Why you can’t touch, ruin bird nests: information for children. How to evaluate the act of boys who ruin the nests?

Why you can’t touch, ruin bird nests: information for children. How to evaluate the act of boys who ruin the nests?

The reasons why the bird's nests cannot be ruined.

Birds in many cultures are considered mystical creatures that often participate in rites. Often added to some kind of drug, sorceress decoctions of a bird’s claw or her pen. In this article, we will talk about bird nests, and why they cannot be destroyed.

Why you can’t touch, ruin bird nests: information for children

The fact is that in nature everything is very closely connected. Birds feed on insects, and also eat mice. If the whole species will die out, then there will be nothing to eat larger animals. For example, wolves and foxes will not be able to hunt birds and eat them, and the colonies of various insects and mice will flood warehouses and eat all stocks. Therefore, the population of birds is very important.

There are several reasons why you should not touch the bird nests:

  • If the bird sees that you are touching its nest, and also trying to pick up eggs, it will no longer return to this place. Because he considers it unsafe and will find a more secluded place for building a new nest.
  • If there were eggs in the nest, you touched them, the bird will fly away and the chicks that should hatch, just die inside the shell. Because without maternal heat, they cannot be born.
  • Touching a bird's nest, you make it visible to predators. Thus, animals, as well as larger birds can notice the nest, and steal it when you leave.
  • Another reason why you should not touch the bird nest is magic. It is believed that if you touch the bird nests, destroy them, then break on trouble, illness, as well as misfortune.
Runned bird nests
Runned bird nests

Despite all the reasons why the nests should not be destroyed, there are possible options for which destruction is simply necessary. The fact is that very often you can notice on the lines of high -voltage gears. They cannot be there, because they prevent the normal operation of these lines and the transmission of current. Therefore, all employees who serve high -voltage power lines are forced to demolish such nests. Because they interfere and can cause a short circuit, as well as the loss of electricity in the area.

It is difficult for children to explain why you should not destroy bird nests, but still there are several options:

  • Try to tell your child that birds are living organisms that can be harmful. And even if the child does nothing to the bird, but only wants to see what is inside the nest, this can cause the chicks will freeze.
  • Explain to the child that without maternal heat, the chicks simply will not hatch, they will die inside the shell. In addition, try to tell your child that if you touch the nests, thereby attracting the attention of predators. Large animals can try to ruin the nests.
Runned bird nests
Runned bird nests

How to evaluate the act of boys who ruin the nests?

Very often, children are offered the lessons of donation. This is a method to instill love for the surrounding nature, teach them to take care of our smaller brothers. Therefore, it is necessary in every possible way to tell children how to behave in conditions of wildlife. This will help the assessment of the act of boys who ruin the nests.

There are several options for describing these actions, and here's how they can be described:

  • Boys act mercilessly
  • Breaky
  • Rough
  • Cruel
  • Badly

Therefore, one cannot be indifferent, you must try to save the nest. If there are several whole eggs, you can take them home and keep them in a warm place until the chicks hatch. In addition, there is another option: to transfer eggs from a ruined nest to another nest while the bird is in another place. Perhaps she will sit a new egg, like her own, and will feed the chick.

Children need to explain that this is not worth doing, despite curiosity. In addition, it is impossible not to ruin the nests, it is undesirable to even touch. Because if the bird notices or feels something was wrong, it will simply fly away from this place and will no longer return. The chicks from the eggs will not hatch.


It is necessary to protect and appreciate the brothers of our smaller ones, because nature takes care of us, giving food, as well as the opportunity to build their houses.

Video: Why you can't ruin bird nests

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