Cream "Skin-Cap": From what helps, instructions for use, composition, effect of the drug, indications and contraindications for use, overdose, side effects, interaction with other drugs


This material will tell you how to properly use a skin-cap for problems with the skin

The skin-cap cream is a dermatological agent that has an antibacterial effect, helps eliminate the symptoms of the disease and get rid of various pathogens, is used to treat various skin diseases.

The advantage of this medical remedy can be called the possibility of its use for the treatment of young children.

"Skin-cap": composition, effect of the drug

« Skin-cap"Is the only drug in which the active substance is activated zinc pyrithion(2 mg per 1 gram of cream), which can penetrate into the skin cells and have a therapeutic effect.

Also in the composition of the cream there are many other auxiliary substances, each of which in its own way affects the ailment.

  • The cream affects fungi and bacteria, contributes to their destruction.
  • Eliminates unpleasant sensations on the skin, itching, exfoliation of the skin.
  • Another advantage of this tool is that it affects pathogens of microorganisms located not only on the surface of the skin, but also in their deep layers.

"Skin-cap": indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

"Skin-Cap" effectively copes with the following ailments:

  • Scaly lichen or, as it is also called psoriasis.
  • Chronic inflammatory skin disease, which appears due to the tendency of the body to various allergies.
  • Seborrheic eczema, that is, a chronic disease of the skin, which is manifested by red nodules in places of skin lesions.
  • Dry skin, exfoliating the skin, itching and burning.
From skin problems
From skin problems

As for contraindications, they are:

  • It is forbidden to use for the treatment of Skin-Cap in the event that there is an allergic reaction or intolerance to any component from its composition
  • It is impossible to use a tool for the treatment of children who have not reached 1 year
  • It is not recommended to use a medication for the treatment of ailments during the period of gestation and breastfeeding, it is all the more forbidden to apply the cream to nipples during breastfeeding

"Skin-cap": features of the use of the drug, its interaction with other medicines

The simultaneous use of the Skin-Cap cream with medicines, which in their composition have steroid hormones, is prohibited.

  • The cream can only be used externally.
  • Approaching the remedy, be careful, do not allow it to get into the eyes.
  • Apply the cream only clean hands.
  • This drug is not one that can affect a person’s reactions, therefore, during its use, it is not forbidden to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.

"Skin-cap": instructions for use, side effects and an overdose

Apply "skin-cap" in this way:

  • Take a small amount of cream into the hands and apply with light movements to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • Repeat the procedure is recommended twice a day.
  • The duration of treatment should be determined by the attending physician, in general, scaly lichen is treated for 1-2 months, atopic dermatitis for 2-4 weeks, residual phenomena, which are manifested by itching, burning and exfoliation of the skin can be eliminated in 1-2 weeks of use of the drug .
  • Cases of an overdose of the Skin-Cap medication were not recorded, however, there is an assumption that excessive application of the cream can provoke adverse reactions.
  • Side reactions can be manifested by itching, reddening the skin, burning, leather exfoliation, discomfort at the place of application of the product.
Apply external
Apply external

Treatment with this tool helps to get rid of many very unpleasant ailments, as well as to achieve remission. Remember that self -medication can lead to complications and a deterioration in health, so before starting treatment it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Video: "Skin-Cap" disperses myths

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