Who is Elon Musk: a brief biography, personal life, inventions, achievements

Who is Elon Musk: a brief biography, personal life, inventions, achievements

Biography, childhood, interesting facts about Ilon Mask.

ElonMask - This is a famous inventor who is famous for its achievements in the field of space, energy saving, and creating artificial intelligence. In this article we will talk about the achievements, biography and personal life of Ilon Mask. 

Shelon's childhood Ilona Mask

The inventor was born in 1971 in the South African Republic, in the family of an engineer and nutritionist. Ilon's father was a very hardworking person, and quite wealthy. However, he achieved everything independently, through difficult work and strength of character. He had his own yacht, as well as several houses. Several times in childhood, Ilon traveled with his father. Moreover, the moves were at short distances.

Shelon's childhood Ilona Mask:

  • The future inventor lived in the United States, Hong Kong, and some European countries. Unfortunately, in 1980, the father and mother of the engineer divorced, and he remained to live with his father. Initially, Ilon's father had his own farm to breed purebred stallions. It brought good money.
  • But, besides this, he was an excellent engineer, often flew by plane on working issues. For this, I even leased a plane. From childhood, Ilon liked books about space, and unknown spaces.
  • Since childhood, he dreamed of conquering space open spaces. Unfortunately or fortunately, the future inventor was not very sociable, so he had problems with his peers. He practically did not be friends with anyone, and spent all his free time reading books, and communicating with his father. He graduated from school with honors, very well versed in physics, as well as computer science.
  • At 10, his father gave his middle son a computer with which he began to study the basics of programming, and at the age of 13-14 he created several games. He sold the first computer game for $ 500.

Elon Musk: biography, achievements and goals

In 1988, Ilon graduated from school and entered the university. However, he soon moved to Canada, as an unstable political situation was observed in Africa. At that time, military operations were observed, so he and his brother could be taken into the army. That is why the family was forced to move.

Ilon Musk, biography, achievements and goals:

  • It was not difficult to issue citizenship in Canada, since the mother at the moment lived in this country. He entered the Kingston Institute, which was one of the most prestigious. But, since the training was quite expensive, Ilon had to work in parallel. He changed several places of work, and the very first labor activity is collecting fruits, as well as work on the farm. After that, he worked on the forested. 
  • Having registered on the labor exchange, he got a new job, and not a programmer at all. He worked in the boiler room, cleaned there. After that, Ilon’s younger brother moved to Canada, it was with him that the inventor decided to find useful acquaintances.
  • The most interesting thing is that a strange undertaking led Ilon to a hurry. They and their brother found a list of businessmen who had decent money in the telephone reference book and offered them their business projects. Oddly enough, success was not long in coming, Ilon Mask was accepted into the bank, where he earned $ 14 per hour. He was pleased with the new place of work, and tried. Unfortunately, due to the change of work, he had to transfer to Pennsylvania, to the Faculty of Scientific. However, at the same time, the young man began to visit a business school.
  • LaterMask I met influential people. In the hostel, he created a kind of club. Such activities, although it was illegal, but allowed to return the rental cost in just 1 day. Thus, the guy paid for his study at the university for some time. Classmates note that, being a student, ElonMask He showed excellent abilities for the exact sciences, read a lot, and could conduct accounting, remembering a huge number of numbers.
  • Elon entered Standford University, as he wanted to become a doctor of physical sciences, but after he changed his mind. He decided to develop in the field of IT technologies, and continued to earn money.

Elon Musk achievement: Briefly about companies and projects

During training at the university, Elon invested money in the shares of companies that were engaged in pharmacology. He initially had no abilities and knowledge in this area, he drew the main information from ordinary newspapers. He managed to earn a satisfied decent amount, which allowed him to leave to live in Canada again. 

Elon Musk achievement, briefly about companies and projects:

  • Zip 2. Organization engaged in the development of software. Unfortunately, there were no investors for the development of business, but since the brothers were very hardworking, soon the problem disappeared by itself. After the short work of the company, it managed to sell it for 308 million, of whichMask received 7% of the total cost. 
  • PayPal. This is a monetary payment system, which was originally planned to be called completely differently. Later, Ilona was moved from his post, and sold the project for a relatively small amount of $ 1.5 billion. 
  • Stripe. This is a competitive payment system that works in pairs withtwitter. The company was created by revenge for the fact that the mask was fired fromPayPal, in which he invested a lot of time and effort. 
  • Space X. This is an organization that is quite famous and is engaged in the development of spaceships. Initially, this project seemed completely unpleasant and failure. However, Elon was able to prove that his spaceships are one of the best. 
  • Tesla. This is a company that has gained worldwide fame, and produces electric cars. The company was only 12 years old, the first car was produced in 2008. 

Ilon Musk: Interesting facts

Elon is a famous businessman, as well as a focused person with a strong character. The fact is that almost all of his projects prophesied bankruptcy, and also considered them absolutely useless.

