When and how to introduce meat into the child? What meat to start feeding: we cook ourselves, we buy meat puree

When and how to introduce meat into the child? What meat to start feeding: we cook ourselves, we buy meat puree

In this article, we will study how and when to introduce meat in complementary foods.

Each person knows that meat is a rich source of protein and others valuable for the body of micro and macroelements. And so many young mothers become in front of the dilemma, when to introduce meat and how to do it correctly. Indeed, for children's ventricle, this is also very heavy food, so you need to choose the right type of product and prepare it properly. What today we will talk about today.

At what age can you start introducing meat into the baby's diet?

For about six months, the baby begins to experience the need for additional products rich in enzymes and trace elements. The proper presence of iron, which in the body before this period, was especially important from the mother, is especially important. Since the meat is the easiest among its other sources, it is introduced before the rest. But you need to introduce meat correctly!

Important: of course, it makes no sense to trust canned mashed potatoes, because the best option would be to independently cook meat dishes. Since it is still necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the meat and its proper heat treatment so as not to harm the health of the child.

Acquaintance with meat should start after a vegetable sample
Acquaintance with meat should start after a vegetable sample
  • Remember - the meat should not be the first feeding!
    • Meat protein is very heavy for children's ventricle. Moreover, its fibers may not be digested in the intestines, and even cause decay!
    • Moreover, at an early age until six months it can even cause allergies.
    • In addition, the meat creates an additional load on weak children's kidneys.
  • That's why it is from 6-8 months that pediatricians recommend gradually introducing meat into the nutrition of crumbs. After all, the correct introduction of meat puree in the diet of a baby contributes to its proper development.
  • Children, which mothers are fed artificially with the help of special nutrient mixtures, must be started a little earlier to feed with different mashed potatoes. If the child is on the GV, then the introduction of meat puree in his diet should be slightly postponed.

Important: You can introduce meat 2 months after the first feeding! Therefore, start from these indicators. Meat protein is laid only after the complete administration of vegetables. If the baby has anemia, then this interval can be slightly reduced after consulting with a pediatrician!

Meat is one of their light sources of iron

How should I enter the meat in the baby menu?

  • For a breast baby, meat products are introduced a little after vegetable and fruit puree. But before introducing a new product into the diet of crumbs, you should know about some nuances:
    • new complementary foods are introduced by a healthy child;
    • pediatricians do not recommend giving the baby new products in the summer heat;
    • this or that product can be introduced no earlier than two weeks from the moment the previous complementary foods were introduced into the menu;
    • it is better to mix meat with a vegetable, already familiar dish.
  • Start no more than 0.5 tsp. new product. The dosage increase scheme goes about 1 tsp, but you should observe about 3-5 days. If the baby does not hurt a tummy, there are no problems with the chair, then introduce more meat.
  • Any baby puree must be given to the child slightly warm and, of course, freshly prepared. Yesterday's dish is not suitable for feeding the baby!
  • The fibers of the meat are very heavy, so they must be crushed as much as possible in mashed potatoes. It is most convenient to do this with a blender.
  • Do not feed the baby with something new before bedtime. It will be better if you do it in the morning or for lunch. Thus, it will be possible to observe the reaction of the child's body to the new menu.
  • You can dilute meat mashed potatoes with milk or milk mixture, 1-2 tablespoons are enough. After all, initially the dosage will be insignificant.
  • And do not mix several varieties at once, The baby should get used to each taste separately. Therefore, some pediatricians strongly recommend starting with an independent meat dish, and then enter it into soup or other mashed potatoes.
  • But practice shows that they eat him more willingly. Therefore, see the reaction of the crumbs. If he does not want to eat it in its purest form, then mix with vegetables.
The main taster is your baby, so start from his reaction
The main taster is your baby, so start from his reaction

We introduce the right meat: what meat to start feeding, and which one should you refuse?

Naturally, you need to introduce meat dietary and light. This criterion falls on rabbit or turkey. But let's take a look at each look in more detail.

Meat that is ideal for the first feeding meat dishes

  • One of the easiest is considered rabbit meat. After all, it has practically no fat, its fibers are the most delicate and easily digestible. If we take into account other classes, then there are a lot of trace elements and vitamins in it. Moreover, the rabbit contains 4.5 mg of iron in 100 g of the product. And this allows her to significantly lead after the liver.
  • Turkey - This is another meat on which experts insist. It has a slightly sweet taste, which children like it more. Although this is already a matter of the taste of each baby. But the iron in this meat is 4 mg.

Important: these are the lowest -calorie and hypoallergenic products! It is with them that it is worth starting to enter the meat. But here is one minus - they have a relatively high price, if you take into account more popular meat, and you can get it far from everywhere.

  • Vealit is also easily digested and rarely causes allergies. It has 2.9 mg of iron in its composition. But it is better to give after getting used to more easy meat. Also remember - telytin’s allergy sufferers are contraindicated, since it has a cow's protein! The failure of milk should especially alert. And another little advice - this meat has a certain milk flavor, so not all kids like it.
  • Horsemeat -one of the lowest -calorie and lungs in absorption meat. In this meat that the countries of Asia fell in love a lot of protein and other vitamins. You can even say that it bypasses all other species. There is almost 6 mg of iron in it! One minus - you can buy quality products not in every store, and the price of certified products is very “biting”.
The first selection should be on rabbit or turkey
The first selection should be on rabbit or turkey

Meat that is permissible, but requires caution

  • Chicken It is considered dietary and low -fat meat, which is also very easily absorbed. If we talk about an iron trace element, then it is in 100 g of a product 2.5 mg. But the protein of this meat can cause allergies, especially if the child has contraindications for chicken protein.

