Concor: Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Concor: Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Instructions for use, Features of Condor.

Concor: Composition

Concor - This is a medicine that consists of an active componentbisoprolol

Concor, composition:

  • Fumarat bisoprolol - This is the main component, but the composition also contains additional components.
  • Among them, it is worth highlighting calcium dihydrophosphate, starch, silicon dioxide,stiarat magnesium, cellulose,cross -Vidon.

Concor: Promoting Form

It is pills that resemble hearts in shape.

Concor, output form:

  • It is produced in several dosages of 5 and 10 mg.
  • There are also tablets that contain 2.5 mg of the active component.
  • It is packed in boxes, which contain 10, 20, and 30 tablets.

Concor: Indications for use

The main task of the drug is to reduce arrhythmia, hypotension. RepresentsadrenoiserProvidesmembrane -stabilizing action. When taking, there is no effect on the respiratory tract, metabolic processes, unlike beta-2adrenergic shutters. 

Assign both once and for constant reception. If you take the medicine in a one -time, then with coronary heart disease, a decrease in the number of heart contractions is observed. The heartbeat is normalized, the amount of oxygen in the myocardium is stabilized. With prolonged use, the resistance of blood vessels is reduced, which positively affects the state of the cardiovascular system. 

Concor, indications for use:

  • Chronic heart failure 
  • Cardiac ischemia 
  • High pressure 

Concor: Price

The cost of the medicine directly depends on the manufacturer.

Concor, price:

  • On average, for cardboard packaging, which contains 30 tablets, with a concentration of 2.5 mg, you will have to give 150 rubles.
  • If the packaging has 50 pieces, with a concentration of 5 mg, you will have to give about 300 rubles. There are more expensive options that are produced abroad.
  • The cost of tabletsConcor With a concentration of 5 mg + 10 mg, in the amount of 30 pieces, will cost 550 rubles. 

Generiki Concore

Now on the market you can buy both generics and analoguesConcore. Their main difference is that generics have an identical formula, but are made by other manufacturers. Analogs, in turn, differ in a similar action, but the composition is different.

Condora generics:

  • Among the most popular generics should be highlightedConcor cor. Unlike the main medicine, it is produced with a concentration of 2.5 mg. The cost of 30 tablets is 140 rubles.
  • Generian K.oncore isAritelwhich can be found in a dosage of 2.5, 5 or 10 mg. Manufacturer -Canonfarm, is located in Russia. Price for 30 pieces, with a concentration of 5 mg, approximately 110rub. 
  • In Russia, the Northern Star company produces another generic, which is calledBisoprolol. It is implemented in a dosage of 2.5 mg. The cost of 30 tablets with a concentration of 2.5 mg will cost you 90 rubles. Due to the low price, this medicine is most often acquired instead ofConcore 
  • You can purchase an expensive generic, which is made by the companySandoz. The drug is calledBiol, and is realized with a concentration of 2.5 mg. Many patients believe that this medicine is much more effectiveConcoredue to foreign formula and production abroad. It is believed that in addition to the specified basic action,medicine Relieves swelling, removes shortness of breath, angina pectoris. The cost of 30 tablets with a concentration of 5 mg - 180 rubles. 
  • Bisoprolol produced not only in Russia, but also in European countries. You can purchase a Swiss generic calledBiol, AndBisoprolol tevathat is produced in Israel. For 30 tablets, with a concentration of 5 mg, you will have to give 170 rubles. 
  • Bisogamma, produced in Germany. It is implemented in cardboard packages of 30 or 50 tablets. Concentration can be 5 or 10 mg. The cost of 30 tablets, with a concentration of 5 mg, is 120 rubles. 

Concor: Analogs, Price

In addition to generics who differ in a similar composition, you can buy analogues tooncore. The active component is different, however, indications andillness, which treats the medicine are the same. 

Concor, analogs, price:

  1. Lozartan. The active component of the drug islozartan hydrochlortiazide. For 30 tablets you will have to give 150 rubles. This is one ofadrenergic shutters, which reduces vascular permeability, reduces the manifestation of angina pectoris. 
  2. Enalapril. It is produced in Serbia, for 20 tablets will have to be given 60 rubles. The active component isenalapril, which reduces blood pressure, and reduces the manifestation of the failure of the pumping function of the heart. 
  3. Capotopril. Produced in the Czech Republic, an active component iscapotopril. The price is 100rub For 10 tablets. 

What is the difference between Bisoprolol and Condor?

