When and how to introduce potatoes of mashed potatoes into infants: General recommendations. How to cook potato mashed potatoes for infants?

When and how to introduce potatoes of mashed potatoes into infants: General recommendations. How to cook potato mashed potatoes for infants?

In this topic, we will study the issues related to the input of potato puree in the baby menu.

Potatoes are considered one of the most popular and favorite products on each table. It is easily and quickly prepared, and most importantly, it is incredibly useful and nutritious. Potatoes are rich in potassium, magnesium, carbohydrates and vitamins of group B. Therefore, your baby needs to be introduced to this product. But here's how to properly introduce potato puree into a children's diet, we will talk in this material.

When can you enter potato puree into the diet of a baby?

In children, potatoes rarely negatively affect the body itself, and also does not cause allergies so often. On the contrary, it improves metabolism, favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and the general state of immunity. And, as practice shows, most of the kids are happy to introduce potato mashed potatoes into their meager menu. Moreover, the product also gives the necessary fullness to the growing children's body.

In no case should the potatoes be the first feeding!
In no case should the potatoes be the first feeding!
  • Previously, about 30-40 years ago, no one thought about the dangers of the potato mask for the baby, so they introduced it from 4-5 months. Over time, parents became more competent, and complementary foods began to be introduced with caution. Now, few will risk introducing potatoes first in complementary foods. And the general terms of the introduction of complementary foods have shifted.
  • Pediatricians argue that it is best to bring potato puree to the baby's diet Only from 6 months of life.And this is if the baby is on artificial feeding, as well as provided that the crumbs have no allergies to other products. Infants that feed on mother's milk, potato samples It is worth postponing to 6.5-7 months.
    • And we will explain why such an interval. Despite all the advantages of this vegetable, potatoes can negatively affect the status of the baby's health. Due to the fact that a small child has not yet been formed in a small child, he is not able to digest starch and carbohydrates that contains potatoes. It is because of this that problems with a chair may arise, as well as with excess weight.
  • Although potatoes are considered an excellent product for introducing a baby into the diet for six months, immediately after the introduction of carrots, zucchini and cabbage vegetables, but it is worth considering the features of the baby himself.
    • If the child has excess weight, then it is worth postponing with potato puree, because The starch that is contained in it can only aggravate the situation. In this case, potatoes are introduced in small portions closer to 7-8 months, when the baby becomes more active and is not so rapidly gaining weight. They generally should more focus on cereals.
    • But if the baby does not get in weight, this does not mean that he needs to be fed with potatoes! After all, sometimes it can cause pain in the intestines and frequent constipation in the baby.

Important: it is worth considering that due to the high content of starch, the root crop is a heavy product for children, so it is not suitable for daily use.

Do not get involved in such a dish every day
Do not get involved in such a dish every day

How to properly introduce potato puree to infants: General recommendations

It is very important to observe not only the deadlines, but the proportions, so as not to harm the baby. If there are any doubts, it is worth consulting a doctor who can correctly calculate a portion of potatoes in the diet of a particular child.

  • But, basically, for the first time for babies aged 6 months, it is enough to give 0.5-1 tsp. ready -made mashed potatoes. Gradually increase a portion to 50 g per week, and closer to 8 months, the norm should be 120-150 g. For annual children, you can reach the mark of 200 g.
  • For children under 1 year old, potato puree can be given 2 times for a week, and after a year - 3 times.
  • You need to start vegetable complementary foods with potato decoctions. It will help determine the reaction of the baby. Although the allergy is rarely found, it is worthwhile to make sure that this product is suitable for the child.
  • Then you can cook mashed potatoes or proceed to the introduction of soups with the addition of root crop. Ideally, the child should try each product separately in order to know its taste.
  • But practice shows that potatoes are better absorbed by the baby with other vegetables.
It can be mixed with already tried vegetables
It can be mixed with already tried vegetables

