Which of the famous actors has lived all his life with one woman: stories, photos

Which of the famous actors has lived all his life with one woman: stories, photos

In this article, we will consider which of the famous actors lived a life with one woman.

When you have harmony in your house, it works easier at work. And vice versa, when a person is unhappy in family marriage, then, accordingly, all the negativity is carried out on others. Unfortunately, this is confirmed by statistics. Therefore, we want to share with you examples of exemplary families among actors. Accordingly, our topic proposes such interesting information as the life of famous actors who lived life with one woman.

Which of the famous actors lived a life with one woman?

And a really interesting topic, because watching the life of famous actors, quite often a whole list of women with whom the beloved actor had already managed to marry and divorce. And, unfortunately, in the modern world it is accepted as the norm. But we are sure that you are interested in learning about such actors who lived life with one wife. After all, many are not sure that there are such. And we will see how they were able to live life with one companion when there are so many new exciting candidates for the role of a young wife.

Matthew Broderick And his incredibly famous wife for life

  • The marriage of actor Matthew Broderick with a fairly famous actress - Sarah Jessica Parker, is an example of the fact that you can live life with one woman.
  • The couple registered marriage back in 1997. Happy spouses have a son and twin girls. Family life is constantly held in public. Therefore, everyone has many fans and fans, but well enough that this fact in no way affects marital life.
  • The couple continues its star life together 21 years oldAlthough they were not bypassed by the glory of divorce. But the information remained just rumors. In principle, the couple does not belong to those who are actively advertising their family life to the public. But we can only notice, the actor loves his only and unique wife very much.
Couple together for more than 20 years
Couple together for more than 20 years

Inimitable wolverine, who turned out to be a monogue - Hugh Jackman

  • The actor after 20 years of marriage with a deborium-Lee Ferns shared the secrets of long relations. He believes that the main thing is to always move forward. And also claims that the main rule of a successful marriage lies in a certain trick: "Happy wife is a happy family."
  • In 1995, future spouses starred in the same television show, and a year later they got married. And this is despite the principles of the actor. Recall about his position - relations should pass several stages and at least a couple should last six months after meeting. Strong love at first sight forced Hugh to make a marriage proposal after 4 months. Total number - 23 years.
  • Another secret of durable life in a couple as an actor considers the participation of his wife in all matters. “You need to do everything and always do it together, do not hide anything from each other, and you can part no more than two weeks,” says Jackman.
  • Jackman's wife is 13 years older than him, which does not scare the actor at all. "I fell in love with a woman from the first minute of acquaintance, and her age is not important to me." But because of this, the couple had some difficulties-Deborah could not give birth to a child. After two miscarriages, Deborah and her husband decided not to risk their health anymore. Therefore, two children were adopted - Oscars and Au. After that, the acting career of Jackman began to sharply gain new turns.
Confirmation that the age of love is not an obstacle!
Confirmation that the age of love is not an obstacle!

The famous actor and favorite of the public - John Travolta

  • The actor’s wife is Kelly Preston. The couple united their destinies back in 1991, so they crossed together 27 years. They currently have two children. Their third eldest son died back in 2009. The reason was an epileptic seizure.
  • John calls his wife his family and first adviser. She supports him and inspires his whole marital life. The couple is engaged in charity work together. John directs his funds to the aid of the victims of the earthquake. Kelly helps children's funds. Perhaps the cause of beneficence was precisely the death of their son, and perhaps the couple has good hearts.
  • They all plan and implement together with great respect and love for each other. Maybe this is what became the key to their happy family.
Together you can overcome any difficulties
Together you can overcome any difficulties

Kevin Baikon turned out to be another one -lover

  • The actress - Kira Sadzhvik, also turned out to be his wife. They met, of course, on the set. True, the film did not receive loud glory - "Lemon sky." But the novel simply grew into a wedding with lightning speed.
  • And sometimes such hasty decisions give a good result - together the couple already 30 years. Two children are brought up, more precisely, they are already watching their adult steps.
The main thing is to find a native soul
The main thing is to find a native soul

