Stool mat: crochet for beginners, ideas, photos

Stool mat: crochet for beginners, ideas, photos

In this article, you will learn how to tie a rug on a chair with your own hands. You can create products, both knitting on knitting needles and crochet. Find out how to crochet rugs on chairs.

Our great -grandmothers also decorated the interior of rooms with needlework. There used to be not all sorts of knitted objects in the shops. Therefore, the craftswomen tried to equip comfort in their home on their own. Crochet knitted rugs decorated chairs, stools. Now again the fashion for these products is returning. A rug on a crochet chair is again in trend.

Such things are knitted from thick threads, knitted yarn and even unnecessary things that are cut by stripes. Thanks to this creative work, needlewomen not only create comfort, but also get rid of stress, develop their creative potential.

Crochet chair - knitting tips

Before you start the process, decide why the rug on the chair will serve. It is necessary for beauty or in order to insulate the silushka, still consider the shape of the product. When you decide on these factors, it will be clear which material to choose for the subject, knitting style and much more.

Square Sedushka Crochet
Crochet square seat

What should be taken into account, before starting knitting the rug on a chair:

  1. A masking effect. Sometimes it happens that there is some kind of defect on the stool. In order for it to become inconspicuous, you can tie dense rugs and thereby the defects will no longer be noticeable. Still try to take into account the dimensions so that the product is ideally suited to the seat of the chair. So all the flaws will become invisible, and the chair will again be like a new one.
  2. Decorative function. Creating rugs for chairs is not necessary only for the purpose of practical use. Decorative products can complement the interior of the room, create harmony. Also, thanks to these accessories, your home will turn into a cozy home. If you also add your imagination to the creation of a pattern, then the rugs will turn out to be different for others.
  3. When, you decorate your furniture with knitted products, you yourself will notice that comfort and comfort"Settled" in the house. Rugs play the role of a warm seat. Of course, it’s nice to sit not on a wooden surface, but on a beautiful, soft, warm product.
  4. When knitting, experienced needlewomen use some experience to rationally use materials for rugs. In particular, you can use old things to crochet. They are cut in stripes, then, as products are knitted from threads.
  5. For rugs it is better to use high -quality yarn. So the product will last longer. If this is not a decorative seat, then you choose the threads thick so that the shape is correct. Otherwise, the product will immediately lose its original appearance.
  6. It is not necessary to use expensive knitted threads for rugs, they can be replaced with multi -colored fabric stripes the same width. And if you also pick up a successful combination of threads of threads, then a wonderful accessory will come out. He will original and harmoniously fit into your interior.
  7. To fix the problems with the size Ready -made rug for a stool or chair, use some tricks. In particular, use home -made fringe or border, which can be bought in needlework stores. Or tie the edge, which can be crocheted along the edge of the product.
  8. You yourself can choose pattern and method of knitting To create a rug. Then you get a beautiful openwork seat or, conversely, a dense knit rug. The shape of the product can also be different.
  9. In order for a dense seat to come out, use either thick woolen threads with an admixture of acrylic or knitted yarn. So the seat will be not only decorated, but also insulated.
Round rug on the chair
Round rug on the chair

IMPORTANT: Choose thick threads for knitting rugs on a stool. It is better not to knit openwork with thin yarn chairs for everyday use. If you plan to use multi -colored yarn, then select the threads of the same density so that the density of the rug is uniform.

Crochet rugs on chairs - examples

You can tie a rug on a chair in different ways. The lesson is simple, fast, interesting. Any can be used, but the advantage is still not given to thin yarn. Acrylic, acrylic with an admixture of cotton threads, woolen fibers, etc. A different amount of yarn is consumed on one product, much depends on the size of the seat on the stool. An approximate amount of yarn per rug from 230 to 265 grams.

To come out a soft seat, you can tie a double -sided rug. And if you still fill such a rug with a filler, then a pillow will come out on a chair. For convenience, if you knit a single -layer seat, then tighten the lacing along the edges, so the product will sit well on the chair area and will not fall from it.

You can decorate the rugs yourself. Tails along the edges with bells or pompons look good. Sew bows or an interesting application around the edges. Below, see examples of products in different versions.

Bright stool rug
Bright stool rug
Pictures on request a rug on a chair: crochet for beginners, ideas, photos
Round rug for chair
Case for a stool
Case for a stool
Flower mat
Flower mat
Knitwear rug
Knitwear rug
Bright rug on the seat
Bright rug on the seat
Pictures on request a rug on a chair: crochet for beginners, ideas, photos
Openwork sedushka-square

Crochet chair for beginners

Before proceeding with the development of knitting rugs, it should be studied in general crocheting technique. A crochet rug for a chair is completely not difficult. Next, a master class on knitting an oval-shaped product is presented. Choose any color, try to choose a yarn suitable for the overall interior. If you sew the elastic bands then to the finished product, then they can cover both the back and the seat of the chair.


