When the cuckoo is dolls: folk signs

When the cuckoo is dolls: folk signs

In Ancient Russia, the cuckoo was considered the most mysterious bird, and now we all, having heard its dolling somewhere in the bosom of nature, we begin to count after how many years to live with bated breath? And although everyone perfectly understands that there is no sense in all this, we, like our ancestors for many centuries ago, continue this account.

Few people know that since ancient times the cuckoo was attributed not only to knowledge of the life cycle of a person. Superstitions are also connected with it, thanks to which people built forecasts about the weather, the upcoming harvest, about their future fate. And what could they do? There were no weather forecasters with their weather forecast. I only had to believe the cuckoo.

Women's hypostasis cuckoo

  • The ancient Slavs attributed to the cuckoo Female symbolism. The numerous traditions that have reached us speak of a woman being turned into a cuckoo who dreamed of a happy family, but remained lonely.
  • Since this bird has a strange instinct that is not inherent in any other types of birds - to throw their eggs to other people's masonry, then people began to call their mother indifferent to their children. And to this day they do it.

Omen of the first cuckoo

  • Previously, people believed that the cuckoo was a bird of paradise, which was the first to migrate to the south in the fall, and in the spring flew back the very last. Her dolling was associated with numerous signs, even fateful, and many of them were negative. It was believed that cuckoo is a gatekeeper of the other world, a harbinger of unhappy events.
  • The ancestors listened to the shades of sounds that, in their opinion, make this a mystical feathered, looked closely where it was located - all this together allowed them to solve future events.
  • People associated the cuckoo cuckoo also with the place in which the person who heard him was doing for the first time in the spring did.
Portend changes in the weather and the arrival of spring
Portend changes in the weather and the arrival of spring

Cuckut Cuckoo: good signs

  • If the first cuckoo gets away at a time when a person is done by some specific work, then he will have engage in this business throughout the year. If, for example, he was engaged in a garden or garden, then he will be able to spend a lot of time in the country. And the one who was just resting then, this year will expect calm and peace.
  • If a the person who heard the first cuckoo, strong and healthy, then he will not fail him throughout the year.
Singing can attract health and money
Singing can attract health and money
  • Hearing how cukuts a cuckoo For the first time in the year, as soon as possible get out What you most want to get from life. If the Veschunya dudged to the right of you, then your desire will come true. To consolidate the result, you need throw a coin from the right hand to the left. So just in case, keep a trifle in your pocket in an early spring - suddenly you will hear the “right” first cuckoo on this day.
  • Kukushka has a special attitude towards the money. Call a trifle in your pocket or wallet At a time when the first cuckoo will pound, and all your financial problems will be resolved, and in money you will not be a shortage - to a new return of cuckoo from warm countries.
  • There is even such a sign about the cuckoo: if at the time of dolling the first cuckoo your wallet is stuffed tightly with money, then your finances will be significantly increased.
  • If the cuckoo gets away from the east, the West (from the side) from a person, then this promises him prosperity. If the dolling comes from somewhere in front, then this is the news of his long life path with good health.
  • It's believed that babies will be happy, whose birth was accompanied by the first cuckoo cry - all their lives to such children will be accompanied by luck.
  • If, as a “carpet” for a person who heard the singing of the first cuckoo, green grass or soft earth served, then in this case it would be successful.
  • Hearing the first cuckoo, you need to quickly lie down on the grass - and then you can forget about troubles for a whole year.
As protection against troubles
As protection against troubles
  • If the cuckoo arrives from warm countries ahead of time and finds it to cough, then for thieves this year will become unsuccessful. Such an interpretation had a rational basis, since the early cuckoo is indifferent, the attackers will have nothing to steal.

Cuckut Cuckoo: negative signs

  • If this gray bird “makes a visit” to the village, then for the peasants it was a bad sign - they believed that the cuckoo brought all kinds of misfortunes to their village.
  • The cuckoo sat on a tree near the home and screams - to the deceased.
  • It was previously believed that if this prophetic bird flies low over a person, gets away from the north side or sits on a shrunken tree, then all this is to death.
  • I used the first cuckoo - do not lower your eyes down Because trouble can happen.
  • God forbid, the feathered punnies on autumn days - this is not good. If Petrov has already passed the day, then with the one who hear the cuckoo, it may happen to happen. In this case, you need to scream in response to the “ku-ku”-this will make the bird silent, but the sign will not work.
  • If this gray bird is hidden on the fence of the corral for livestock, the peasants expected the occurrence of Mora with fear.
  • People did not expect anything good from the cuckoo, who chose the roof of the house for herself and got her song there.
  • A cuckoo was swept throughout the village, no matter how you find a place for itself - it will happen fire.
  • He will sneak the cuckoo on the left - unfortunately and numerous life errors.
  • Health problems The bird, singing behind a person, promised. People of the arrival of diseases expected anxiously if they had heard Cukushkin Song, lying in bed.
  • The post came, and the cuckoo suddenly sang at that time - this is a bad sign.
  • The bird was accused, and the wallet is empty at this time - to hunger and poverty.
  • If the cuckoo in the spring of his singing is ahead of the nightingale, this year the people who heard her face sadness and boredom.
  • In the old days, the girls carefully listened to the pouring of the winged branch: how many times the cuckoo will utter its “ku-ku”, then as many years will bring her to the girls to cough.

When the cuckoo is dolls: folk signs about the weather

  • May, the beginning of the first month of summer and late autumn became a scene for the feathered Pevunya-rush? This is to warm weather. Spring has come, and the cuckoo dolls for a long time and often? Means, freezing is not expected this year.
Harvesting harvesting and warming
Harvesting harvesting and warming
  • Several cuckoo sang at once - the day promises to be hot.
  • Earlier, people noted, if July has already exceeded the 13th, and the cuckoo continues to sing, then all the remaining summer will be warm and dry.
  • If she suddenly pounds on autumn days, then Babier will be dry and long.
  • The cuckoo dolls loudly - precipitation will soon fall out. And if she emphasizes a dry tree and begins to cough there - this to quick frosts.
  • How before Poin the cuckoo, that spring will be warmer.

When the cuckoo is dolls: folk signs about the crop

  • Our ancestors tried to plant seedlings before the first cuckoo was working - otherwise the crop would be bad.
  • If the bird pounds in early spring on a tree with young leaves, then this is to good news.
  • If the cuckoo sang when flowering mountain ash or blossomed oakThen people counted on a rich harvest.
  • The bird sang on a bare, without leaves, a tree - to hunger.
  • The crop failure threatened to sing a cuckoo in the cold.
Harvest or crop failure could also be recognized by bird singing
Harvest or crop failure could also be recognized by bird singing

However, do not unconditionally believe in all these signs. This unpredictable bird can buy a couple of times, and to fly further on your cuckoo deeds. And an impressive person will not be able to throw this out of his head, thereby programming himself to the negative. We ourselves are the blacksmiths of our fate and happiness, and not some gray bird-remember this!

Signs on the site:

Video: Cuckoo singing

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