Когда в глаголах пишется приставка ПРЕ, а когда ПРИ: правило

Когда в глаголах пишется приставка ПРЕ, а когда ПРИ: правило

The article will be useful to all those who study the Russian language, prepare for passing exams or tests, wants to restore the school curriculum in memory.

Spelling prefixes pre and in verbs

Spelling of the above prefixes is regulated by the general rule: In the shock syllable, the letter is written that corresponds to a clearly audible sound.

For example: I passed, arrived.

Spelling of prefixes pre and in verbs, taking into account different values \u200b\u200bof the prefixes: table and examples

The value of the verb prefix prE For example
The word indicates an action that reaches the maximum degree. Etc eto make, pr eincrease, pr eascend, etc.
\u003d Pere-.

Etc erate, pr eturn in meaning peresdo,

etc egrape in meaning peresfence,

etc estep in meaning peresto step,

permiss for meaning peresconduct, etc.

The value of the verb prefix at For example
The word indicates the approach to something, to someone definite, to some purpose. Etc andclose, pr andrun, pr andot, pr andgo, pr andgrout, pr andfly, pr andrush, pr andbe, pr andearth, pr andtouch, etc.
The word indicates an addition to something, to someone. Etc andwrite, pr andbuy, pr andlay, pr andback, pr anddo, pr anddrive, etc.
The word indicates an accession, attachment to something, someone. Etc andsew, pr andsteen, pr andglue, pr andmuck, pr andbuild, pr andconnect, pr andknit, pr andmove, pr andfix, etc.
The word indicates an incomplete action or an action performed for a short period of time. Etc andsit, pr andlie, pr andget up, pr andopen, pr andraise, pr andhug, pr andscare, pr andsile, pr andsilence, pr andkeep, pr andstop, pr andthink, pr androot, etc.
The word indicates an enhanced manifestation of action. Etc andlook at, pr andassigned, pr anddress, pr andlook, etc.
The word indicates a complete action. In this case, the action has a certain result. Etc andhatch up, pr andwall, pr andteach, pr andcum, pr andspeak, pr andcut, etc.
The word indicates not the main, but at the concomitant action. Etc anddancing, pr anddrink, pr andwhistle, pr andwhisper, pr andjump, pr andstamp.
The word indicates an action as a result of which there is a compression of something, someone. Etc andstop, pr andmany, pr andreap, pr andpress, pr andsweep, pr andclose, etc.
The word indicates an action directed in its direction. Etc andlittle, pr andlose, pr andyour own, etc.
The word indicates addiction. Etc andswear, pr andput up, pr andspend, pr andtear out, pr andeating.

The prefixes are and at: examples of verbs that need to be remembered, vocabulary words with the prefix pre and

The words below belong to lexemes in which it is impossible to accurately distinguish the verb prefix and determine its meaning. These words just need to be remembered or checked by writing in the dictionary.

Pra AT
To prevent, neglect, rejoice, bustle, seduce, stop, persecute, despise, success, teach, present, adultery, repent, prepare, present, neglect, prevail, claim. To be picky, cook, come in handy, order, swear, attend, attract, try, reconcile, privatize, invite, blow.

Amphone words with prefixes pre and their meaning

Omophones - lexemes that are phonemic twins - are pronounced almost the same, but differ in spelling. The meaning of words becomes clear if you consider them in the context of the sentence.

Very often such words are called homonyms.

Pra AT
To stay (be) in a beautiful mood. Arrive on the platform.
Stop The face of the permitted. To begin To complete the task.
Spend (realize) dreams into reality. Pretend The door to the room.
Bow Before talent (admire). Lean Under gusts of wind.
Despise meanness and cowardice (negatively). Publishkitten (give a shelter).

Complex words with pre and

The most confusing situation with the words that make up the following pairs:

  • umnate - increase;
  • smell - to make sure.

These lexemes have not only similar sound and spelling, but also meaning.

So we use the word “Umnate” if we want to describe an action that increases the final result several times. “To increase” indicates an action that increases the final result to an even greater extent. The second pair of words is also an explanation, but in a diametrically opposite meaning.

As a result of long -term disputes, the only convenient decision was made:

  • umnate the couple, only one is the only writing option for writing to increase;
  • in the pair, downplay, adopt the verb prefixes abolished as excessive, leaving only the word decrease.

Words with a prefix before

In the previous parts of the article you will find many examples of verbs with the prefix pre-.

Be careful when completing the task: it is often important not to confuse the prefixes of pre- and pre-.

Below are examples of the most used verbs with the prefix of pre-, which most often means the effect of the manual:

To precede, foresee, foresee, prevent, predict, predict, prescribe, protect, prevent, warn, etc.

Video: spelling of prefixes of pre- and Pr- (grade 5, video tutorial-presentation)

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