Competition of the drawing "Children for Peace on the Planet" What to draw for the contest "Children for peace on the planet"?

Competition of the drawing

What to draw for a drawing contest “Children for Peace on the Planet” and how to win it?

What to draw for the competition "Children for peace on the planet"?

Parents of schoolchildren are horrified by the start of the school year after the summer holidays. It is difficult not only to collect everything you need for the school, but also to go through the course of mathematics, letters, drawing and other items with children. And if school contests are foreseen, then hands drop completely here.

For example, the drawing contest "Children for peace on the planet Earth." After all, parents need to not only come up with an interesting idea for such a drawing, but also draw these pictures if the student is not particularly strong in drawing. What to draw for the competition "Children for peace on the planet":

  • Globe in the hands of children
  • Tanks with flowers
  • Children of different nationalities who hold hands
  • Rainbow and sun

Such standards, although they were boring, but work without fail.

Drawing for the competition children for peace on planet Earth
Drawing for the contest "Children for peace on planet Earth"
  • But you can draw the same rainbow and flowers more interestingly and brightly. In this figure, children's swings hang right on the rainbow, and there are more flowers than at home.
Children's drawing on the world on the planet
Children's drawing on the world on the planet
  • And on this rainbow trees, flowers and people live.
Children believe that there is life on the rainbow
Children believe that there is life on the rainbow
  • Of course, we must not forget that the world can be fragile. Children should understand the price of peaceful life, and adults to explain through what tests their grandfathers and grandmothers went during the war years. Such a drawing can be on military topics.
Children's drawing of blockade Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War
Children's drawing of blockade Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War

Children love to draw with bright colors. If the baby’s life is filled with the love of parents, this will necessarily affect his drawings. Some parents try to control their children so much that they come up with the drawings for school contests themselves and they draw them themselves. Here with such small ones “I will do better than you”, the inability of children begin to think and make decisions on their own.

Happy childhood in children's drawings
Happy childhood in children's drawings
  • Ineptly, but independently drawn a drawing of your child, perhaps, will not take first place at the competition, but will add him confidence in his own abilities.
Drawing for the competition children against war
Drawing for the contest "Children Against War"
  • The theme of the world drawing can be a peaceful childhood. A clear sky above the head, birds and flowers are suitable for such a pattern.
What to draw for a children's drawing contest
What to draw for a children's drawing contest

The best drawings for the contest "Children Against War"

And this children's drawing took a prize at the contest "Children do not want war." The author of the drawing divided him in half into a bright and joyful life before the war and gray and terrible after the war.

The best drawings for the "Children Against War" contest:

Drawing for the competition children do not want war
Drawing for the contest "Children do not want war"
  • An interesting idea of \u200b\u200bchildren's drawing is that from puzzles children collect the globe. Animals are observed from the forest.
Children's drawing about peace on earth
Children's drawing about peace on earth
  • The military plane smiles and scatters not bombs, but strawberries.
Children draw a war
Children draw a war

Ideas for the contest "Children for peace on the planet"

It is not necessary to make pictures on military themes for a children's drawing contest. A peaceful, happy life that can be lost during the war can also be reflected. If you add to such pictures the signatures corresponding to the topic, then your drawing may well take first place.

Ideas for the competition of children's drawings
Ideas for the competition of children's drawings
  • The sun with bouquets of flowers is quite appropriate for drawing about the world. Write the topic of the competition directly in the figure. To make the text well read, leave a place not painted up for him with pencils or paints.
Drawing for the competition children for peace on the planet
Drawing for the contest "Children for peace on the planet"
  • In the drawing, children who are happily dancing because there is no war.
Ideas for the competition of children's drawings
Ideas for the competition of children's drawings
  • Happy peaceful life without war in children is associated with sweets. And if such sweets grow on a candy tree, then happiness there are no boundaries.

Choose simple, but bright pictures for drawing. They are more easily perceived by the audience. So you will have good chances to win in the competition "Children for Peace on the Planet."

Ideas for the competition of children's drawings
Ideas for the competition of children's drawings

You may be interested to know how to draw a rainbow. And this article will talk about the competition of children's drawings "Green planet through the eyes of children".

Video: How to win a children's drawing contest?

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