Who is more profitable to keep on the courtyard - geese or ducks: comparison, which is more economical for growing?

Who is more profitable to keep on the courtyard - geese or ducks: comparison, which is more economical for growing?

If you live in a private house, then you may have a question: more profitable geese or ducks? Look for an answer in the article.

Many people who have just taken up the cultivation of game ask the question: who is more profitable to keep on the courtyard - ducks or geese. After all, bird care requirements are different, and the taste of meat may vary.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How and how to scare away birds from cherries, cherries?". You will learn about modern and folk methods, and you will also find advice than covering cherries, cherries from birds.

Let's figure it out in this article, who is more profitable to keep-geese, ducks, or maybe some other bird. Read further.

What is the game?

Game is a goose
Game is a goose

Initially, any animal that was hunted (and not only a bird) was called game. So they also called the meat of these animals. The word itself "game" It came from the word "wild". There are a huge number of animals that can be hunted for the sake of food.

Now the game is called ducks, geese and other birds, which are fed for food. Initially, people hunted them, and therefore the word "game" became widely known.

The spleen is who, what kind of bird?

Selezem is called the male duck. It differs from the latter as a number of signs:

  • Coloring. The drake has a motley and bright outfit.
  • The size of the bird. The spleen is almost 2 times larger than the duck. Naturally, its weight is also different.
  • Tail feathers. The female has direct, in the male curl up.
  • Behavior. The spleen is already behaved aggressively at an early age - it can attack other males or bully them. Ducks are always conflict.
  • Sounds made. Only the duck can grunt. The spleen whistles and squeaks.

Below is still interesting and useful information. Read further.

Goose or duck - how to choose, whom to breed, keep on the courtyard?

It seems that farmers are equally like to breed geese and ducks. But this is not so. Someone prefers one species, while others choose a different type of bird. Goose or duck - how to choose who to breed, keep on the courtyard?

  • Waterfowl ducks have very tasty and fatty meat.
  • You can feed this bird even on inexpensive food.
  • For home farms, in terms of breeding birds, ducks are more often chosen.
  • They gain weight quickly enough, besides, they demolish eggs well. The latter can be laid in an incubator to withdraw ducklings throughout the year.

The geese are more difficult to breed, since problems may arise in terms of family selection.

  • Perhaps Gusaku will not like the goose, then he will not stomp (inseminate her).
  • The goose family is formed once and for all.
  • Geese lay eggs from the beginning to mid -spring.
  • It can re -blow eggs in July.

There are still a lot of useful information below. Read further.

What is more profitable to contain, what to choose for growing for meat, whose tastier is a goose or ducks: comparison

Geese on the courtyard
Geese on the courtyard

If you only choose who to breed for meat, then for sure, you cannot answer the question - which is better. Beginners are often wondering: “What is more profitable to maintain, what to choose for growing for meat, whose tastier is a goose or ducks?” Below is a comparison. When choosing young animals for fattening, several factors need to be taken into account:

  • The price of young animals. A duckling can cost about 100 rubles, Gusenok about kolo 200 (Prices are relevant at the beginning of 2021).
  • Growth rate. Some varieties of ducks grow within 2-3 months. The goose must be grown for six months.
  • How easy it is to pluck the carcass. Both birds have quite a lot of fluff in plumage, so plucking them is not always easy. However, goose fluff is more dense than duck, so it is more difficult to remove it from the skin.
  • Unpretentiousness regarding the conditions of content and food. Both species of birds are equally unpretentious. The geese are adapted for fed pastures and the extraction of food on their own.
  • The amount of meat in the husser and duck. The weight of the goose after the gut can achieve 8 kg. The weight of the duck rarely exceeds 3 kg.
  • The taste of meat. In general, goose meat is tastier than duck. It has a very dense structure, a red tint and a very saturated taste. In addition, the goose most often contains less fat. The duck is lighter, softer and fatter.

However, it will not be possible to say 100% with an accuracy that the grown duck will turn out to be fatter than the goose. It all depends on the method of feeding the bird. If there were many grain products in the diet and the individuals moved little, the meat will turn out to be fat. If pasture fattening was used, the fat content will be small.

Difference in duck and goose stern

It is impossible to say that there is a big difference between food for ducks or geese. Both species of birds are fed with grain, compound feeds, vegetables, grass and hay. Young individuals at an early age are released into the meadow. Birds willingly eat grass, worms and insects.

If there is a pond or a river with a small course next to the site, it will be very profitable to feed the waterfowl. Already at the age 2-3 weeks The bird is driven to the water, where it finds food for herself. It is necessary to feed pets with grain only in the evening.

Who eats more - geese or ducks?

