When the heart of the embryo begins to beat, the fetus, at what obstetric week of pregnancy? When, at what period of pregnancy is formed, the heart of the fetus appears: the laying of the heart in the embryo. How many heart beats per minute have a fetus in the womb?

When the heart of the embryo begins to beat, the fetus, at what obstetric week of pregnancy? When, at what period of pregnancy is formed, the heart of the fetus appears: the laying of the heart in the embryo. How many heart beats per minute have a fetus in the womb?

How many days, what week of pregnancy does the heart beat | The heart of the embryo, fetus, child.

After the first emotions relative to the rapid replenishment in the family, they will settle down, future parents try to get the maximum information about the baby's condition. Whether the pregnancy is normal, whether its development corresponds to the gestational age.

  • The woman transfers her own idea of \u200b\u200bgood well -being to her baby: whether the baby eats well when he sleeps and when he is awake. However, the most important indicator of the fetus in the mother’s body is the beating of its heart.

When, at what period of pregnancy is formed, the heart of the fetus appears: the laying of the heart in the embryo

The heart is an important physical body that differs from others with a complex structure, since it is entrusted with many important tasks. A lot depends on how the process of the formation of the circulatory system takes place. Many functions of this organ are the cause of congenital malformations.

Already at the stage of embryogenesis, the heart of the fetus begins to form
Already at the stage of embryogenesis, the heart of the fetus begins to form

In school lessons on biology, information about the structure of the heart became available to us:

  • that it consists of 4 cameras (two atrium and 2 ventricles)
  • that the pump function is entrusted to it
  • the fact that blood is accumulated in the right half, poor with oxygen and goes to the lungs
  • the fact that in two chambers of the left half of the heart falls blood, saturated with oxygen and directs into the tissues and organs of a person

Thanks to such a complex biological mechanism, the body provides nutrition of organs and tissues. The organs of blood, in which there is no longer oxygen, is returned to the vessels and arteries to the lungs.

The beginning of the development of the heart in the fetus falls on 3 weeks after conception
the beginning of the development of the heart in the fetus falls on 3 weeks after conception
  • Already at the stage of embryogenesis, the heart of the fetus begins to form. The main function of blood circulation is already performed at this stage.

How is the heart formed?

  • In the second week of pregnancy and up to 6 weeks, the heart of the fetus seems to be built from several heart structures. Congenital malformations of the child’s cardiovascular system are developing already at the embryogenesis stage. The baby’s heart is especially sensitive to various risk factors.
  • By the end of the 2nd week, the embryo already has a heart. It is formed by two simple heart tubes. These tubes merge together and form a common tube through which blood passes in one continuous stream.
  • By the end of the 3rd or the beginning of the 4th week of pregnancy, a change in the heart pipe is complicated due to its uneven growth.
  • At this stage, the heart already has a S-shaped shape. It can be distinguished by the venous sinus, and the venous department (which is also called the primary ventricle), the arterial department (it is on the primary atrium functions). The baby’s tiny heart has only one camera during this period. The organ begins to contract.

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  • The venous and arterial departments overgrown with time is separated by a deep hauling, after which the formation of a two -chamber heart of the fetus begins. This happens at the 4th week of development.
  • Now the baby has only a large circle of blood circulation. After the lungs are formed, a small circle of blood circulation will take shape. The size of the heart is tiny and resembles poppy grain, but it works clearly and rhythmically.
  • At the 5th week or by the beginning of the 6th (this is the seventh obstetric week) the baby’s heart is already three-chamber thanks to the appearance of the intended atrial septum.
Stages of heart development
Stages of heart development
  • The 6th week of development: the ventricular chamber is divided by a partition. At this stage, the formation of valves also occurs. The general arterial barrel is now divided. As a result of this division, the aorta and the pulmonary artery appear. So the fetus forms a four -chamber heart. Cardiac contractions are fixed: about 150 beats per minute. The heart rate of adults is half as much.
  • At 6-7 weeks, the fetal heart is practically formed. At this stage, the construction of the partition between the ventricles continues. After the partition is formed, the left and right ventricles will be divided.
  • At the 8th week, the heart of the child in its form resembles the heart of an adult, with the only difference being that inside a small heart there is an oval window located between the atria and an arterial duct. Such a window connects the aorta to the pulmonary artery and provides the flow of oxygen from the blood of the mother directly to the organs of the fetus. Since after the baby is born, the need for such a window disappears, it closes.
The intake of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus
The intake of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus

Human heart rate is recorded: from, what moment, how many weeks, days of pregnancy do the heart begin to beat?

