How to distinguish a mole from melanoma: signs of a moisture degeneration in melanoma. How long does a mole reborn into melanoma? What does melanoma look like at an early stage: photo

How to distinguish a mole from melanoma: signs of a moisture degeneration in melanoma. How long does a mole reborn into melanoma? What does melanoma look like at an early stage: photo

Ways to distinguish melanoma from a mole.

Melanoma is a malignant formation on the skin, which appears from pigmented cells. In this article we will tell you how to distinguish a mole from melanoma.

Melanoma and mole: concepts

A mole or nevus is a small rounded skin with a homogeneous color. Almost all nevi appear on the body under the age of 25. The peak of the appearance is carried out from 5 to 18 years. It is at this time that many new moles can appear on the body. The most interesting thing is that closer to old age some moles can disappear. In general, most moles who do not wear any unpleasant sensations do not cause discomfort, do not require removal.

Signs of melanoma
Signs of melanoma

Accordingly, if you have several flat moles or even convex nevi that do not contact clothes and do not affect any objects, then it is not necessary to remove them.

As for the moles that are in the groin area, on the face of men in the shaving zone, in women under the chest and on the lower back, which are on the neck and constantly contact with the collar, their experts must be removed. This is not at all with the degeneration, but the possible trauma and the introduction of some kind of infection. Thus, you expose yourself to some risks, leaving such moles on the body.

Melanoma is a malignant tumor developing from melanocytes - pigment cells producing melanins.

How long does a mole reborn into melanoma?

Over time, moles can change their color, as well as shape. If this happens, it is necessary to carefully control the situation and constantly observe such a mole.


  • The fact is that a large number of nevi can be reborn into malignant neoplasms - melanomas. The main risk of this ailment is that this oncological disease progresses extremely quickly. That is, approximately from the first rebirth, to the appearance of metastases, only 6-8 months pass.
  • That is, a person can walk healthy, but just die during the year. If melanoma is on the surface of the epidermis, then it can be easily removed and quickly cured. If it is found at an early stage, that is, at the stage of education, then with a timely approach, the risk of death is only 5%.
  • That is, in 95% of cases there is a complete recovery. If the nevus is launched, and some time passed after the rebirth of melanoma, then the chances are very low. The fact is that as soon as melanoma sprouts into the dermis, that is, into deeper layers of the skin, its cells can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.
  • Thus, these cells grow in other organs. First of all, this happens in the lymph nodes, and then in other organs and systems. Cancer is detected in the entire body, since melanoma cells grow in organs and tissues. In this case, practically nothing can be done, and a person is doomed to death.  

What does melanoma look like at an early stage: photo

Below are a photo.


How to distinguish a mole from melanoma: signs of a moisture degeneration in melanoma

There is a special classification with which you can carry out inspection. It is accessible to absolutely to each of us.  


  • The color of the neoplasm is evaluated. If you had a light brown mole and eventually it began to darken, and the color has become heterogeneous. That is, on the right side it is darker, on the left is bright, it is already an alarming signal.  
  • The mole is most often painted homogeneous and evenly. That is, it is either light or dark, without any extraneous interspersed, the transition of color. If you saw that there is a reddish shade, dark intersperses, or vice versa, light spots, this is an occasion to go to the doctor.  
  • Size. If the mole unexpectedly began to grow, it is also an alarming signal. She should not grow. If you have not gained weight, and did not recover significantly, it must remain the same size, such as it was always.  
  • Asymmetry. An ordinary mole is most often round or oval. Melanoma has no clear boundaries, and absolutely not symmetrical. That is, its color and area are quite vague, there is no clear contour. Moreover, it is absolutely asymmetric and can resemble a peculiar puddle.  
  • Bulge or relief. If you feel a mole, then it is either convex and rounded, or even flat. If there is some heterogeneous relief on its surface, some swelling, pimples or vice versa recesses, urgently go to the doctor. Particular attention should be paid to moles with a diameter of more than 6 mm. It is these sites that are the most dangerous and prone to rebirth and the appearance of melanoma. Thus, melanoma may appear from this mole under any favorable conditions. In addition, such a large size increases the chances of trauma and rebirth. That is, a large mole that rises above the surface of the skin is convex, very easy to hurt or damage.  
Ways to distinguish
Ways to distinguish

Which doctor diagnoses, treats melanoma?

Many of us think that melanoma is something terrible and terrible, it is necessarily noticeable. However, in fact, even a small spot can be reborn into a dangerous tumor. Moreover, it does not have to be huge. Very often its size does not exceed 5 mm and resembles a dark spot on the surface of the skin. At the same time, there may not be any pain in this area.

Of course, most often melanoma begins to cringe and hurt. But usually this happens in the later stages, when treatment is not particularly effective, and the probability of a complete cure is minimized. Thus, only regular examinations, as well as constant control of their own health, timely seeking a doctor, contribute to recovery.  


Which doctor should you contact if you notice a strange mole? Of course, it is best to turn to a dermatolate. However, this is a very narrow specialist who may not be in ordinary clinics. In this case, you can contact a dermatologist or surgeon. These experts have a small apparatus called a dermatoscope, with its help you can increase the mole several times and see how it looks in an enlarged form.

Thus, the specialist can almost immediately determine the malignant neoplasm or ordinary nevus before him. The fact is that under a microscope, as well as a magnifying glass, all the bends of the breaks, as well as the relief of the mole, are much better visible. Thus, you can quite quickly and easily determine melanoma at an early stage, which guarantees recovery.  

Diagnostic parameters
Diagnostic parameters

Video: signs of moisture degeneration

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