Star of the Trilogy "Back to the Future" - Michael Jay Fox

  • The couple met on the set of the sitcom "Family bonds", where they played a couple. Apparently, this is really fate, since all of them brought them to the wedding, which they played a year after the end of the filming, and it was 30 yearsback in 1988.
  • A year later, the couple had a son, and in 1995, twin girls were born. In 2001, the family increased slightly again - another girl.
  • Back in the 90s, Michael began to appear signs of Parkinson's disease. But his wife helps him and supports him in everything. Michael Jay Fox and his wife are an example to follow many.
This is what it means when there is love and support for the wife
This is what it means when there is love and support for the wife

"Dirty dancer" Patrick Suezi conquered a lot of female hearts, but gave his own one

  • Future spouses met at a young age at a ballet school when he was 18 years old, and she was 15. Since then they have not parted. Even a dizzying success was not an obstacle to their happy family life.
  • True, fate never gave them children. Together they are we stayed for 34 years. Perhaps this couple could set a larger record, if not for the 2009 disease. Due to the fact that the actor was diagnosed with cancer, with which he fought for a whole year, he died at the age of 55.
This is what it means to watch in love with a look after so many years
This is what it means to watch in love with a look after so many years

The eerie renom does not reflect the essence Christopher Wakenwho lived life with one woman

  • Most of the works have a frightening and terrible character, but almost everyone knows it. There are more than 150 films behind his shoulders. But he met a woman who caught up the soul herself in the Wesaydo Valley. After that, no one else interested him. His wife Georgian by profession agent at castings.
  • Since then they are together already 35 years. True, the couple does not have children. But Christopher refers to his hostility to children about this. Although, perhaps, he simply hides the true reason under the mask of indifference. During all this time, the couple did not notice a single betrayal!
Actor that he lived with one woman half of his life
When first love was the only

The star of "Crime Fix" is the famous Samuel L. Jackson

  • The actor has been familiar with his wife since his student times, but the couple got married in 1980 and have not parted since then. Therefore, the official figure - 36 years, but together they are more than 45.
  • After 2 years, they had a daughter Zoe, who became a director on a sports channel. Since childhood, my father instilled in his daughter a love of acting and sports. Now the family lives in Los Angeles, California. In the late 2000s, the couple created their charity organization in support of education.
  • The wife is the youngest one year old, but Sam considers her an ally and adviser, as well as irreplaceable support. Despite the "sins" of youth, his faithful wife and companion Latan Richardson always remained with Sam.
  • Even the most insignificant roles in the cinema could turn his head to the young actor, and after the filming of some paintings, Sam began to get involved in cocaine and alcohol. Therefore, he had to undergo a rehabilitation course. But no obstacles broke the strong marriage of Samuel and Latan.
It is very important that the wife is also a friend

Wonderful Danny de Vitowho gave the heart to one woman

  • 47 years ago The actor began to meet his future wife - RIA Perlman. Moreover, they shared their kilometers, because it was in Brooklyn. But I didn’t have to visit each other for a long time - after all, after 14 days, RIA had already transported its things. But a civil marriage was delayed for 9 years, and only in 1982 the couple officially connected themselves with a stamp in the passport.
  • The children of the couple appeared literally a year after this event. By the way, after the birth of his daughter, Danny threw cigarettes, and after 2 years fate again made him a happy dad for another girl. But the couple did not stop there and after 2 years they have a son.
  • And in 2012, the couple quietly and peacefully decided to live separately, but she was in no hurry to serve for divorce. And a year later, the paparazzi again saw them together - apparently, thought better of it. Although the family called this simply a family crisis, when they needed to stay separately.
  • By the way, the secret of their long and happy family life, as Danny says, in "good dream and wild sex."
A little more and the couple will celebrate the golden wedding
A little more and the couple will celebrate the golden wedding