  • After the merger of the male and female germ cells occurs, young parents are waiting for a real small miracle. They want to quickly see his tiny body during an examination on an ultrasound, listen to the beating of his heart.

The heartbeat of the crumbs can be heard at an early gestation. The kid declares to his parents through ultrasound that a tiny little man lives in his mother’s tummy.

  • The thin structures of a tiny heart will be completely formed only by 22 weeks of pregnancy, after which the network of vessels of the heart and the entire body of the baby will grow. The heart mass will increase, and the circulatory system will be more and more to train for life outside the mother's body every day.
  • The pulsation of the future tiny heart can be seen even at the stage of embryonic development. And this is the 22nd day from the moment of fertilization. In other words, on the 5th or early 6th obstetric weeks, the fetal heartbeat is already clearly fixed.

How and at what period does the baby's heartbeat in the womb are heard?


  • A woman can hear a heartbeat of her own baby in the early stages of pregnancy. Such an opportunity appears during the next inspection on the apparatus of ultrasound diagnostics.
  • With transvaginal (internal) ultrasound, the heartbeat can be heard at 5-6 weeks. At this time, the embryo is only 3-4 weeks from the moment of conception.
  • Transabdominal (external) ultrasound allows you to hear the baby’s beat of the baby for 6-7 weeks.


  • Using a medical tool stetoscope The beating of a tiny heart is listened to by a gynecologist. This happens during the examination of the pregnant woman. The tool that is performed ausculsia (and this is what this method is called) is a pipe made, as a rule, of wood.
  • At the end of the tube there is a wide funnel, which the doctor puts on the stomach of the pregnant woman and listens to how a tiny heart beats. Such a listening is carried out not just out of curiosity: the doctor assesses the condition of the baby in the womb. At a long time, the heartbeat is listened to very clearly.
  • The stethoscope is used at the reception after 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. Only at this time, with its help, can you listen to the heartbeat of the crumbs.

How many heart beats per minute have a fetus in the womb?

  • In the early stages (up to 6 weeks), the heart of the embryo is slowly reduced. This is explained by the initial stage of the formation of cardiac activity.
  • When the connection of the circulatory and nervous systems will be formed (which occurs by the end of 9 weeks) The heart rhythm is already 170-180 beats per minute.
  • However, such heartbeat indicators are not preserved for long: by the second trimester, heart rate indicators are reduced to 120-160 beats per minute. The second and third trimesters proceed with the rhythmic pulsation of a small heart.

Is it possible and how to listen to the heart of the fetus at home?

  • If you can’t wait to listen to the heartbeat of your baby, then the stethoscope will not help you with this. But even vice versa: during listening, various additional noises of the mother’s body join the beating of a small heart.
  • Therefore, it is better to use another device - a portable ultrasonic Doppler detector of the fetal heart rate. The detector will record the heartbeat of the crumbs, and you can hear it through the headphones. Those who use this method of listening to the beating of an expensive heart will appear another opportunity: make a recording of unique sounds, so that later you can listen to the knock of the heart of the still not born baby on the computer.
Is it possible and how to listen to the heart of the fetus at home

Why do an ultrasound of the heart of the fetus during pregnancy?

  • Diagnostic procedures during pregnancy are prescribed for timely detection of hazard foci, the ability to prevent the development of a critical state.
  • If doctors find cardinal deviations in the late pregnancy, then the baby will have a chance to survive outside the mother’s womb. In some cases, a critical state is a serious danger and the child may die until the end of pregnancy. It is important for doctors to be prepared for such a turn of events in order to have time to provide medical assistance.
  • The doctor will determine which products should not be consumed, which load is possible for a pregnant woman and which drugs are better to abandon for a while. If you pull with a visit to the Uzi-diagnostics office, you can create the illusion of the lack of a problem that will lead to sad consequences.

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