The title of police on the stars: at the ordinary, junior, middle, higher police officers

The title of police on the stars: at the ordinary, junior, middle, higher police officers

Do you know about police ranks and the presence of stars on uniform? This topic is examined in detail in this material.

Police shoulder straps and today have the same appearance as the epaulets of the police. But many people still do not understand skies and asterisks.

In the federal law of the country, in order to distinguish the military rank from a policeman, a certain definition of, for example, the police lieutenant is attached to the name of the police. The word “retired”, for example, retired lieutenant colonel, is attached to the title of police officers who are retired.

Below we will give you all those police ranks that exist today. All of them are placed in order from the lowest to high.

Police on the Star Police

For the first time, epaulets, which vaguely resembled modern options, arose in Russia in the middle of the 19th century. Historians claim that this happened due to the fact that a new form of the military, which is called the overcoat today, was established. Stars, as well as galloons, were attached to the epaulets. But the epaulets themselves sewed on clothes in the shoulder area. It is amazing that all existing epaulets, whether they are officer or ordinary, were exactly the same.

Police shoulder straps on which stars and other elements are attached are considered not entirely original. That is, distinctive signs are completely similar to army. If you do not take into account special titles, then they are the same. In the police, epaulets in appearance have the ability to repeat the title of military forces. There are true exceptions - the police do not have some ranks, for example, an corporal, a marshal of the Russian Federation.

Shoulder straps
Shoulder straps

Private policeman

The main distinguishing sign of this policeman - butt. Near the button, as a rule, the emblem of each employee of law enforcement agencies is placed. The emblem says "Police". If we talk about the police cadet, then he also has the letter “K”, which means the current position of the employee, along with the button and the emblem.

The junior composition of the police

Initially, it is necessary to figure out which titles belong To this category. Please note that this category is considered the most numerous. Each policeman has this category on the uniform of the skins. They are located along the width of the shoulder straps.

The category includes such police:

  • Lance Sergeant. There are 2 skirts on the uniform.
  • Sergeant. On the uniform there are 3 straps.
  • Staff Sergeant. The policeman has more ski with such knowledge than the sergeant. There are 3 pcs.
  • Foreman. He also has one strip one, like a senior sergeant. Only it is located across, and along.
  • Ensign. It has some distinctive signs on the uniform - these are small stars located vertically. The simple warrant officer has only 2 of them.
  • Senior Warrant Officer. This policeman has 3 small stars instead of a couple of stars.
Junior composition
Junior composition

Medium police officers

Police officers of these ranks on their own uniform have a vertical line that is painted in red. It has a special name "clearance". Each lumen goes with small stars.

This category includes police officers with the following ranks:

  • Ensign. He has one small star. It is located on the red line.
  • Lieutenant. This policeman has 2 stars on the uniform. They are separated by a gap, which is located across.
  • Senior Lieutenant. A policeman with such a rank was able to get 3 stars, but they have an unusual placement. 2 stars are located on the side of the red line, the latter is located where the lumen is located.
  • Captain. A policeman of this rank has 4 stars on uniform. 2 stars are placed on the line, 2 - on the side of the lumen.

Senior police officers

Here the bets become much higher. On the uniform instead of the 1st clearance there is already 2. Moreover, there are red fabric lines on the uniform in an upright position. Together with the gaps, large stars are located here in different quantities.

This category includes such police officers:

  • Major. Wears 1 large star in its own uniform. It is located in the central part between one and the other clearance.
  • Lieutenant colonel. This policeman has not 1 star on the uniform, but as much as 2. They are large. They are located on the red lines, opposite each other in parallel.
  • Colonel. For this policeman, epaulettes have already had 3 large stars. A pair of stars is located on gaps, like a lieutenant colonel. The last additional third star is located between the lines, a little in front. All these stars form a figure resembling a triangle.
Middle, senior, higher ranks
Middle, senior, higher ranks

The highest police officer

All the epaulettes of the police who relate to the highest composition have the largest stars. All of them are located on the uniform in an upright position. To begin with, it is worth mentioning those ranks that open this category.

These include:

  • Major General. It has 1 star on the uniform. It is located in the central part.
  • Lieutenant General. Already in its own uniform has a couple of large stars.
  • Colonel General. You can easily guess that the policeman of this rank is the owner of 3 large stars.

The category of the highest police officer completes, and all the ranks are General of Russia. He wears epaulettes on which there is a very large star, plus the coat of arms of Russia, namely an eagle with three heads. The general in the police of our state is not very common. Not all police officers will work before this rank.

Video: police epaulets and ranks

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    Well, generals also have their own code also units

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