Cinema legend or Italian Adriano Celentanowhich needs to be tamed

  • Despite his age, everyone was admired and continued to admire everyone. His wife is Claudia Mori, also an Italian actress, but not so famous. And the couple met and began their relationship quite interestingly. Just like in a movie.
  • But it is not surprising, because the first joint film of future spouses is “some strange type”, to some extent brought them to some extent. The actor fell in love right away. But Claudia chose a beginning career and refused to the new gentleman.
When it all started
When it all started
  • But during the filming of the film, the actress accidentally poured water to the wiring, which caused a short circuit. The actor received faces of the face from the bursting ceiling. What he took advantage of to gain the location of the young actress. So gradually the formation of a new family began with their ups and falls.
  • The couple has been married for half a century, or rather - as much as 54 years. Their life cannot be called the standard of marital life. After all, there were betrayal and scandals. Once Adriano was so carried away by a young mistress, through whom the family almost broke up. Romance with actress Ornella Muti forced Claudia to leave home so that her husband himself weighed everything and decided with whom he wanted to stay.
  • Adriano realized that he loved only his wife. He publicly apologized, and his wife calmly returned. So the couple lives all his life together, but already without betrayal. They have three children and even a grandson appeared.
And they definitely are not an obstacle to their age
And they definitely are not an obstacle to their age

Swan love story Dmitry Menshov

  • Their first love has covered all their lives. Being still a second-year student at the Moscow Art Theater of the Moscow Art Theater, the couple decided to officially fasten their destinies.
  • If we talk about numbers, then a couple together already 56 years! They have a daughter and even a grandson and granddaughter appeared. In addition to acting, Dmitry showed himself from the side of a talented director. Confirmation of this was joint work with his wife, who played the role of Catherine - "Moscow does not believe in tears."
The couple got married in his student years

The famous musketeer with an unforgettable timbre of voice - Mikhail Boyarsky

  • Yes, he also lived a life with one woman, whom he met in his youth. True, they did not immediately see each other. His wife also became the actress - Larisa Luppian, with whom they together 56 years (since 1977).
  • The life of the spouses cannot be called beautiful and cloudless, because Boyarsky was not an exemplary family man, but was a lover of drinking. But his wife turned out to be a real support and support. Apparently, the great power of patience and love helped them go through all the trials of fate.
  • They have two children - son Sergey that he did not choose the path of parents, and the daughter of Lisa, who adopted the baton in glory. By the way, she chose her husband like herself - no less popular Maxim Matveev. Everything has 3 grandchildren's spouses.
Couple together more than 55 years

An actor with a long name, but a short list of women - Christopher Frank Karandini Lee

  • The actor was engaged in his youth, but the case never reached the wedding. Since the young guy was not so well provided from the financial side, and the girl’s family for a very long time postponed the engagement. And apparently not at all in vain. The woman of his life was Birgit Krenke.
  • It was a Danish artist and model, which even represented such famous brands as Christian Dior and Chanel. The acquaintance occurred back in 1960, and a year later they had already married. After another 2 years, they had the first and only daughter.
  • Together they lived 57 years. Perhaps this figure stepped over other pairs, but the death of 93-year-old Christopher Lee overtook in 2015. By the way, it was this actor who played the famous magician in the “Lord of the Rings”, and his participation did not pass the “Star Wars” and the popular musical “Moulin Rouge”. But this is only 1% of all his known works.
She became his only love

The Crown Father or Danny Iylo turned out to be a record holder of Hollywood

  • About his family life, which is entirely behind the scenes, is not known little. But we can safely say that this is a real adherent of conservatism and Catholicism, and therefore his first and only love was the companion of his life - Sandy Cohen.
  • The couple got married in 1955. Therefore, their record of long relations became the limit of all actors who lived life with one woman - 63 years. At the moment, the actor is 85 years old, the couple has two sons who did not follow in the footsteps of his father.
Really all my life with only one woman

As you can see, happy marital star pairs can maintain their love and loyalty for many years. What is there, there are actors who really lived a life with one woman. Let's hope that the number of such families will increase. After all, people only need to learn how to value, respect their half, listen to each other and always look for a compromise. After all, statistics show that most of the divorces happen by misunderstanding, inability to forgive and listen to each other. Take care of your families and be happy throughout your life together!

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