When is the point with a comma in the sentence?

When is the point with a comma in the sentence?

In this topic, we will consider when putting a point with a comma in a sentence.

Such a dividing sign as a point with a comma is quite rare to use. In oral speech, a long pause corresponds to him, as at a point. Despite this, you can still find this punctuation mark in a letter. Let's look at what conditions it is used.

When is a comma point used in sentences?

The first and most popular example of using a comma point is Separation of autonomous offers,which are combined in one complex expression. In this case, there is no use of any unions. This is especially true for those sentences that are quite common and are distinguished by the presence of other commas in themselves.

  • There was a dark August night; She was sad, because it was already beginning to smell in the fall; Sheltered by the clouds, the moon was visible and barely brightened the passage; Gradually darkened fields, on which stars often fell on top.
  • Around everything froze in a strong dream; Cold hills were barely visible through the autumn fog; They are dissected by the river, thrown through them and disappeared into the fog.
  • On the country road, spruce was met every minute, it thought that they were closing other trees, as if absorbing them; There was very little greenery, and then it completely disappeared.
Simple poem for explanation
Simple poem for explanation

The next rule is use When delimiting independent proposals,as well as their parts that are connected in one complex sentence. And at the same time they are interconnected by such unions as “still”, “but”, “nevertheless”, “however”.

  • She had only a few colors of Guasha; But, contrary to this, she began to draw a landscape.
  • It seemed that he had absolutely no need to go to her, and she herself was not very happy; However, he traveled and remained with her all day, and it happened for weeks.
  • She studied well, although she was a little lazy; She never cried; But at times, terrible stubbornness attacked her.

But there is a small note. This dividing sign is used before such a union as "a" only under one condition- If the parts of the sentence that are connected to them are complex and common, and inside have other dividing signs (most often commas).

  • Then it seemed to me that she was completely trembling with fear, and as if suffocating; And here, it is worth noting, it was not at all shy.
  • There are only funny people around you; And you will live with them a year or two, and gradually you become so yourself.
But you need to use it competently

The same applies to unions “and”, “yes” (if it matters “and”).But provided that it could be separate proposals without the use of such unions.

  • She threw notes in a notebook, sometimes distracting and listening to sounds from the road; And at the same time thoughtlessly responding to her brother's inquiries.
  • Almost every weekend they went to the village to their relatives; And time passed wonderful, the impressions were unforgettable every time.
  • It was calm in heaven and on earth, as in the soul of man with prayer; And only sometimes a cold breeze blew, lifting the manes of horses covered with hoarfrost, pouring snow across the road.

Such a dividing sign can be used between the homogeneous members of the sentence, And also, if inside them there are such punctuation marks as commas.

  • In the darkness, those vague things were poorly seen: in the distance, a dark wall was visible, the same driving spots; a horse near me, who waved his tail; the back in the brown speck on which was visible in a black cover; The light of a cigarette, spilling light on a beard and a hand in a black glove.
  • There were city and people from neighboring villages, arrested on suspicion that they are supporters, killers, communists; People who offended power by a word; People who hid their family; People who were detained without documents.
  • I tried to examine everything, but I did not find any miracles in this place, nothing unusual; It only seemed that there was someone unknown, but, at the same time, very dear and similar to a close friend, whom you are about to find out.
Frequent involvement in this design

This symbol is used Between the component SPP. That is, phrases of two different parts, if they belong to one basic expression.

  • What are the dreams of every little girl? Dreams of becoming a princess; that will always be warm and sunny; that everyone will admire it and give toys.
  • So hunting so that all life is as happy as it is now, when you see how green a garden, still wet from dew, shines in the sun; When you see how your children walk near the house that smells of flowers, and love is in the air.

Another case of using such a dividing is separation of autonomous proposals.As well as in case separation of groups of dependent proposals that relate to the main design, If necessary, separate the boundaries between groups of such proposals.

  • Only strawberries went away, and cherries are already being seduced, the mulberry is pouring, and there are already yellow apricots; It happens that strawberries will rush so that women cannot cope with her, then mobilization is announced, and already metallurgists climb next to children in the garden.
  • There were many birds in the forest, they were covered with all the tops of the trees, they circled near them and sang; Sometimes, most often after lunch, they fluttered in the sky, whole hundreds, calling others; Sometimes some bird will fly from the top to the top and it all subsides.
On a note
On a note

And finally, the punctuation mark of the point with a comma It is used at the end of the headings when listing. This applies to headings that are not independent parts and are related to the main proposal.

  • The new work demanded the following installations from it:
    • wake up at about eight in the morning;
    • every day read fifteen pages of literature;
    • finish the work until six in the evening.
  • The following documents must be attached to the application:
    • certificate from the place of work;
    • autobiography;
    • help from a medical institution.
  • After the meeting, she received the following instructions mandatory for execution:
    • buy a new phone with a registered new number;
    • come to meet on Tuesday in the park by eight in the evening;
    • bring one red rose with you.

They use a point with a comma relatively rarely, because it weights offers. But in today's topic we considered the main reasons for its use in order to put it correctly.

Video: When should you put a point with a comma?

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