Who was the youngest mother in the history of mankind? The story of the youngest mother in the world

Who was the youngest mother in the history of mankind? The story of the youngest mother in the world

The birth of a child is a real miracle and great happiness for a woman. It is in the continuation of the genus that the main purpose of the fair sex. But for this you need to mature morally, and most importantly - physically. Unfortunately, the story is full of examples when this main factor did not become fundamental. And young girls became mothers, in fact - children.

Cases of the earliest pregnancy in history.

It is generally accepted that nature is wise and will not allow making a critical failure in the biological development of the body. But this does not always succeed, and history is a living example.

Conception usually occurs with the onset of puberty. By this period, the child -bearing bodies are ready to fully function. Mother and child safely go through the path of bearing and successful birth of the baby. But many cases are known when in very little girls, contrary to all the laws of nature, pregnancy occurs.

The youngest mother in history. Who was her?

The girl Lina Medina from Peru became the youngest mother in history. Who was she? An ordinary child, moreover, not from the lowest layer of society, since the parents were able to show the girl to the doctors. It happened in 1939. The initial diagnosis is a tumor. But with a more thorough examination, it turned out that the baby was pregnant and decent period - seven months. Dr. Herardo Lozada, who examined the girl, could not believe this fact and took an unusual patient to the capital to show her to other specialists.

How many years were the youngest mother in the world?

At five and a half years, Lina made a cesarean section. This happened two months after the discovery of her pregnancy. In mid -May 1939, a little Herardo was born, so named after the doctor. The operation was carried out by Dr. Bussleu, Lozad and Kolrett. The child was quite full -term and viable, with a weight of 2.7 kilograms.

When the boy was nine years old, he recognized the secret of his birth. Before that, Lina was given his sister. Herardo was quite healthy until the age of forty, but later died of bone marrow disease.

Life Story of the youngest mother

Lina Medina did not want to talk about what happened to her, even being an adult. The only suspect was his own father, but the evidence base was so weak that the investigation left him alone. In 1972, the girl repeatedly became a mother in a legitimate marriage. With her husband Raul Gerardo Lina lived in one of the districts of Lima.

Lina died in 2015, when she was 82 years old. She had more children, grandchildren and great -grandchildren, and the woman survived her first -born for 40 years.

The truthfulness of this story is confirmed by the testimonies of doctors and several photographs. Their quality is quite bad, but taking into account the statute of limitations, it is quite worthy.

10 youngest mothers in the world

Most likely, such facts happened much more, but not all of them became the property of society. Often, relatives hid girls pregnancy, if circumstances allowed. After all, it was they who were involved or guilty of what they had not seen behind their child.

The undoubted championship belongs to Lina Medina. But other innocent victims of adult men are not much older.

1. Young Kharkivka Lisa at the age of six gave birth to a normal child. The girl's grandfather was the father. The kid did not suffer birth, died. It was in 1934. The further fate of Lisa is unknown, there are no photos left

2. In 1957, in Lima Ilda Trukhillo became a mother at the age of nine. She gave birth to a healthy girl from a cousin. The young man was arrested for rape. Ilda's parents noticed pregnancy long before giving birth, but abandoned abortion

3. In 2006, a group of researchers sent a nine -year -old Indian girl from the Apurin tribe to the hospital. The baby had a severe form of pneumonia, complicated by malaria and anemia. But later it turned out that this is not the only problem - the girl was pregnant. She was cured, and later they took birth. A healthy girl was born a little more than two kilograms

4. The fate of a girl from China is covered with darkness. She comes from the city of Sunyuan, and gave birth with a cesarean section in the city of Chanchun. The boy was born a full -term, weighing about three kilograms. Nine -year -old Chinese and her son are alive and well. This happened in 2010. What happened to her in the past and who is the father of the baby is not known

5. In 2004, a strong boy with a weight of about four kilograms was born in the Kharkov maternity hospital No. 5. His mother was only eleven years old. Pregnancy was discovered by the teacher. The father of the child - a twenty -three -year -old young man disappeared and thus escaped punishment. The family planned to abandon the baby, but after thinking well, she decided not to make a child an orphan. The name of the mother is unknown, the doctors entered the position of the girl’s parents and retained the secret

6. In 2012, a girl from the Vyuu tribe gave birth to a daughter from a guy with whom she lived in the same village. This happened in Colombia, where previously motherhood is perceived absolutely normal. The father of the child remained unknown to the authorities, and therefore he could not attract and punish him

7. The Gypsy girl Bashtam Gorbunenko, a resident of the Volgograd region, by the age of twelve became the mother of two healthy children. Its story is significantly different from the previous ones, since pregnancy was not a surprise to relatives. Burned, then the time has come. And she has a husband. She does not hide her happiness and dreams of the third baby

8. In 1824, a girl Sally was born, whose first menstruation occurred for twelve months. And in 1834, she herself became a mother, giving birth to a healthy girl weighing two and a half kilograms. Sally had wide hips and not a large chest by age. The rest of the girl did not differ from her peers

9. In 2005, a nine -year -old girl from Rwanda gave birth. Her name is unknown. The father of the child was a housekeeper who has meanly deceiving the baby. She made a cesarean section, everything is in order with the child and young mommy

10. A girl from Singapore gave birth to a healthy baby. The name and age are unknown. The classmate, the same young and inexperienced, helped to get pregnant. The child was adopted by an extraneous family, as the girl’s mother refused the boy

Young mothers in the world, photo

The most obvious evidence can be photographs of young mothers with a newborn. But not every story is documented, especially if it happened many years ago.

