Who is the endocrinologist that he treats?

Who is the endocrinologist that he treats?

This article tells who the endocrinologist is, what includes his reception and where to find a good doctor.

Endocrinologists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the glands of internal secretion, namely the thyroid gland. There are many different diseases associated with this important organ, and all of them require immediate treatment. In this article we will consider who the endocrinologist is and what he treats. Read more below.

What does the endocrinologist treat?

Doctor endocrinologist
Doctor endocrinologist

Often the first symptoms of thyroid diseases, we do not associate with this organ. If fatigue appears, light malaise, excess weight, headaches, then you should turn to the endocrinologist. The thyroid gland performs an important function in our body associated with metabolism, and if it inflams or appears another pathology, then a person immediately begins to feel bad.

What does an endocrinologist treats? There are two main specialties in this area:

  • Adult and children's endocrinologist. Heals various deviations in the thyroid gland. In children, such a doctor prescribes treatment if pathologies associated with growth and development have appeared, including improper puberty.
  • Diabetologist. Everything that is related to diabetes and its complications will be considered by this specialist.

Often an ordinary endocrinologist is parallel to a diabetologist, since this direction is related to metabolism. There are also gynecologists-endocrinologists and andrologists. Doctors of these specialties solve specific disorders of the genital sphere.

The main problems that are addressed to the endocrinologist:

  • Thyroid diseases - Autoimmune thyroiditis, hyper- and hypoteriosis.
  • Sugar and non -alchard diabetes.
  • Acromegaly - increased level of growth hormone.
  • High or low calcium in the body.
  • Disorders in the work of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus - adrenal dysfunctions (hyperfunction or insufficiency).
  • Skp - Syndrome of polycystic ovary.
  • Various hormonal and metabolic disorders.

Patients of psychiatrists are also directed to the endocrinologist to exclude endocrine pathology. This is due to the influence of hormones on the psycho -emotional state of the body.

Children's endocrinologist: who is this and what he treats?

Doctor endocrinologist
Doctor endocrinologist

A children's endocrinologist is a doctor treating all kinds of disorders related to the human endocrine system up to 18 years old. The glands that are in the human body always produce hormones that affect the internal development of cells and the performance of each organ. What is treating a children's endocrinologist? The work of this specialist includes the following areas:

  • Diabetology - The area of \u200b\u200bobservation and treatment of children with diabetes and complications that arose along with this disease. This disease can be either acquired or congenital, and it is always treated in childhood is always problematic.
  • Children's endocrinology -it consists in the treatment of children under the age of 18 (schoolchildren, adolescents, babies) who have various disabilities in sexual development that arose due to hormonal imbalance.

A visit to a children's endocrinologist helps:

  • Install diseases related to hormonal disorders.
  • It reveals the problems of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
  • Find out the features of the growing organism.
  • Identify problems related to sexual maturation.
  • Cure endocrine disorders - if this is not done in a timely manner, in childhood, then when the child grows up, they will become incurable.

A pediatric endocrinologist observes the correct formation of the body in the process of development, up to 14-18 years old.

Reception of a good endocrinologist: how does it turn on?

Doctor endocrinologist
Doctor endocrinologist

The endocrinologist is engaged in the treatment of diseases associated with hormones and metabolism. It is important to choose a qualified specialist to solve the problem. How does it go and what does a good endocrinologist include? The method of consulting in the first and subsequent techniques differs.

At the initial reception:

  • The doctor collects an anamnesis, listens to the patient’s complaints and with the help of the survey reveals additional problems, if any.
  • Inspection is carried out to determine the condition of the hair, nails, skin. The doctor determines whether the patient has excess body weight.
  • If necessary, palpation of the thyroid gland, lymph nodules is carried out, blood pressure and heart rate are measured.
  • According to the results of the survey and inspection, the endocrinologist prescribes a blood test from the vein.
  • In case of suspicion of thyroid pathology-ultrasound, if necessary-computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

For secondary reception:

  • The patient comes, having in his hands the results of analyzes that allow the doctor to clarify the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
  • The doctor will study all indicators obtained in the laboratory and diagnose.
  • After that, he will prescribe treatment.

Persons suffering from chronic metabolic diseases and other problems are recommended to visit the endocrinologist twice a year.

At what symptoms do you need to go to the doctor’s endocrinologist: how to make an appointment, what tests to take?

Symptoms in which you need to go to the endocrinologist
Symptoms in which you need to go to the endocrinologist

Hormonal diseases can be difficult to determine in the early stages, since the symptoms appear weakly and do not indicate a source of malaise. At what symptoms do you need to consult an endocrinologist? Consult a doctor with the following symptoms:

  • Sharp changes in body weight. If the weight began to fall sharply or increase for no apparent external causes, this may indicate hormonal imbalance.
  • Fast fatiguability, the inability to concentrate, loss of performance.
  • Disruption of food habits: aversion to food or a constant feeling of hunger can occur due to hormonal disorders.
  • Changes in the condition of the skin, hair - If the skin suddenly became too dry, hair began to fall out, acne or wen appeared - you need to consult a doctor.
  • Urination disorder: too rare or frequent urination, the development of urolithiasis, swelling in the face or on the legs are formidable signs that require immediate seeing a doctor.

How to make an appointment?

  • You can make an appointment with an endocrinologist at the clinic at the place of residence by contacting the registry, or to the attending therapist.
  • Those who have a history of metabolic diseases should regularly undergo examination at the place of residence, at least once every six months.

You should know what tests will have to be taken in this case:

  • When accessing the endocrinologist, blood is taken for hormonal and biochemical analysis.

Blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach, according to the results of the analysis, treatment is prescribed.

Endocrinologist: Where to find good to cure the thyroid gland, where does it take?


To make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment, an important qualification and literacy of any doctor. Where to find a good endocrinologist to cure the thyroid gland where he takes?

  • It is worth noting that it does not matter where the doctor takes - in a local hospital or private clinic.
  • A good doctor can take both in the state and private clinic.

Advice: Based on the reviews of your friends and relatives who have ever addressed a specific specialist.

If there are no such among your friends, then go to the appointment with one of the endocrinologists and after the first trick it will be seen whether it is competent or not.

Remember: The doctor must first listen to the patient, his complaints and ask about the available symptoms, and then prescribe diagnostics. If at the first appointment the doctor prescribes treatment without the results of analyzes and other diagnostic procedures, you can safely look for another specialist.

Video: “At 44 you have to look at 18! And feel 18! ” - Endocrinologist Svetlana Kalinchenko.

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  1. The last year I am a frequent guest with an endocrinologist, as I began to "spoil" and swell the thyroid gland. The doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, good, at the very early stage. On his advice, the endocrinol plant was drank with courses, supports the optimal activity of the thyroid gland.

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