When can you have sex after appendicitis, miscarriage, cesarean section, conception, candles and cauterization of erosion?

When can you have sex after appendicitis, miscarriage, cesarean section, conception, candles and cauterization of erosion?

Various operations affect not only the state of health, but also on relationships, because sex in the recovery period is contraindicated. When you can return to a full life - read in this article.

Full -fledged sexual life Between partners - the key to strong relations. Intimate proximity is equally necessary for both men and women, but in some cases, contrary to desires, Contacts have to be abandoned. When sex is contraindicated and how long we will analyze in this article.

When can you have sex after appendicitis?

After removal cherve -shaped process Complete recovery occurs two months after the operation. But this does not mean at all that all this time you must deny yourself intimacy. Moreover, already in three weeks After surgery, even moderate physical activity is allowed.

After appendectomy, you are unlikely to want to resume sexual life
After appendectomy, you are unlikely to want to resume sexual life

Of course, immediately after surgery, sex is strictly prohibited and, in fact, after terrible pain, surgery, anesthesia - Sex will be the last that you want. Similar thoughts can arise after discharge home, but on the recommendation of doctors from sex should refrain for at least two weeks.

Sex that occurred earlier than two weeks can lead to negative consequences:

  • distribution of the seam
  • internal bleeding
  • painful sensations

Even in two weeks after appendectomy You should not take an active position in sex - give this role to your partner and save the fragile organism from too active actions in the bed.

After surgery, do not take an active position in sex
After surgery, do not take an active position in sex

To protect yourself from negative consequences from sex after appendicitis discuss this issue with your doctor. Also be guided by your feelings - if two, and three weeks have passed, and you feel bad, the seam has not fully dragged on, then it is better to refuse sexual contact.

When can you have sex after a miscarriage?

Miscarriage - Great grief for failed parents, but sooner or later life returns to its circles and they again Think about intimacy. Each case is individual and clearly say when sex after a miscarriage is quite difficult.

First of all, a miscarriage is great stress for the body. The uterus begins to be cleansed, which leads to characteristic discharge. Definitely during this period sex is prohibited.

It is worth postponing an attempt to have a child after a miscarriage until the moment the body is restored
It is worth postponing an attempt to have a child after a miscarriage until the moment the body is restored

The opinions of doctors about when you can enter into a sexual intimacy converge in one thing - it is better to refrain before the next menstruationthat will come no earlier than 30-33 days. It is they who say that the female body has recovered and recovered.

With intercourse, it is necessary control the depth of penetration penis, and for two to three months, sexual contacts should not be more often than 2 times per week.

The possibility of sex after a miscarriage For the purpose of conception should be discussed with specialists. Before thinking about a new pregnancy is necessary fully recover And to find out the reasons why the previous pregnancy had such a deplorable completion. It is possible that the doctor will prescribe a number of tests and research Before allowing you to plan pregnancy.

When can you have sex after the curettage?

Scraping It can be assigned for various reasons and the complexity of the operation may be different. Therefore, only a doctor who performed the operation can say exactly when sex is possible after the curettage.

After wrapping, sex is contraindicated for many reasons
After wrapping, sex is contraindicated for many reasons

Since the uterus after such an intervention is Wound surface, then intimacy can provoke many negative consequences.

How soon you can have sex after curettage several factors influence:

  • the complexity of the operation
  • the patient's age (a younger organism is restored faster)
  • general health

In the average categorical period, during which sex is prohibited, are considered two weeks after surgery. It is necessary to soberly evaluate your condition and avoid contacts during this period in order to prevent infection. About when sexual intercourse will be permissible, it is necessary to clarify with the doctor after the next examination.

After the examination, the doctor will give a recommendation to resume sexual life
After the examination, the doctor will give a recommendation to resume sexual life

When can you have sex after a cesarean section?

After the birth of a child, young spouses want to resume as soon as possible active sex lifeBut the woman’s body, unfortunately, is not able to recover as quickly as he would like. Even if childbirth has occurred naturally, without gaps and damage, sex is contraindicated until the uterus is completely cleansed, that is, until the completion of the moo. As a rule, this process takes 30-40 days.

If the woman gave birth to a cesarean section, then the situation is more complicated. Although the birth canal during surgical delivery were not changed during childbirth and did not succumb to ruptures, still uterine tissue they cut and stitches on them.Therefore, sexual contacts after cesarean section can be made no earlier than through 3-4 months.

Delivery by cesarean section
Delivery by cesarean section

It is necessary to clearly adhere to this recommendation of gynecologists, since sex that has occurred previously may lead to the divergence of seams and infection. This applies not only to vaginal sex. If the spouses decide to practice anal instead, then the consequences will also be negative and except cutting pain in the seam The partner will not be able to experience any sensations.

Video: sex after childbirth

When can you have sex after a break?

