Signs related to food, signs about food of women Nina

Signs related to food, signs about food of women Nina

Common signs about food from Baba Nina.

It is impossible to live without food, since it gives strength and energy. A huge number of folk signs are associated with it. In this article we will tell about folk signs, associated with food. 

Signs during eating

The most common is the sign about the prohibition of scattering salt. It is believed that this will lead to quarrels and discord in life.Perhaps relatives will not be able to find a common language. 

Signs during eating:

  • If you scattered a little sugar, it promises a sweet life. Perhaps you will have fun, or a pleasant pastime in a circle of loved ones and friends. 
  • If during the baking of the bread it was divided into two parts, or burst exactly in the middle, with the formation of a large crack, wait for the departure of someone from loved ones. Perhaps one of the households is awaiting a business trip, or leaving on vacation, on vacation.
  • In no case can you eat with a knife. This can provoke aggression, anger. It is not recommended to leave cutlery on the table after lunch or food. This will attract guests to your house, and they will not always come with good intentions. 
  • In old times, When baking pancakes, the first was not eaten, leaving the dead. He was laid on a plate, and put on the window. It was believed that in this way people read, recall the deceased relatives, ancestors and parents. Often such a pancake was called deceased or parental. 
  • During the preparation of porridge, you need to pay attention to the side with which it escaped. If you flow closer to the furnace door, expect a deterioration in financial position and poverty. If the streams appeared closer to the wall, expect unexpected financial injections and replenishment of the family budget. Perhaps you will receive a bonus, or inheritance.
  • It is necessary to monitor how and when you take food. In the old days, the word was not pronounced during the post, h.toobs do not extend God and not attract misfortune. 

Signs about food of women Nina

Baba Nina is a blind clairvoyant who predicts the future. With the help of it, you can prepare for vivid events in life.

Signs about food of women Nina:

  • You can not leave unfounded pieces on the table. It is believed that this can glue misfortune and make a person poor. Be sure to give bread to the dogs after a meal, or crush the birds on the windowsill. You can put the crumbs in the feeder. 
  • The same applies to throwing bread. If you have accumulated a decent number of residues, do not throw them into the garbage bucket. You can dry them, cook breadcrumbs, or feed the birds. 
  • Throw bread - to hunger, unfortunately, and a deterioration in the financial situation. As for the crumbs, in no case should you wipe them with your hands from the table. With this hand you will ask for alms. 
  • You can not brush the crumbs on the floor, as this can affect financial well -being.
  • It is necessary to collect the crumbs with a damp cloth in a plate, and wash off with water. Please note that you can not leave a knife in the pulp during the cutting of bread during cutting. This will lead to enmity between households. 
  • If you do not want family members to quarrel, be sure to remove the knife from the bread. In no case should you during homework, lessons, when compiling notes, chew bread. It is believed that a person sees his memory, will not remember anything. The sign is confirmed by scientists, since during the implementation of chewing movements, part of the energy is spent on control of reflexes, so the information is remembered much worse. 
  • If during the cutting of bread the loaf crouched into pieces, this promises quarrels between the household.
  • If the bread is poorly cooked during the baking, the upper part is covered with a crust, and the middle remains raw, this is unfortunately and the deterioration of the financial situation. A woman who, in the process of food, pricks bread on a fork or knife, will be unhappy in love affairs. She does not find female happiness.  
  • A person who eats callous bread will swim well, a thunderstorm is not terrible for him. 
  • If the neighbor asked you for bread, you need to give at least a small piece. This should be done even if there is practically no bread in the house. This promises material well -being, the neighbor will answer the story. 
  • In no case should you eat other people's pieces of bread. It is believed that you can find out the thoughts of a person, take his health and prosperity. That is why it is not recommended to eat after children. It is believed that in this way parents take health, luck from their babies. In no case do not leave after a meal, not eaten a piece of bread. It is believed that you are scattered by material well -being. 

If you just moved to a new house, you can attract happiness to it with bread. It is necessary to take a loaf, lay a salt shaker on top, go around all the corners, rooms in the house. It is believed that, along with bread and salt, happiness comes to the house.


Food signs

In no case can you eat in front of the mirror, as this promises problems with the appearance. A person will simply become ugly. There is a share of truth in this. If a person gets used to seeing himself chewing, this is called visualization, which helps to improve appetite. Which leads to an increase in weight and a deterioration in appearance. 

