DIY swaddling envelope. How to sew an envelope for swaddling newborn on a zipper, on Velcro?

DIY swaddling envelope. How to sew an envelope for swaddling newborn on a zipper, on Velcro?

Choosing a changing channel for the baby. DIY envelopes and options for sewing an envelope.

Ringing envelope: Which is better?

Modern envelopes for swaddlingblessed and alternative solution against the usual diaper. They are have high functionality, practical and completed in original design.

The envelope is changing

Suitable for daytime rocking and walks on the air for kids from birth and before six months.
AT envelope arms and legs child always in free movement and Do not scratch the baby. Moreover, K. onvert arbitrarily not it will open thanks to reliable fastener and To replace the diaper, just unfasten the zipper.

The main ones advantages envelope for swaddling are:

  • The simplest way swaddling
  • Strength natural fabrics
  • freedom movements child who regulated only you individually
  • A great option gift for future mom
  • Universality in care and washing

Material for manufacturing envelope usually selected cotton For the best circulation air and the comfort of the baby.

There are two types of fasteners - lightning and Velcro.
Lightning sewn in the envelope so that you can carefully unfasten the envelope without disturbing the child’s sleep.
Velcro also easily regulated and not will allowactive baby open or scratch. For replacements diapers on the back side there is corresponding incisionwhich is very convenient to use.

Video: swaddling envelopes

DIY NEW REGION ONTHING: Scheme, Dimensions

Before those how sew the envelope for newborn baby, necessary it will be determined with choice fabrics. it will be depend from time of the year, when baby born. If a time of the yearcold, then the envelope must to be insulated. Initial material must to be cotton, a additional insulation performed with help fleece or natural furs.

Fleas cocoon
Scheme No. 1 Fleet envelope
2 scheme
Scheme No. 2 of a fleece envelope
3 scheme
Scheme No. 3 for fleece envelope

The size envelope also costs take account of. The best alternative will be cocoon lengthminimum50 cm. and maximum 80 cm.
Easier total on proposed scheme make the envelope without lapels. U him will be three layersexternal side, interior layer and insulation.

  • AT beginning work cut pattern with chosen you size
  • Not  forget take into account size taking into account lapel inbottom envelope
  • Combine two basic layers fabrics, invest insulation
  • Go with help sewing cars preliminary harvesting
  • Then connect her in half, we retreat 25 cm above and we sew it with boks locks
  • On the the top form hood
  • Not forget about volume to the size basic fabric was much more
Schematic section
Scheme of a simple envelope

Highly important nuance is treatment krai. Not forget them good over the, htoob at movement baby nothing not caught to him discomfort.

  • For bending krai leave on 2 centimeter.
  • To do the envelope unique, can sew to him diverse applications, in form wings , abytikov, ears.

Can also to tie your own hands the envelopecocoon for baby.

  • To to begin to work need choose soft yarn and verify her compound.
  • Necessary a thread from semi -synthetic yarn so as not to cause allergies in child.
  • The best alternative protrudes acrylic thread- about chen soft, not expenses and it has wide color gamma.
Knitted cocoon
Knitted diaper-coconut for the baby
  • Further remove merki with baby. For this measure growth from fingers legs child before throat.
  • We count girth breasts. Add  to removed standards ten percent.
  • AT beginning we knit bottom envelope on scheme knitting hats.

Farther we knit on the next scheme:

  1. Perform glastic on type two the wrong ones, two front loops.
  2. Then we knit only front loops.
  3. Perform rice knitting. We knit one front loop, alternating with one wrong.
  4. Second row vice versa.
  5. Connected cocoon decorate pattern, patterns, application.
Knitted envelope for a child

How to sew an envelope for swaddling velcro?

The envelope dilatory on the velcro very easily sew mom, which he knows although would initial skills sewing. Sewing his enough simply perform your own hands.
For beginning necessary choose suitable pattern and purchase the cloth, threads, syntephop, velcro.
Sewing perform on steps:

  1. We apply pattern on the the cloth. Her length not less 50 cm, widthnear 90 cm.
  2. We do lower part with pattern similarly and to it turned out pocket.
  3. Sew the envelope and we are engaged processing krai. For this we use overlock or kant.
  4. For warm envelope fold two parts, sprinking the edges. Leave only small site.
  5. Turn off on the  front side and we sew up  this site.
  6. On the upper parts we sew it velcro.

The choice and sewing of Velcro is a very important process that affects the subsequent comfort of the baby. Velcro choose only soft and elastic.
Stitched the envelope decorate on desire different elements.

How to sew an envelope for swaddling with a zipper?

The envelope dilatory on the lightning we sew on that the same scheme what and on the velcro.
For sewing such simple cocona prepare: a piece knitted fabrics, flizelin, threads, lightning for fasteners, pattern.
Perform sewing:

  • Draw on the pattern approximate diaper with such sizes: width25 cm, length55 cm, can 65 cm.
  • Cut from fabrics back diapers and two front parts.
  • We cut it out also collar, bar for protection and on need lining.
  • We process all existing the edges overlock.
  • AT place location lightning for fasteners, we spend gluing krai non -woven.
  • We stitch territory on the protective bar, turn off. Add ours lightning, we add.
  • We spend compound shelves at the bottom, approaching bar with lightning, we do note.
  • The main one part fabrics and lining on the back fasten and sprinks.
  • To cut we sew it collar, leaving 10 cm from cut from the side for fasteners.
  • We sew it collar to envelope, previously folding his twice.
  • He must locate between lining and basic part fabrics.
  • We add lightning.
Lightning 1 scheme
Lightning circuit scheme
Scheme No. 1 for sewing an envelope on a zipper
Scheme No. 2 for a zipper envelope
Scheme number 3
Scheme No. 4 for an envelope with a zipper

How option can sew the envelopecocoon with lightning and buttons. Material for him should be as much as possible comfortable. Give preferencekhlopkov fabrics.

  • By pattern stitch products and turn out inside out
  • Sew bayka on edges. it necessary, to the cloth not she spread, a myself the envelope had form.
  • Separately sew striped, where will be locate lightning and buttons.
  • By lateral seam attach buttons, h toob the edges envelope fastened on middle products.
Diaper coconut
Envelope coconn with zipper and buttons

Video: Envelopes for swaddling

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