Ducks on the courtyard
Ducks on the courtyard

Despite its large size, the goose eats less food than the duck. The latter is characterized by great gluttony, but this is compensated by rapid growth.

  • Per 2 months intensive flesh, duckling is able to eat up to 8 kg of compound feed.
  • Gosling for 4 months It will eat no more 10 kg Compound feed and approximately 20 kg of greenery.

In the diet of an adult goose, grain is present in small quantities - 150 g per individual. The goose is capable of obtaining the necessary nutrients at the expense of hay and the following types of vegetables:

  • Cabbage
  • Pumpkin
  • Beets and others.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Wizard and content conditions for geese and ducks

In summer, the bird can be kept in an indoor pen - starting from 3 weeks. Although there is a widespread opinion that the poultry for fattening should regularly swim, in fact this is not so. It is enough just to put a container with water so that the young animals rinse the beak from food. If you have stopped on dry feeding (grain and compound feed), put nipple car lines for geese and ducks.

  • In winter, the conditions for ducks should be comfortable - keep the bird in a warm room. It is important not to allow their legs to freeze. To avoid dampness on the floor, lay a large number of litter. Use snow instead of water.
  • Keep the geese in an unheated barn or even indoor corral. Under the feet of animals, you need to lay straw or hay. The goose will also take snow with great hunting instead of water.

note: If you contain a seedlings, they will also need a pelvis with clean water for washing.

Geese need to regularly graze, it is important that they are actively moving. The problem is that in the corral the bird quickly gains fat mass, and moreover, the ability to reproduce. In the meadow, the goose itself gets its food.

Advice: If you have a place for grazing, the goose fed process will be simple and cheap.

Fertain ducks are placed in the pen, providing them with fresh grass. Young animals willingly eat waste that remained after harvesting:

  • Grown cucumbers and zucchini
  • Carrot and beetroot tops
  • Leaves of cabbage

Who is more profitable to keep on the courtyard? Read further.

Which poultry is the most profitable, more economical for growing: geese, ducks, quails, turkeys, chickens

Ducks for growing
Ducks for growing

You need to consider in detail all species of birds in order to choose the best. Someone likes to keep chickens, others prefer ducks or geese, while someone is still holding quail and turkeys. Which poultry is the most profitable, more economical for growing? Let's take a closer look:


  • With proper feeding, the meat of the duck is very tasty and not too fat.
  • In addition, it grows quickly and carries a lot of eggs.
  • However, breeding ducks is not as simple as it seems.
  • On the other hand, this brings great benefits.


  • Goose meat is also very tasty.
  • However, the most important thing is that it is unpretentious to care.
  • The bird is resistant to any climate, with proper care, it will give more than it was invested.
  • Growing geese is very profitable.


  • The most popular animals, because they are simple and profitable to grow.
  • In addition, the meat is dietary, even children, models and athletes can use it.
  • And chicken eggs have long become the most popular dish for breakfast.
  • In terms of costs, this is the most economical option.


  • They become quite popular in the market.
  • Their breeding is quite profitable.
  • However, when compared with the cultivation of another bird, turkeys still remain in the background.
  • It is difficult to take care of them and only experienced poultry farms choose them.
  • Induces are very selfless birds, at a young age you should not keep them together with chickens, geese or ducks.
  • In addition, in the pen, you need to provide the optimum temperature of the content - not lower than 27 degrees.
  • Purks are also often exposed to diseases, so you need to contain a feeder, a drinker and the corral itself clean.


  • The species of birds listed above is chosen for home cultivation, if there are pastures and a lot of free space around.
  • With a lack of space, you can stop on quails.
  • They are very compact - in one square place it is placed up to 50 adults.
  • The poultry walking is optional, but desirable.
  • The bird gains a lot of everything for 2-3 months. Carcass weight - 300 gr.
  • The meat is tasty, dietary.
  • In the warm season you can grow up to 3 parties.
  • To feed a dozen individuals, enough 5 kg of compound feed.

So, it is impossible to say who is more profitable to maintain - ducks, geese or other birds. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. The geese must be fed for a long time, but they are less whimsical to the conditions of detention and require less food. Ducks can be fed in just a couple of months, but it is important to create the necessary conditions of detention and often feed them.

The main thing is to properly prepare the territory for the bird. If there are pastures, geese are suitable, if there is a reservoir - ducks. The meat of both species of birds is equally tasty. We also advise you to pay attention to other varieties of poultry - chickens, turkeys and quail. Good luck!

Video: chickens, ducks, murals or turkeys - which bird is profitable to grow or breed?

Video: Compare ducks and geese

Video: Geese is very profitable!

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