Lina brought her son for the first time

Lina with a matured baby

Ilda Trukhillo - 9 years old

The fate of the youngest mothers in the world

Quite rarely, the fate of the youngest mothers in the world receive loud publicity. The public negatively refers to such cases, condemning parents. Therefore, after childbirth that cannot be hidden due to the age of the child, the family prefers to leave the former place of residence. The girl’s further life is out of sight of journalists and other sensations. Yes, this is good - the baby has a chance to build her future.

But not everyone is ready to hide their position. The fifth grader Valya Isaeva from the Moscow Region became pregnant from the tenant of her grandmother. The guy was seventeen, a native of Tajikistan. There was no question of rape, since an eleven -year -old girl, deprived of the attention of adults, fell in love with a young man. The result was the birth of a little Amina.

A criminal case was brought to the guy, but the public resolutely stood up for the defense of the couple. Young parents brought up their daughter together, grandmother helped them. Three years later, a son was born. At the age of seventeen, Valya became a legal wife.

For a long time, others believed that everything was fine in the family, but at present the girl does not live with her husband, accusing him of assault. The formal divorce is not decorated, and this gives hope that their relationship will be applied. After all, they overcame so many barriers in the past.

Alexandra Gladkovskaya from the Vladimir region became a mother at the age of 15. The girl hid the name of the child’s father and categorically abandoned the abortion on which her mother insisted. Now she is 18, she raises the baby on her own. Her mother believes that she can only entrust her child and sue with her daughter. But most likely to no avail, since Alexander is already adulthood and the court, for lack of good arguments, will be on her side.

Lyuba Bessudnova from the Saratov region gave birth to a mathematics at the age of 14. The man seduced the girl, and when he found out about pregnancy, he refused to communicate with her. The DNA examination proved his paternity and now the unfortunate teacher is serving time. Lyuba finishes the school, and the girl’s mother took care of the baby.

Childbirth at an early age: danger and consequences

  • The first and main danger of childbirth at an early age is the unprepared physiology of the body. The pregnancy does not mean that puberty is in the completed stage, it is just beginning. A hormonal avalanche of such strength falls on the girl’s body that a child may not cope. And if we take into account that such cases in their own way occur in dysfunctional families, then depletion and many concomitant diseases are added to this danger
  • The growing fetus inside the child's body can deform internal organs. The uterus is not as elastic as that of an adult woman. In a word, there are critically dangerous factors during the period of gestation. And even if the girl suffered these long 9 months, then ahead of birth, lurking no less dangerous
  • At such a tender age, only childbirth is possible with the help of cesarean section. In girls, the birth canal are not developed for the successful passage of the child, there is a high probability of internal tears and uterine bleeding
  • But even given all unpleasant moments, doctors do not advise terminating pregnancy-abortion is even more dangerous due to the high probability of complications. This applies to girls who have reached the age of 13. At an earlier age or for medical reasons, bearing a child is not recommended, as this may result in death

At what age is it better to give birth to a child?

If you do not take into account social aspects, material security and psychological readiness, but to be based only at biological age, then it is best to give birth to a child in the interval of 20 to 30 years. It is permissible to get pregnant a couple of years earlier or later, but we are talking about the best period.

To give birth to a healthy child, a woman must be healthy herself. After 35 years, chronic diseases may appear that will affect the condition of the baby. It is also important that the mother should have many years ahead to give the child a decent education.

From 20 to 30 years old, a woman is most active, and the child will need attention and participation for many years. Mom will be able to realize herself as much as possible as much as possible, so do not postpone conception in a long box.

How to prevent pregnancy at an early age?

In recent years, special objects about sexual relations have begun in many schools. But the most effective factor was and remains the family. Often, the child perceives the relationship between parents as a model of his behavior. No conversations and notations on moral values \u200b\u200bwill work if a girl or a boy see a conflicting behavior of parents.

Trust should appear long before the child begins to take the first steps. For the baby there is no one closer to mom and dad, and adults are obliged to remember this. It is not necessary to assume that the time has not come for an adult - because it may turn out that then it will be too late.

It is better to touch on moral issues before puberty, gradually deepening, taking into account the age of the child. Thus, a worldview and character will be formed. The girl should know exactly what sexual intercourse is and what her consequences are. False shame of parents can cause childhood ignorance, and as a result - the early pregnancy of the daughter. Tactics are important in this matter, you should not present sex as something shameful, you just need to convey to the consciousness of the child, that everything has its time.

The story of the youngest mother in the world: reviews

  • There were some testimonies and reviews about the youngest mother of the world - Lina Medina. Her mother said that something strange had happened to her daughter from infancy: at eight months the girl went to menstruation, and the mammary glands were by the age of four, like a fifteen-year-old girl. Even pubic hair appeared in three months
  • The doctor, who observed already pregnant Lina, left the notes in which he indicated fully formed ovaries. This factor helped the girl endure a full -fledged baby without prejudice to her health
  • In most of these cases, doctors also noticed abnormally the development of their young patients. Maybe that's why the girls became an object of violence? Who knows ... I would like to hope that such curioses will meet as little as possible - a new life is beautiful, but everything should go its own way, and no one has the right to take away childhood

Video: The youngest mother gave birth to 5 years old









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