It is worth noting that there is no specific answer, which of the analogues or genericsConcore better. It all depends on the individual tolerance of the drug, and related diseases. For example,Enalapril It is worth appointing with great carepeople, Which, in addition to failure of the pump function of the heart and high pressure, has diabetes. This happens quite often due to the presence of excess weight. WhereinConcor Such patients are prescribed without fear, since it does not participate in metabolic processes, and does not affect the production or susceptibility to insulin. 

What is the difference between Bisoprolol and Condor:

  • Many buyers are interested in how it differsConcor from bisopolol.
  • In nothing, so the drugs are generics, characterized by the same composition. 

Concor: Instructions for use

The dose for adults is 5 mg once a day. Pill is taken one at a time early in the morning,during Or after breakfast.

Concor, instructions for use:

  • Taking on an empty stomach is undesirable. 5 mg is a minimum and initial concentration that is prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, increase the amount to 10 mg once a day. The daily dose is not divided into several techniques and taken united.
  • In the treatment of stable angina pectoris, the maximum dose is 20 mg once a day. If the medicine is used to eliminate the failure of the functioning of the heart, then they take not onlyConcorbut also antagonists, ACE inhibitors. Diuretics and cardiac glycosides are often prescribed. 
  • For patients who suffer from heart failure, they recommend conducting blood tests. For patients with impaired myocardial functions and a large spectrum of contraindications, the initial amount is 2.5 mg. Sometimes the medicine is prescribed in the amount of 1.25 mg of one -time. Further, the concentration is gradually increased to 2.5, 5, 7 and 10 mg once a day. Usually an increase in concentration is carried out every 2 weeks.
  • If an increase in the number of active substance is poorly perceived by patients, then it is reduced. There are patients who need to pay more attention. These are patients with kidney and liver ailments. For people who suffer from impaired renal function, as well as liverils, the maximum daily concentration is 10 mg. For such patients, the amount is not increased. 

Concor: Contraindications

The drug is unsafe, so there are many contraindications to its use. 

Concor, contraindications:

  • Acute myocardial functioning disorders 
  • Cardiogenic shock 
  • Severe bradycardia 
  • Arterial hypotension, when the upper pressure is less than 100 millimeters of the mercury column 
  • Bronchial asthma 
  • Disruption of blood circulation In the arteries
  • Metabolic acidosis 
  • Patients under 18 years old 

It is necessary to gradually increase the dose of people who suffer from type 1 and 2 diabetes, with renal failure, impaired liver function, in the presence of psoriasis, congenital heart defects and myocardial infarction.


Is it possible to concor during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed, however, in the event that the mother has serious disorders in the work of the heart. 

Is it possible to concor during pregnancy:

  • Beta-blockers can reduce blood circulation in the placenta, which will negatively affect the development of the child. Be sure to monitor the blood flow in the uterus when prescribing the medicine, and the fetal growth and development is constantly monitored. If unwanted consequences are detected, the drug is canceled or replaced with another. 
  • Most often, the medicine during pregnancy is not used, it is replaced by analogues that do not reduce blood flow in the uterus. After the birth of a child, a mother who took a long period of timeConcor, conduct a thorough examination.
  • Often in the first three days after childbirth occursbrakardia And hypoglycemia. Studies among nursing women were not conducted, so during lactation the drug cannot be taken. If such a need arises, then breastfeeding must be stopped. 

Is it possible to concor for children?

Patients under 18 years of age are not prescribed, so children cannot be used. The drug has special instructions, so be sure to consult a doctor before taking. At the initial stage, taking the medicine can lead to a temporary deterioration in the heart. You should not panic, you need to be observed with a doctor. 


Concor: side effects for women

There are a lot of side effectsConcorethat are observed both in women and in men. 

Concor, side effects for women:

  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness. 
  • Headache. 
  • Sometimes short -term memory loss is possible, and minor shaking of the limbs. 
  • Often in women, conjunctivitis is observed, and a decrease in the production of tear fluid. Because of this, dry eyeballs, visual impairment may be observed. Along with this drug, artificial tears are often recommended to wet the mucous membrane of the eyes. At the initial stages, the heartbeat is possible, and the weakening of the myocardium. 

The drug cannot be sharply thrown to drink, it is worth it gradually. Within a few weeks, they gradually reduce the concentration of the drug, minimizing it. 

For women
For women

Concor: side effects for men

In men, there is a decrease in libido, a deterioration in potency.

