How to become an excellent student: methods for achieving good results in study, tips of teachers and real excellent students to schoolchildren. How to help parents to become an excellent student?

How to become an excellent student: methods for achieving good results in study, tips of teachers and real excellent students to schoolchildren. How to help parents to become an excellent student?

In this article we will tell you how to make an excellent student out of a child

In the modern world, there is a huge selection of educational institutions. In order to get a prestigious higher education, first you need to graduate from school. It is there that we gain the first knowledge and skills that help later decide on the choice of profession. Before giving a child to study, each parent seeks to choose an institution that meets his requirements.

A good school should interest the child with the learning process. Help the child realize his abilities and opportunities. Motivate schoolchildren to achieve the best result. Parents are also an integral part of the child's education process. Taking an active part in the life of the child, they are able to influence his performance in school.

Methods for achieving good studies in learning

Each school has children who are not easy to give a learning process. With the advent of any motivation, the child begins to strive to increase his performance. Consider methods for achieving good studies.

  1. Daily regime. During the school year, school responsibilities make up most of the day of each child. To withstand the training load and take an active part in the life of the school, learn to dispose of your time. The correctly compiled daily routine increases the productivity of learning and helps to cope with important tasks. You can easily distribute time for classes, for entertainment and sleep. Subject to the regime, your body does not threaten overwork. Basic moments:
  • Dream.A full sleep will increase your effectiveness and will help to more easily perceive information in the lessons. To do this, it is advisable to go to rest at the same time. You need to sleep at least 8-9 hours.
  • Proper nutrition.Eat on time. Full healthy nutrition will favorably affect the development of the body and improve mental abilities.
Learning perfectly
Learning perfectly
  • Time for homework.Do not leave lessons for the evening, try to perform them in the same period. The optimal time is immediately after school. This will help you not forget important details.
  • Walks.Find time for daily walks. Disconnect from negative information and remove the accumulated voltage.
  • Leisure.Do not spend much time at the TV. Give preference to visiting circles and sections. Play games for the development of attention and memory.
  1. The desire for the result. If you have no desire to learn, set a goal. To approach her, motivate yourself. With the advent of a specific task, you will have the need for information.
Motivation is important
Motivation is important

Types of motivation to achieve good learning results

  • Cognitive motivation. Find useful and interesting information. Your new knowledge will attract attention to you.
  • Success motivation. Strive to solve all the tasks. Always complete the processes started. You will receive satisfaction from what you could and did.
  • Motivation to leadership. Increase your self -esteem. Improve your abilities. Strive to stand out against the background of the rest of the schoolchildren.
  • Motivation for encouragement. Try to get the best grades to be praised. Justify the hopes of the teacher, realize your parents' expectations. Praise or reward will give you confidence, and will cause a desire to learn.

What rules is important to observe to become an excellent student?

The priority of the studied subjects

Take more time to study important subjects. With a large amount of homework, place priority. Creative work in the company of friends or parents. If one of the items is enough for you to look at a few pages fluently, do not focus on this.

What is important for all objects:

  • Learn to write quickly and read well
  • Fulfill the requirements of the teacher
  • Plan to complete tasks
Study hard
Study hard
  1. Analysis of the information received. Having gained new knowledge and having your point of view on this score, do not hesitate to enter the discussion. Ask questions and actively participate in the educational process. The information received is better remembered by you. The interest will be marked by the teacher.
  2. Using Internet resources. Simplify the learning process with the help of the Internet. Find and download the necessary information for essays and creative work. Use electronic books, residents, translators.
  3. Participation in school events. Always take part in public life. You will become more sociable and friendly. Participation in school events will expand your circle of dating. More friends are more opportunities. Having established closer contact with peers, you will be aware of all important events.
  4. We do everything on time. "Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today. " Collect the briefcase in the evening - this will help you avoid morning fuss and unpleasant surprises at school. In your free time, prepare your clothes - it will save time in the morning, and exclude being late. Save order in the room - remove on the desk, do not scatter things.
  5. Responsibility.Do not miss the school without good reason. Always do your homework. Fulfill your promises and instructions. Follow your health so that you do not miss important classes due to illness.

Approximate regime of the student day

Time Action
7.00 Climb. Charger. Morning toilet. Dressing
7.30 Breakfast
7.50-8.20 Road to school
8.30-13.00 School lessons
13.00-13.30 Way home
13.30-14.00 Dinner
14.00-15.00 Rest
15.00-17.00 Doing homework
17.00-19.00 Visiting circles, walks
19.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-20.00 Hygienic procedures
20.00-22.00 Rest, games
22.00-7.00 Dream

How to help parents to become an excellent student?