Signs related to food:

  • If a teaspoon floats in tea, wait for gifts or an unexpected guest. If the salt was drew in a hodgepodge, this is to the bad weather. Do not be upset if salt is scattered. This really promises a scandal and the inability to find a common language. It is necessary to collect everything that was scattered, and throw three times over the left shoulder. This neutralizes the action of signs. 
  • You can not use peas on an empty stomach. This can cause a decrease in interest from the opposite sex. 
  • If you are visiting for the first time, in no case should you turn the napkin, after removing the remains of food from the face, several times. Leave her straightened. The person who crumbles the napkin will no longer visit this house. 
  • If alcohol is poured away in glasses, it is necessary to drink everything in one gulp, to the bottom. In no case do not drink alcohol with sips, do not put the glass on the table. This can cause a deterioration in financial well -being. 
  • Please note that after eating eggs, in no case should you leave the shell. It is necessary to grind it and wash it off with water. If the shell enters the garbage bucket, it can be dragged into the nest. This promises headaches and a deterioration in health. If the shell from the egg falls into the water, then the mermaids are hiring boats. 
  • If you accidentally poured tea, do not be upset. This is to misunderstandings or serious conversations with relatives. 
  • If there were two spoons in the sauce, this portends the wedding. If in the process of cooking meat, it was hardly boiled, this is to monetary spending and losses. Perhaps you will spend much more than you planned. If the meat in the preparation process has increased in size and swollen, this promises wealth and receiving cash profit. 

Food fell: sign

It is necessary to wipe it correctly and wash the dishes after a meal. If a knife fell during food, wait for guests, it will be a man. If a fork or spoon has fallen, wait for the woman. Pay attention if the girl dropped the fork or spoon, she will drive away the narrowed from you. You must be more affectionate to your lover. 

Food fell, the sign:

  • If the food fell to the floor during chewing, it was picked up by the mouse, expect the disease. Perhaps the pain will occur in the tooth area. 
  • In no case can you eat over the well. If the crumbs fall there, then soon a pet will fall into the well. In no case should you take food over an open reservoir or well, this is fraught with drowning for loved ones or pets. 
  • If the apple fell from the table and rolled, it promises dates and pleasant impressions.
The bread fell
The bread fell

Perepoli meal: sign

It is believed that a woman in love can overcome food. It used to be thought if you scatter a little salt, wait for the quarrel. The fact is that the salt of our ancestors was considered expensive seasoning, so it saved it. Households scolded a man if he accidentally scattered salt. 

I crossed the food, the sign:

  • If a married woman scattered the salt, she does not love her husband and looks to the left. For the over -the -ended food, a woman in antiquity could even be flogged. 
  • If the guest is uninvited, then the salt was not put on the table. Thus, they showed that they are not waiting for a person and do not want to see. 
  • The matchmakers were met with bread and salt, and with understanding they were treated if the young girl pierced food. It was believed that she was very glad to meet, due to excitement, she overlapped the treat. 

Hair in food: sign

If hair is detected in a plate with food, there are a lot of scandals in catering establishments. This speaks of unsanitary conditions, and poor care of customers. However, our ancestors believed that hair could be warned, protect against troubles, or to portend good events in life.

Hair in food, sign:

  • If a man found a hair in a plate, you need to pay attention to its length. The longer the hair, the more gifts you should expect from fate. Expect surprises and pleasant news. If you found in food that you cooked yourself, someone else's hair, wait for trouble. Perhaps this is an evil eye or damage. 
  • If you find a hair in food during its chewing, it is necessary to talk less and not spread gossip about outsiders. It is necessary to chat less so as not to glue misfortune. Otherwise, you can bitterly pay for your gossip. 
  • Pay attention to hair color. If the hair is dark, expect an insidious trap that enemies are being built for you. If the color of the hair is white, expect a pleasant pastime with friends. 
  • If the hair is golden, wait for a new fan and strong love. Red hair speaks of serious changes in life. 
  • If the hair is curly, it is necessary to prepare for sad news. Perhaps an unpleasant incident will happen in life. 
  • If you found in food that you have prepared with your own hand, long hair, you will encounter a deterioration in the financial situation.

A long hair in food - to debts, or a serious illness that you can not win for a long time. If the plate has a short hair, you need to save, because financial difficulties are waiting for you. 