Ilon Musk, interesting facts:

  • Indeed, his projects seemed stunning and rather strange. The first missiles createdilona The mask crashed, but despite this, the inventor did not stop. Now his company cooperates with NASA, releasing satellites into orbit.
  • Oddly enough, but ilonMask - This is a white African, and in childhood it was a child prodigy. Many consider it a fanatic, which is why a large number of memes on the network have been created. Like any famous person, he starred in several films, in some he played himself.
  • Despite the good welfare, and material security, Elon starred in almost all films in which he was offered roles. Even in those where he bored himself on himself. 

Elon Musk: Personal life

Ilon’s personal life is completely non -casual, for the first time he married in 2000, with whom he studied at the same university. She was not only smart, but also very beautiful, was distinguished by a complex character. In the future, the inventor’s wife became a writer, and gave birth to 6 sons. After 8 years, the married couple broke up.

Elon Musk, Personal Life:

  • After thatMask He began to meet withTalula Riley - This is a famous English actress. A few years later he married a girl, then divorced, and again made an offer to the actress. We lived withTalula Until 2016. The next girl Ilona Mask was the famous Hollywood actress AmberHerdwhich has become popular thanks to the marriage with Johnny Depp. 
  • There are rumors that say thatMask He parted with AmberHerd Due to the workload.Mask He is a famous person, he has a lot of projects, he works in senior positions, there is very little time. Amber is a popular actress who often disappears on the set.Mask He says that he still communicates with the actress, but now they have friendly relations. 
With Talula Riley
With Talula Riley

Elon Musk: Personal Life 2020

Since 2018, the inventor has been dating the singerGrains. This is an extravagant Canadian performer with Ukrainian roots, whom the inventor met on Twitter.

Ilon Musk, Personal Life 2020:

  • Elon loves this social network very much, and he collaborates in every possible way. Often appears with the singer at various social events, spends a lot of time. It is known thatMask I introduced the girl to his sons, they saw them several times on a walk.
  • Many believe that this is a rather strange couple, since the girl is much younger than Ilon, and at the same time non -standard and extravagant. Several messages appeared on Twitter from theGrains About pregnancy, with a photo of a grown abdomen.
  • Official statementMask I haven't done it yet, butGrains He claims to be pregnant, and will soon expect replenishment in the family. 
Elon Musk and Graims
Elon Musk and Graims

Elon Musk: Inventions

Many people consider Ilon Mask as a fraud, as well as a person who embodies the strangest ideas. Some businessmen believe that this person is able to make a lot of money out of nothing. Indeed, in 1999, few businessmen wanted to spend a huge amount of money on unknown Internet. But Ilon did itMask, and created his company X.com., which laid the foundation for all payment systems via the Internet.

Ilon Musk, inventions:

  • Until 1999, there was already a kind of banking system of settlements via the Internet, but it quickly went bankrupt. ElonMask It finalized it, and created a new payment system that allowed to purchase purchases via the Internet, without visiting the store and paying cash. Everything could be written off from bank accounts.
  • In addition, ElonMask Having received a decent amount from salePayPalI thought about the eternal, and decided that soon a supervolcan, meteorite or a new virus could cover the earth, so the only hope of mankind is the development of Mars and other planets. This is what was the beginning of the creation of Space X.
  • It is worth telling about the companyteslawhich develops electric cars. In 2019, a presentation of a new car took place, which Russian motorists criticized for an unpresentable appearance. The company's engineers claim that they tried to make the car as cheap as possible, so almost all the money was spent on the filling of the car, making it ultra -modern and high -speed. In order to make the car accessible, I had to save on the appearance, making it simple. 

Elon Musk: Achievements in space

After receiving money from the sale of PayPal, Elon Musk began to engage in the development and construction of spacecraft and missiles.

Ilon Musk, achievements in space:

  • Since 2002, the company's employees led by Mask have launched several missiles into spacefalcon, and in 2016 a rocketFalcon 9 returned to Earth.
  • In addition, ElonMask Developed a cargo apparatusdragonwho has already visited Mars several times.
  • The new model in which people can be transported is now expected.Mask He notes that he is trying to reduce the cost of flights into space, to make them available to almost every resident of our planet. 

What Ilon Musk created: modern inventions and projects

Many consider to Ilon Mask a real fanatic, as well as an obsessed person. He is captured by his futuristic ideas.

What Ilon Musk created, modern inventions and projects:

  • Many were surprised by the statement that he wanted to create a tunnel under Los Angeles, so as not to stand in traffic jams anymore. As a result, the company was foundedoring companywho is engaged in the construction of such tunnels. It was assumed that elevators will be installed in the tunnels in which cars will load. They will be able to move the car underground at a speed of 200 km/h.
  • Passenger transportation with unmanned wagons that move at a speed of 240 km/h will also become possible.Mask He planned a whole network of tunnels, but so far there are no specific actions, but perhaps this will give an impetus to his followers, and soon such devices will really be invented. 
  • Mask cousins \u200b\u200bfounded Solarcitywho is engaged in the manufacture of modern solar panels. It was thanks to Ilon Mask that the company has become popular, and now almost all the solar batteries of California are manufactured at this enterprise. 

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Video: Elon Musk

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