  • Therefore, if TTG Before pregnancy exceeds 3, then its level is taken under control, for example, with the help Levotyroxine.

An increased level of antibodies does not pose a direct threat to the procedure ECO, but this is a factor of increased risk of developing hypothyroidism or autoimmune thyroiditis during pregnancy, as a result of the restructuring of the hormonal system.

It is worth knowing: Before conducting ECO A woman also needs to be checked for diabetes. This disease itself is not a contraindication for the procedure ECO, but uncompensated diabetes mellitus increases the risk of miscarriage.

Endocrinologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist: reviews, advise the endocrinologist


Many women, in the direction of the endocrinologist, doubt and do not know who to go to the appointment-to the endocrinologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist. If you are directed to this doctor of another specialist, for example, a therapist, then ask him to advise you an endocrinologist. He will recommend a doctor with a particular qualification. If you decide to go on your own, then read the reviews of other people who have addressed these specialists with specific symptoms:

Antonina, 55 years old

When I had problems with menstruation, I went to see a gynecologist-endocrinologist. I chose this doctor to exclude not only female diseases, but also endocrine. After undergoing diagnosis, the doctor diagnosed with menopause. He also recommended a diet and a medicine that helped me survive the menopause, without violating the metabolism in the body. An ordinary gynecologist would not prescribe such a treatment and would send in addition to the endocrinologist.

Elena, 36 years old

My son had growth problems-at the age of 14 he had a height of an 8-year-old child. The pediatrician sent to a children's endocrinologist. This doctor revealed the reason, but said that they had been treated late, so the disease is already progressing and it will have to be treated for a long time. But now the boy is already 18 years old and in height he catches up with his peers. Therefore, I want to advise you to contact doctors in a timely manner, especially if it concerns the health of children.

Inna, 25 years old

It so happened that 3 years ago I had problems with the menstrual cycle. The therapist sent an endocrinologist to the gynecologist. He diagnosed amenorrhea. After the diagnosis, successful treatment was prescribed. Now I am already married and my girl was born.

Video: gynecologist-endocrinologist. What problems can you contact a specialist?

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