Hair in food
Hair in food

Seam during eating: sign

Stuffed during meals - wait for the guests. If you choke on when you chewed the first piece of food, the guest will appear in your house a minute for a minute. If during the meal they talked with their households and choked, everything you said is a lie. 

Seam during eating, omen:

  • If a person choke on during a conversation, then he will pump or want to give a lie for the truth. If you choked on saliva, this means that during the conversation the person did not like what was said. 
  • If you choked while chewing food, thinking about your desires and dreams, you should not hope for the implementation of plans. It is necessary to really evaluate the situation, and not to build air locks.
  • If you choked on saliva during a conversation with a friend, he wants you to not talk about problems and not find out the relationship. Perhaps what you said did not like the interlocutor. 
  • If you choked with saliva during a conversation with the opposite sex, feelings will flare up between you. 
  • If a person choked on the air during meals, familiar or friends gossip around you. Be attentive to your environment and try to talk less. 
Eating food
Eating food

Bite the cheek during meals: sign

In a hurry, people can bite the tongue, cheek or lip. This promises pleasant and unpleasant incidents in life. 

Bite the cheek during meals, the sign:

  • If you bit your left cheek, expect kisses, meetings with your loved one. Perhaps he will kiss you in a wounded place. If you bit your right cheek, expect trouble. The cause of the headache will be someone from your close environment or friends.
  • Look among the familiar ill -wishers. If you bite the cheek, it hurts for a long period of time, expect tears. Perhaps unpleasant news awaits you, or someone will offend you. They say that if you bit the cheek, you should expect changes in life. If you bit your lip, then you will kiss. But if the edge of the lip accidentally touched your teeth, expect an unpleasant conversation with your household or relatives.
  • If you bite the lower lip while chewing food, you must be more risky, and not be afraid to make serious decisions. Perhaps you will soon become the culprit of the failure of your own plans, because of indecision and fear. If you bite the upper lip during a visit to the guests, wait for bad news. 
Bite the cheek
Bite the cheek

Burnt, decreased in the size of food: signs

Incidents during cooking can also warn you about serious changes in life. Therefore, if the meat becomes juicy, it is well boiled in the process of preparation, wait for success and improve financial situation.

Burnt, decreased signs in the size of food:

  • If the food is greatly reduced in the amount, it is necessary to prepare for bankruptcy, or financial difficulties.
  • If the food was burnt, a dense black crust appeared on it, expect health malfunctions. Perhaps he will crush a serious illness. 
The food was burnt
The food was burnt

Break a plate with food: sign

They say that broken dishes are fortunately, but the sign portends success if there was no food in the dishes. Therefore, if you dropped a plate with the first dish, soup, expect a deterioration in financial situation and unpleasant news. 

Break a plate with food, sign:

  • If a plate has fallen, in which the second dish, porridge or meat is located, while the incident happened during a family dinner, relatives will not understand you. Wait for disagreements with your relatives and friends. If the plate fell on the eve of Christmas or New Year, during preparation for the holiday, wait for the onset of the black strip. 
  • To avoid a negative action, you can resort to some tricks. Gather a broom with a rod of food, fragments into a dense, linen bag of a dark shade. Tie on the knot so that the fragments do not crumble.
  • After that, take the bag away from the house, to the area where people rarely go. It is best to bury it in the forest. It is not allowed to throw a bag of fragments into a garbage chute. 
Broken dishes
Broken dishes

Bay leaf in food: sign

The bay leaf is a favorite spice of many housewives, which is enjoyed with the first, second dishes. Therefore, do not be surprised if, in the process of eating, catch several of these leaves from the plate.The bay leaf in food can promise some changes in your life, below you can familiarize yourself with the most common signs. 

Bay sheet in food, sign:

  • If you find a bay leaf in food before they have become eaten, wait for pleasant news. 
  • If the bay leaf was in the middle of the food, then the news will be neutral. If you find a spice at the bottom of the plate, wait for unpleasant news. It is believed that the bay leaf in food promises news, news.
  • If in the process of eating you could not find a spice in a plate, you inadvertently put it in your mouth, feeling a bitter taste, expect a deterioration in the financial situation. Perhaps you will not receive the expected payment, a friend or a friend who promised to return the money in the near future will let you down. 
Bay leaf
Bay leaf

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Pay attention to everything that happens to you on time. So, you can prepare for various events.

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