If during the birth there were internal and external gaps, It takes quite a lot of time to heal. Therefore, do not think that if postpartum discharge has stopped, then you can safely resume sex life - The penis can damage the and so healing seams, as a result of which their discrepancy will occur. Thus, dubious pleasure can cause discomfort under the needle of a gynecologist.

Sex after gaps is possible only after complete healing of the seams
Sex after gaps is possible only after complete healing of the seams

As a rule, after childbirth to a woman a doctor is prescribed - After a month or one and a half - on which the gynecologist will examine the condition of the vagina and seams. It is after such an examination that the doctor recommends to refrain further from sexual intimacy or return to a full life.

When can you have sex after surgery?

The question of when to be sex after surgery is difficult, because a lot depends from the type of operation, The dislocations of the operated organ and how the recovery period passes. On average the timing of return to a full life is called the following:

  • removing the gallbladder - no earlier than after 2 weeks
  • varicocele - 3 weeks
  • hydrocele - 1 month
  • appendectomy - 2 weeks
  • removing uterus - 6 weeks
  • microdiscectomy - 1 month
After any operation, the body should be restored
After any operation, the body should be restored

Do not forget that each organism in its own way transfers surgical intervention And it is necessary to focus not on standard indicators, but on the well -being and instructions of the doctor. After the operation, do not hesitate to ask the question that interests you and the doctor will definitely answer, when sex will be safe And appropriate.

When can you have sex after candles?

Often for the treatment of many inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs suppositories are appointed. Their use is convenient and often effective, but sexual contacts are contraindicated during the treatment period. This is necessary so that the components of the drug act in the right place and the due amount of time. Besides many candles contain substanceswho will have a dumb effect on your sexual partner.

Suppositories or candles
Suppositories or candles

As for candles-contracks, then they are created for sexual contact immediately after administration. As a rule, after dissolving the candle, its effect lasts during 30-40 minutes And sexual intercourse, produced at this time, will be protected. In the event that the night of love is planned, then one candle will clearly not be enough - each episode of proximity needs a new suppository.

When can you have sex after conception?

Many couples waiting for a child believe that sex after conception is contraindicated Until the completion of pregnancy. In fact, this hypothesis is very far from the truth. Experts claim that sexual intercourse in no way cannot harm the development of the fetus In the womb and this is due to the specific structure of the female genital organs.

Sex after conception is not prohibited
Sex after conception is not prohibited

Pregnancy, after implantation of the fetal egg, develops in the uterine cavityto which there is no access from-up. With sexual contact, the penis of the partner cannot penetrate the uterus, and the orgasm that a woman can experience provides only a positive effect And on the fetus and on the uterus.

Necessarily sexual intercourse must be produced with a condomTo prevent the risk of infection, and the actions of the sexual partner must be careful.

In the event that a woman had problems with gestation In the past, or there is a threat of interruption, sex is contraindicated. Whether sexual intimacy will be possible further throughout pregnancy can only be said by the doctor who leads it.

Sexual rest is necessary only if there is a risk of termination of pregnancy
Sexual rest is necessary only if there is a risk of termination of pregnancy

When can you have sex after cauterization of erosion?

Cervical erosion - A serious pathology of her mucous membrane. It is very important that after cauterization of erosion a sufficient amount of time has passed and the wound was able to successfully drag on. If sexual intercourse occurs too early, then there is a big risk of negative consequences:

  • bleeding
  • infection
  • resumption of destructive processes

As a rule, experts recommend after cauterization refrain from sexual activity For one month. But this does not mean that if a month has passed and you feel good, then you can resume sex life. This is possible only when after the next administration of the gynecologist kolposcopy was made And the doctor will attest to the complete restoration of the cervix.

Within 1 month after cauterization of erosion, you will have to refuse sex
Within 1 month after cauterization of erosion, you will have to refuse sex

After cauterizing erosion of the cervix, as a rule, sex is recommended with the mandatory use of a condom.

When can you have sex after laparoscopy?

Often, after 2-3 weeks After laparoscopy, a woman can return to active sexual activity. But it matters for what purpose this procedure was carried out:

  • restoring the fallopian tubes - Sex is recommended as early as possible - this will prevent the process of formation of adhesions. As a rule, such an operation is carried out with the aim of conception, and since the obstruction of the fallopian tubes quickly returns, conception should occur as quickly as possible - sex may take place after 2-3 days
  • if with laparoscopy The seams were imposed, then to refrain from having sex will have to be removed until they are removed
  • if others were produced during laparoscopy surgical actions, then it is necessary to clarify with the doctor the question of the resumption of sexual life

Sex - An important component of our lives and do not give up it For no apparent reason. If there were reasonable causes of sexual abstinence according to the doctor’s testimony, then only he can say for sure, when you can stop sexual peace. Otherwise, minutes of pleasure can be too expensive and the recovery period will be significantly delayed.

Video: Sexual life after resuscitation

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