Who is a music lover: meaning, definition of a word

Who is a music lover: meaning, definition of a word

The term "Meloman" is on the hearing constantly. But do everyone know about his origin and true meaning?

We call them as a teenager who does not pull the headphones out of the ears, in which the torn rhythms of rap, and that heeds the sounds of the eternal classics, which is distributed in the hall of the conservatory.

The origin of the word is a music lover

  • The roots of the word "Meloman" are greek. We have long known the concept of Melos - this is how the ancient Greeks called singing, song.
  • And what is mania - and today everyone knows without exception, since the word also has not lost its original meaning: passion, obsession, madness.
  • In Europe, this word has entered into everyday life at the junction of the XIX-XX centuries, and it meant the definition fascinated by the music of a person. Moreover, this music was, as a rule, of a variety of directions and genres - from opera arias to instrumental plays and Noktyurns.
  • Therefore, usually in the word "Meloman" is the definition of a person who he passionately loves music and more or less qualified in the meanings of musical terms.
Loves music
Loves music

The meaning of the word is a music lover

  • Finding out what words the concept of Meloman came from and folding into one word "Melos" and "Mania", you can determine it as follows: this is a person who is distinguished by passionate love for Melos, i.e. Song, melodies, singing, sound of music.
  • A similar meaning of the word “Meloman” is found in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of Dmitry Ushakov, published in the second half of the 30s of the last century, the same dictionary of Sergei Ozhegov, the large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of Sergei Kuznetsov, the explanatory dictionary of the foreign language words of Leonid Krysin and other publications.

Other meanings

  • Like any other, the word "Meloman" began to be used in various fields as determining the meaning of the concept made in the title, the name.
  • In addition to the direct meaning of the word, among the examples you can cite the name of the French short film, shot by director Georges Meles at the very beginning of the 19th century, the song of the popular rock band of the same name "Alice", included in their 1985 album called "Energy" or companies from Kazakhstan, whose sphere of activity includes, including sale of audio products.
Music - part of life
Music is part of life

How is the word Meloman bending?

  • The word "Meloman" is a male family, in the genitive case: melomana.
  • This is a book word, but its use in a female gender - “music love” - is considered a conversational option. There is also an adjective formed from this noun - “Melomanian”.
  • Epithet By the way, “Meloman” may be “avid”, “overturned”, “true”, “real”.

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