Important: we do not exclude that antibiotics and hormonal drugs are often administered into the store mass. Therefore, if you plan to introduce chicken meat in complementary foods, then take only a home product from trusted sellers!

  • Beefit has a little more saturated fatty acids, when compared with veal. That's why this meat is heavier for the children's intestines. And if we talk about other comparisons, then in beef meat there are fewer purine compounds for bone growth, as well as slightly less iron - 2.8 mg. But the cow allergen is also less than in “young” meat.
We will dispel the myth, but you should not start with chicken and beef
We will dispel the myth, but you should not start with chicken and beef

What meat should the kids abandon at least 1 year?

  • Porkbig "no"! You can give it to the baby after 12 months. And the later, the better. it very fatty meat with rough fibers. Also, do not forget that in this meat you can most often find parasites that do not die in the process of heat treatment. Therefore, pork needs to be very carefully chosen! And the iron in it is the least - 1.6 mg.
  • Muttonvery fat, so for the baby it cannot be the first meat feeding. Although it is very useful, with its 100 g you can get 3.1 mg of iron. And also there is lecithin in it, which improves digestion and in it there is no cholesterol! But you can start trying such meat after 1-2 years. Also do not forget that this is very specific meat. Therefore, introduce him carefully to the child.
  • Duck and goose meat Also very heavy for the children's stomach. They have tight fats that have been digested for a very long time. The fibers are rough and poorly absorbed. Therefore, you exclude from the children's diet up to 3 years.
  • Offal Up to 10-12 months are categorically prohibited! They are heavy for the stomach! Although in the liver about 30 ml of iron.
Iron rich in iron and other similar products should hold at least up to a year
Iron rich in iron and other similar products should hold at least up to a year

How to cook mashed potatoes yourself?

In supermarkets and children's stores you can find a huge amount of baby food, including meat puree. However, many mothers prefer to do it for the child on their own in order to be confident as meat itself.

  • Small meat pieces must be carefully processed: pull out all the seeds, veins and sebaceous pieces. Cook in a saucepan in small portions for about 30-45 minutes. Keep in mind that the veal should not be digested longer than 25-30 minutes, since the taste and its benefits are lost from this.
  • If you twisted the meat through a meat grinder. Then readiness is reduced to 15-20 minutes. But the minced meat must be prepared on a metal sieve, which is lowered into the water.
  • The meat on the bones is cooked for more than an hour, or even all 2. But for children's complementary foods it is not very suitable, choose better a brisket or carcass without bones.
  • Do not forget to take noise. And even better - if after boiling you salt the first water and gain clean liquid. But this is not necessary if you only need meat, not broth.
  • Grind the finished boiled meat several times in a blender. After passing a couple of times through a strainer.
  • But you should not constantly chop the meat to the baby, because his stomach should gradually get used to pieces of food. Therefore, after 8-9 months, start making meatballs and stop grinding the product like that.
    • After 10-11 months, you can already try to give whole meatballs, without preliminary kneading with a fork. After a year, you can already break the fibers themselves into small pieces. When the child has teeth, it must be accustomed to chewed. Moreover, this is how the stomach smoothly passes with mashed potatoes.

Important: never try to add a variety of spices and salt to children's dishes.

Naturally, you should not start with fried legs
Naturally, you should not start with fried legs

How to choose the right store puree?

Despite all the simplicity in the independent preparation of complementary foods, many young mothers still prefer ready -made mashed potatoes, as it is fast and safe. It is important for parents to understand that not all children can equally well tolerate vegetable and meat store feeding.

  • Each baby has its own taste preferences and what one baby likes, may not come to the taste of the second. It is important that parents understand and took into account the taste of your child.
    • Do not forget that such mashed potatoes can be purely meat or with the addition of various products, so their taste will be different!
    • They are also different in consistency. Therefore, choose the product, which corresponds to the age of your crumbs.
  • Also, an equally important factor is the reaction of the child's body to a particular type of complementary foods. If the child regresses, tears or a constipation appears, you should consult a pediatrician. After all, it is highly likely that it was this complementary foods that did not suit your baby.
  • If we talk about firms, then give preference to proven and well -known brands who value their reputation and really care about food quality. It is worth highlighting Agusha, topic, Babushkino Lukoshko, Heinz and Gerber.

Important: the opening jar can be stored for no more than a day. Therefore, from an economical point of view - this is not entirely profitable during the input period. After all, the baby will not eat more than 1-5 spoons.

As you can see, meat is a necessary basis for any diet of not only children, but also adults. But you need to take into account the features of each species and the preference, even a small, but demanding gourmet.

Video: Introduce the meat in complementary foods correctly

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  1. Not earlier than at 7 months and now she did not make such purers, she gave purchased. It’s just that no blender does not so small. Plus, a little, but mine immediately tasted, barely dragged it off. She also gave a multi-proof to the BAC-SET BEBI so that the intestines worked well and cope with new food.

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