Concor, side effects for men:

  • Often men suffer from back pain, as well as skin reactions. It is possible to exacerbate psoriasis, increased sweating, or redness of the skin.
  • Often, patients complain of abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, diarrhea and changes in the taste of products.
  • The amount of saliva is reduced, as a result of which dryness can be observedin mouth. 

Concor: overdose and deadly dose

During the administration of the doctor, an overdose is extremely rare, it is mainly observed among people who began to take the drug on the advice of relatives and relatives. 

Symptoms of an overdose of Concor:

  • A sharp deterioration in the condition 
  • Hypertensivecrisis  
  • Intoxication with pronounced symptoms 

The first symptoms after taking a large amount of drugs appear after 15 minutes. Perhaps a sharp deterioration in the condition, which depends on how much the drug wasaccepted. 

What is the deadly dose of Concore, what to do with the drug poisoning:

  • The maximum daily dose in adults is 20 mg, so its excess can provoke a fatal outcome. There is no specific mortal dose, as it depends on the weight of the patient and related diseases. 
  • If you notice weakness, cold sweat, pallor of the skin, a sharp decrease in pressure,brakardia, a decrease in the pulse, pain and noise in the head, bronchospasm, shortness of breath and loss of consciousness, it is urgent to call the doctor and inform about taking the medicine. The main danger is that the medicine can reduce pressure to very low indicators, as a result of which a person dies. 
  • In the hospital, the patient is given gastric lavage, sorbents are prescribed, also drugs that contain glucose. When poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, and get rid of the remnants of the medicine. It is worth drinking a liter of water and trying to cause vomiting. You must drinkSmectuEnterosgel or other sorbents. To increase glucose, they drink sweet tea or coffee. Often in a hospital, in the casebracardia, make atropine injections.
  • Is it possible to die from Kondor? Patients with heart failure are very sensitive to the effects of this substance. Therefore, when taking a large amount of medicine, cardiac arrest or bronchospasm may occur. This happens when taking more than 20 mg of the drug. 

Is it possible to concor with alcohol?

In the treatment of antibiotics and any other drugs, alcohol is prohibited. You cannot combineConcor And alcohol, as they affect the state of the nervous system and heart. When taking a drug with alcohol, the effect of the drug is blocked, or vice versa, its effectiveness is enhanced. Simultaneous consumption can worsen the state of health.

Is it possible to concor with alcohol:

  • At the initial stage, after drinking alcohol, the pressure drops, since there is an expansion of blood vessels. However, after alcohol comes out of the blood, the pressure rises to the marks higher than before taking alcohol.
  • The drug helps to reduce pressure, but when taking alcohol, its value rises again. As a result of this, a strong load on the heart is observed.
  • Due to the visible pressure jumps, a heart attack or stroke may occur. That is why it is impossible to combine the drug with alcohol, because you can not improve the state of health, but aggravate it. 
With alcohol
With alcohol

Concor 5 mg: reviews

Below you can find the reviews of patients who took Concor. 

Concor 5 mg, reviews:

Victoria, 60 years old. The medicine was prescribed by the therapist, due to my heart failure. I have excess weight, and diabetes. After taking the effect, I did not notice, perhaps because I was prescribed the initial dose - 5 mg. Now the third week has gone, increased the concentration of up to 10 mg, I see the effect. She began to feel better, the pressure decreased. I take the medicine for 3weeks, while I am satisfied with the result. 

Alexander, 55 years old. I suffer from hypertension from the age of 40, I have been observed with the therapist and cardiologist. Due to constant pressure drops, various drugs were prescribed to me. Now the choice of the doctor has fallen onConcorAnd I am unhappy. I have psoriasis, after taking the drug, the disease worsened. Rashes, redness are noticeable. Until the doctor went to the doctor, but it may be necessary to cancel the drug. After the call to his family doctor, he said that it is impossible to abruptly throw the drug, this must be done gradually. I regret that I started taking this medicine in general. 

Svetlana, 50 years old. I have never been in good health and I go to the hospital once a year. Sometimes hypertensive crises with a sharp rise in pressure occur. I was prescribed a lot of medicine, the last time the doctor prescribedConcor. After blood tests, a medicine was prescribed in a dosage of 10 mg. The drug helps me, a pressure reduction is observed, the condition has improved. But together withConcor I drink a few more drugs, including papaverine.

Many interesting articles can be found on our website:

This is a great drug for constant administration, which helps to normalize the functioning of the heart and reduce vascular permeability. 

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