Parents must make efforts so that their child is motivated to achieve success. Learn with your child again. The interest in your child will cause the desire for knowledge. In case of failure of the child, avoid condemning his assessments and actions. Set good relationships with the teacher, let him become an authority for the student.

Learning with a child
Learning with a child

A few tips to parents who want to help the child become an excellent student:

  • In a dialogue with a child, warm his interest in the world around him. Explain what advantage the acquired knowledge, skills and skills give.
  • Release the interests of the child with actions. Help reveal the child’s abilities, develop his talent.
  • Participate in homework. Do not leave the child alone with your studies.
  • Show patience and do not express your dissatisfaction. The child has the right to errors. Help him get better and avoid new ones.
  • Notice and praise all the efforts that the child makes. Always stay on his side and, in case of failure, praise for the desire for victory.
  • Stimulate it to manifest the initiative. Help bring ideas to life.
  • Be in the know events taking place in the classroom. Are you interested in the child’s assessments daily. At dinner, discuss how his day passed.

Teachers of teachers to children to become an excellent student

Intelligence is an integral quality of the teacher. To organize the educational process and rally classmates, it uses a large number of professional skills. Each teacher has its own point of view on how to make a purposeful person out of a student.

We will analyze the most interesting tips of teachers for children who want to become excellent students:

  1. Rational use of free time.We do not waste time on a meaningless pastime. For example, on the way to school, you can repeat your homework or listen to useful information.
  2. The study of foreign languages.An additional study of a foreign language will significantly expand knowledge. This will actively work in the lesson and get good marks.
  3. Acquaintance with professions in practice.We are looking for the opportunity to plunge into the workflow of various professions. Real practice is interested in, and shows a desire to strive for success.
  4. We notice the details.We summarize the events of each day in a diary or using Internet resources. Thus, we analyze the advanced actions and highlight important points.
  5. We believe in success.We never doubt our abilities. In any endeavors, we always tune in to success. We forget about failures and focus on victories.

    The main thing is to believe in success
    The main thing is to believe in success
  6. We are friends with the teacher.More often we consult with the teacher. We listen to his recommendations. Do not hesitate to ask additional questions.
  7. High -quality tasks.We use all the possibilities to achieve maximum results. In each collection of information, we give preference to quality, not quantity.
  8. Knowledge is more important than assessments.Understanding the importance of knowledge gained. Learn primarily for the sake of knowledge. Strive for set goals, and good grades will become an integral part of your educational process.

Tips of real excellent students to become an excellent student

If you want to become an example for the whole class and win authority, start studying well. The first changes should occur in your head. Put all doubts aside.

Use the tips of real excellent students:

  1. Look at new topics in advance. Learn several rules. This will give you an advantage over the whole class when getting to know a new topic.
  2. Always check the work performed. Do not rush to hand over the first. Use the remaining time to check the errors. On control, use cheat sheets. Even if it is not possible to use it, in the process of writing again you will look at the theory.

    It is important to do all work
    It is important to do all work
  3. Do not ignore additional tasks. You will do it more - the assessment will be higher. When performing creative work, use the possibilities to the maximum.
  4. Do not talk in the lessons. Listen carefully to the teacher, learn to respect and love him. Show yourself as a well -mannered and diligent student. They will begin to set you as an example.
  5. Always carry the entire stationery with you. Stock up with handles and notebooks. Be always ready to help and share.
  6. Read more books. Expand your vocabulary. A new read book is a great reason to discuss with a teacher or classmates.
  7. To remember the material, draw diagrams, graphs, tables. With the help of visual memory, the learned topic will be better off in memory
  8. Train attention. Train the ability to concentrate with various exercises.
  9. Do not boast of your ratings. To maintain good relations with classmates, learn to rejoice at the victories of peers.
  10. Do not understand - memorize. The theory of objects that are given to you with difficulty must be taught. With the inability to perform a practical part, a jubtry will help you avoid bad assessments.

    An excellent pupil
    An excellent pupil
  11. Do not avoid teachers. Find extracurricular topics for discussion. Each teacher is interested in the best result of the student.
  12. Do not be late. Come to classes on time. Use free time before the lesson to repeat the material.
  13. Do not be afraid to ask questions. Show your desire to understand the new topic.

Throughout your life, you will face new information. Do not be lazy to gain new knowledge. Learn in new skills, and they will certainly find their application. All efforts you have made will be rewarded.

Video: How to become an excellent student?

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