Children's drawings for the “Green Planet through the eyes of children”: ideas, photo gallery

Children's drawings for the “Green Planet through the eyes of children”: ideas, photo gallery

In our article you will find ideas for the “Green Planet through the eyes of children”.

Having matured, we practically do not notice the beauty of the nature surrounding us. Almost all of our days take place in everyday bustle, and sometimes we forget what day of the week today is. Unlike us, children have not yet lost the ability to notice the charm and attractiveness of our common house - planet Earth.

That is why, from the smallest age, it is important to teach children to love and protect nature. And in order for them to perceive the learning process calmly, it must be carried out in a playful way, for example, to hold the Green Planet through the eyes of children in a kindergarten or school.

Ideas for the “Green Planet through the eyes of children”: Photo gallery

IMPORTANT: Holding this competition in a kindergarten or school, we must remember that all the children want to be winners. In view of this, try to come up with as many nominations as possible and, of course, stock up on interesting prizes.

Green planet through the eyes of children
  • In a child, the planet is associated with a beautiful flower that gives people a lot of positive emotions.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • With this pattern, the child shows how thoughtlessly a person built up the planet, leaving it without forests, and therefore without the ability to recover.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • Such a masterpiece can be shown that each person is able to make the planet the earth green and flowering.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • The inscription in the picture suggests what needs to be done so that life on our planet is further comfortable and safe.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • This image can be shown how people with their own hands destroy their house.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • A similar drawing shows all the beauty and charm of planet Earth.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • You can show all the fragility of planet Earth by depicting it with a light and air moth. If desired, the planet can be drawn even more symbolic, which began to wither, a flower.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • The picture shows how the planet Earth looks beautiful at different times of the year. And she is always beautiful! It's true?
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • A similar pattern can be shown how much the Earth planet depends on the person, and how important it is to protect its nature.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • The drawing shows how diverse and beautiful the flora and fauna of our common house is.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • This image shows that the Earth is a home for a huge number of living creatures.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • People should treat the ground as a tender flower that needs to be protected and cherished.
Green planet through the eyes of children
  • The children of our planet are so beautiful if you look at it from space.
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Green planet through the eyes of children
  • Another bright picture that fully conveys the positive attitude of small children.
Green planet through the eyes of children

With this pattern, the child will show that the planet Earth smiles while we protect its forests and reservoirs.

Video: Green Planet 2018

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