  1. Type of air loops of the required length, the only thing that should be noted that when you knit the rug, it has the ability to stretch.
  2. For example, you want to tie a product 50 centimeters long, and 110 centimeters wide. Then dial: 110 - 50 \u003d 60 air loops.
  3. Further knitting occurs according to the scheme, which is provided below. That is, the product is knitted in a circle. Everywhere only blocks with crochets are used.
Knitting scheme
Knitting scheme

IMPORTANT:Decorate the edges of the finished product with an openwork bandage or decorative leaves, flowers, etc. Below, see an example of an openwork pattern for the design of the edge.

An example of a crochet scheme
An example of a crochet scheme

Crochet square rug

Knitting a square rug on a stool is better to start using the Grandmother's Square scheme, if you have experience, you can tie a beautiful openwork rug on a chair that will not only decorate it, but also close some scratches or scuffs on furniture. Look at the photo how the product looks. So that it does not fall from the chair, auxiliary ties are used.

Openwork rugs for chairs
Openwork rugs for chairs

The seat is knitted according to the scheme provided below. To begin with, five VPs are typed, they close them into a circle, and then they begin to knit the product from the center with columns with crochets and air hinges strictly according to the drawing. The scheme is simple:

Previously, a knitting method as a grandmother's square, like many products crocheted, was knitting such a product, starting with the center.

  • Six loops are typed, close them into a circle. After knitting three lift columns. 2SS1N, 2VP, 3RC1N (repeat twice) after 2VP is connected to the beginning of the row.
  • Three VPs after 2SS1N, 2VP, 3RC1N, so knit in all arches.
  • In all other circles in the corners, knit in the same way as in the second row, on the sides of the rug 3 SS1N.

In the photo below, the rug on the chair consists of many small grandmother's squares that are knitted separately, then connect together. And on the sides, the product is decorated with a fringe of thread.

Beautiful sneaker
Beautiful seat

There are many more all sorts of schemes for knitting square seats, some see further:

Square diagram
Square diagram
Pattern for the seat
Pattern for the seat
Beautiful pattern
Beautiful pattern

Round rug on a chair crochet - knitting patterns

Fortunately, in shops for needlework you can buy threads of different quality and different shade. The result is a rug on a chair with a cheerful, bright color. With his appearance, he will cheer up even in the most inclement weather. A round item can be knitted on a square chair. This will not spoil the appearance, but on the contrary, will create a special aura. Next will be provided with circuit knitting patterns.

Rug-with your own hands: Pop-Korn pattern

Below, see how to crochet a rocker rug with a simple pattern of popcorn. The gamut of colors can be selected independently. The finished accessory will appeal not only to households, but also by your pets. Cats, dogs value comfort and will definitely sit, lie on a chair with such a product.

Knitting scheme
Knitting scheme
How to knit a seat?
How to knit a seat?

A selection of circuits for knitting round rugs:

The original knitting pattern
The original knitting pattern

Crochet stools - schemes

In fact, the scheme for knitting napkins, rugs on the floor, tacks, rugs are identical. The only thing that retails these products is size. You can adjust the sizes of accessories yourself, adding or decreasing the number of circles in knitting patterns. Forms for rugs on stool or chairs can be different in the form of hearts or flowers. Below, see examples of patterns for knitting products.

Such a rug on a chair in the form of a flower looks gentle and beautiful. It is advisable to knit it from plain yarn.

Beautiful pattern
Beautiful pattern
Rug on a square chair
Rug on a square chair

Flower stool rug - diagrams

What kind of interesting ideas do not happen for knitting products for decorating chairs. Perhaps the decoration in the form of flowers looks most interesting. After all, a rug on a stool in the shape of a flower can look different. You can experiment, apply different schemes, colors, etc. The needlewomen will be able to crochet entire compositions, only you will have to be patient and not be afraid to use imagination in full. To make it easier to understand the schemes, look below at the image of the designation. Still pick up a beautiful combination of threads of threads to get harmonious products.


To tie a multi -layer flower, you will need:

  1. Get air loops (five pieces) and make a circle, that is, connect the first, last loops.
  2. The second circle is knitted around these air columns, columns without crochet.
  3. Then a row with blocks with crochets (see the scheme provided below in the text).
  4. Next, form the petals according to the figure.
  5. So they knit in a circle until the desired size of the product is reached.
Flower rug knitting pattern
Flower rug knitting pattern
Beautiful rug in the form of a flower
Beautiful rug in the form of a flower
Pictures on request a rug on a chair: crochet for beginners, ideas, photos

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  1. How to knit a corn pattern?
  2. Booties with newborn knitting needles;
  3. Tunisian knitting beginners;
  4. Knitting products with hands without knitting needles and hook;
  5. Crochet fillet - examples, photos, videos;
  6. Crochet for babies-master classes, examples.

Video: a rug on a chair made of knitwear yarn

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