In order not to harm the baby, it is worth considering some tips on how to bring potatoes into the child’s diet properly

  • It is necessary to take into account the interval. In general, potatoes belong to medium allergens. Therefore, for ordinary children, the interval is 3-4 days, for Allergic kids-a week. It is also worth remembering that frequent use can lead to the fact that the baby simply gets tired of a particular product.
  • It is recommended to give potato puree up to 2 o’clock in the afternoon. So easier to trace the reaction of the baby and take measures in the event of a negative reaction. Sometimes potatoes can cause gas formation, and so that the child does not torment the child at night, do not give this product in the evening.
  • Give potatoes only in its purest form.Without adding spices, oil or milk. For the first feeding, you can mix potatoes with a few drops of breast milk or the potato decoction itself.
    • The dish should be one-component for children with an age of 6-7 months, a composition with already familiar vegetables is allowed.
    • And after 8 months, you can start giving it with meat. By the way, you can read about meat feeding in the material “When and how to introduce meat into feeding the baby?”
  • Pre-soak the potatoes for 12 hours, at least 4-6.At the same time, change the water every 3-4 hours. This will reduce the level of starch and get rid of nitrates if the product is purchased in the store.
  • For feeding infants, young, not watery potatoes without defects (rot, spots, cracks I.D.) is best suited. The old root crop with green sides is better not to take, it contains a solonin - a poisonous substance that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Each time you need to give only freshly prepared mashed potatoes.
  • Give preference to medium -sized root crops.
Remember - for the children's diet only a fresh dish
Remember - for the children's diet only a fresh dish

How to cook potato puree for feeding?

  • Previously, the potatoes must be washed well, and then soaked in cold water. If the potatoes are grown independently, and you are sure that the product does not contain nitrates and pesticides, then you can soak it for only 2-3 hours. Only in order to get rid of the excessive starch content. This will preserve more vitamins and minerals than when soaking for 12 hours.
  • The most useful for infants is the potato prepared in the uniform:baked, cooked or prepared "steamed" until fully cooked. Thanks to this, you can maintain the maximum number of minerals and nutrients.
  • Prepare potatoes for no more than 20 minutes. Next, it must be cleaned from the peel and tug in mashed potatoes, cool a little and give the baby. You can salt potatoes from 10 months, and even better - after a year. And so that the consistency of the dish is softer, you can add a few drops of the decoction, breast milk or the mixture (if the baby is on artificial feeding).
  • To improve the taste of babies from 7 months, you can add a small amount of vegetable oil, and from 9 months - butter.
The most useful potatoes are considered in the uniform
The most useful potatoes are considered in the uniform
  • Even if the baby refuses to use potatoes in pure form, do not be upset and rush to add various spices to enhance the taste. You need to wait a bit - the baby will grow up a little and everything will change. After all, the first test is not always successful.

Important: the older the child becomes, the more potato dishes and combinations you can offer him. But keep in mind that a fried product is prohibited to at least 3 years, but chips and potatoes of fries are generally beyond discussion.

Of course, when and in what quantities to feed potato puree can be determined by the pediatrician. If the baby is absolutely healthy, then from 6 months you can safely give potatoes. But after adaptation to the product and even if the baby is very disposed of, you should not cram it with potato mashed potatoes. It is better to observe the rules for input and dosage so as not to harm your baby.

Video: Introduce potatoes in the diet of the baby

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Comments K. article

  1. How I struggled with my grandmothers) everyone wanted to feed my daughter in three potatoes for a month, but I started giving this after half a year. At first, just a puree on the water, then she began to add milk, she really liked it. She also gave the Buck-Set Baby so that the food was better absorbed and there were no digestive problems.

  2. We gave potatoes for about 7-8 months after meat. Then the problems have already left, and at first the chair was unstable - the pediatrician said this frequent phenomenon and advised the Enterosgel course. As a result, everything worked out.

  3. We began to give potatoes when we were introduced. I went right away))

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