Red dots on the body, like moles - angiomas: the reasons for the appearance, which mean, are they dangerous, are they necessary to treat them?

Red dots on the body, like moles - angiomas: the reasons for the appearance, which mean, are they dangerous, are they necessary to treat them?

The reasons for the appearance and methods of treating red dots on the body.

Angiomas- This benign neoplasms that can appear both on internal organs and bones, skin. In this article we will talk about the reasons for the appearance of red dots on the body and ways to get rid of them.

Red points on the body - the causes of the appearance

At the moment, it is unknown to the end for what reason the angiomas are formed. Most often they can be found in young children, immediately after birth. The appearance of this angioma is associated with the pathology of blood vessels, as well as the lymphatic system. That is, the angioma can be bloody, in this case it is called hemangioma, and lymphatic. In this case, the lymphangioma is called. They differ in appearance. Red or brown spots on the body are hemangiomas.

They appear in children as a result of squeezing the bones of the skull during birth. There are practically no pathologies in children born with a cesarean section. That is, there is no squeezing of the skull, so there is no hemangom. But not only in newborns the following defects on the skin can be observed. Often, older people, or the able -bodied population, are subject to such a defect. You can find out about the signs of moisturizing moles into cancer here

Blood mole
Blood mole

The reasons for the appearance of red dots on the body: 

  • Violations in the liver, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. The entire system fails, insufficient number of enzymes is produced, which negatively affects the skin. 
  • Allergic reactions. Blood spots in this case are not angiomas, but by a manifestation of an allergic reaction. When taking antihistamines, they disappear. 
  • Skin damage, microtrauma. Often occurs in people working with their hands. These are masters of manicure, turner. 
  • Joint disease and bone system. Often with arthritis, as well as arthrosis, red spots on the body occur on the upper and lower extremities. They are the response of the immune system to joint diseases. 
  • Dermatitis and skin fungus. Indeed, these ailments can appear in the form of brown, small spots, hemorrhages on the surface of the skin. However, at the same time there are other symptoms, including itching, burning. It is treated with antifungal drugs. 

Why do bright red spots appear on the body, points, like blood moles-angiomas

If this is an ordinary angioma that arose as a result of the pathology of blood vessels and capillaries, then the causes of occurrence are not fully studied. Many scientists are of the opinion thatbright red spots, dots like blood moles-angiomasthis is a violation during intrauterine development, as a result of which the circulatory system is not completely formed, it is, as it were, underdeveloped. Although such an opinion was not confirmed. 

It is worth noting that in most cases the angioma does not pose any danger. Among oncologists, it is proved that only 1% of such neoplasms can be reborn into cancer. Most often, this occurs with extensive lesions, and the germination of angioma into the deep layers of the skin. In fact, this is quite rare. 


Angiomas, blood moles, red dots on the body: Treatment

When to worry? Red dots on the body, treatment Which is not necessary, if they do not cause concern, do not hurt, do not itch, do not blood. If there is a desire to get rid of blood moles on the body and face, since this is a cosmetic defect, then you can proceed to removal. There are many ways remove blood moles, these are various methods that are selected by the doctor. Accordingly, the doctor will determine which of the removal methods is suitable.

Ways to treat red dots on the body:

  • When small, brown spots appear on the body, they are usually removed using laser vaporization. This is the effect of a ray with a certain wavelength. As a result of this, a luminous flux is fed to the laser, which, as it were, burns a neoplasm. 
  • In addition, hemangiomas can be removed using cryodestruction. Simply put, this is freezing with liquid nitrogen. As a result of such an impact, the affected place is frozen, the neoplasm disappears. 
  • Electrocoagulation. Often, a loop is used for these purposes. The technique is suitable if the hemangioma has a thin leg. Using a hot metal hairy, this neoplasm is removed. 
  • Surgical excision. The method is used only if other methods have not helped to cope with hemangioma. In case of extensive lesions, surgical excision is often used with the subsequent replacement of skin shreds. 
  • In some cases, hemangioma is removed by sclerotherapy using ethyl alcohol. Using a thin needle, a small amount of alcohol is introduced into the angioma, which removes the neoplasm. The method of removing the angioma is chosen by the doctor, depending on its size and location. 

Dangerous red dots on the body: photo

When is it necessary to worry? In general, brown spots, if they do not annoy, do not cause pain, then do not require any treatment and elimination. If a cosmetic defect hinders you, because the hemangioma is on the face or on the neck, you can contact a cosmetologist or in the clinic, to remove neoplasms. 

There are times when the treatment of angioma is simply necessary. 

Reasons for seeing a doctor:

  • The rapid growth of hemangioma and its rapid increase in size.
  • Soreness, reddish discharge or sustainable. 
  • If the hemangioma is in the place that rubs. This can be in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin or axillary cavity. Very often, due to the effects of sweat and constant movement, hemangioma can crush, cause pain and unpleasant sensations. With such symptoms, it is necessary to remove neoplasms. 

Photo of red dots on the bodythat pose a danger, can be seen below.


How to prevent the appearance of red dots on the body, blood moles?

The fact is that now no preventive measures are provided, because the mechanism of the formation of red dots on the body has not been fully studied. If this is provoked by a violation in the liver and stomach, as a result of the disease of the joints, then in this case the elimination of root causes can completely eliminate red spots on the body. However, sometimes, even after successful treatment, hemangiomas do not disappear. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate them of the above methods. 

Blood moles most often do not pose a danger. In most cases, this is a cosmetic defect that does not require treatment.

Video: Blood moles

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