Intestinal colic in children, adults and pregnant women: symptoms, causes, treatment. Preparations, diet and prevention of intestinal colic

Intestinal colic in children, adults and pregnant women: symptoms, causes, treatment. Preparations, diet and prevention of intestinal colic

Intestinal colic is not the disease itself, it is an unpleasant symptom that indicates the failure of the intestine. Colic can occur in both newborns and adults. In any case, it requires elimination and prevention.

Signs and symptoms of intestinal colic, what are intestinal colic?

The intestinal colic is a peculiar and severe pain, manifested by acute cramps and has the nature of the fight. Localization of this abdominal pain. It is caused by intestinal irritation, which in turn can occur according to a variety of factors. With confidence, we can say that colic is not a disease, but only its symptom. Colic is manifested as irritation, the disease provokes its appearance, which leads to an attack.

It is not difficult to distinguish colic by several basic features that are not difficult not to notice to a person:

  • acute pain that occurs in the abdomen, taking the nature of the attack
  • spasmolytic manifestations in the intestines
  • the presence of mucus in the feces
  • disturbed bowel movements
  • compression and tense state of muscles in the form of abdomen
Colic that occur in the intestines. colic in adults, the causes of their occurrence.
Colic that occur in the intestines. Colic in adults, the causes of their occurrence.

Others are characterized by symptoms of intestinal colic:

  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • an increase in temperature (if an infection is present)
  • bloating in the intestinal area
  • weakening of pain when pressed on the stomach

Experts distinguish between two main types of colic:

  • direct - in addition to the acute antispasmodic pain, provokes a person’s strong instant calling for bowel movements, it is not rarely such a calls are false
  • appendicular - antispasmodic pain that is localized on the right side of the abdomen

Pain in the intestine can occur for several reasons:

  • If in the intestines there are fermented foods, food
  • If too cold food got into the intestines
  • If spoiled food got into the intestines
  • If a malicious bacterium enters the intestines
  • If poisoning occurred with heavy metal
  • If a person is very sensitive to stress
  • If a person has a viral infection
  • If a person has intestinal obstruction

Sometimes colic are innate when they arise due to the features of the structure: adhesions in the intestines, tumors, intestinal twist. Such features are not rarely accompanied by severe bloating, stool violation, excess gas formation, pain and poor general condition.

Video: "Heartburn, belching, intestinal colic, constipation, etc. Symptoms"

The causes of intestinal colic in children, why do colic appear in children?

the nature of intestinal children's colic depends on the age and state of health of the baby. Different biological processes occur in completely different intestinal sections: somewhere food is absorbed, and somewhere there is a absorption of all its nutrients. The stomach, for example, performs the function of splitting protein in an adult, and in a child the ventricle breaks fats, in which special enzymes help it.

Enzymes for digestion of food are produced by the pancreas, it is one of the most important organs in the entire digestive chain for the child. The pancreas produces not one, but a number of digestive enzymes:

  • lipaza
  • protease
  • amylase

The impaired pancreatic work leads to the fact that the disease occurs, and it can be either acquired and hereditary. In any case, a violation of the gland can be caused for the following reasons:

  • pancreatitis - impaired production of enzymes necessary for digestion
  • abnormal development of the organ itself leads to impaired work
  • organ injury violates the gland
  • insufficient amount in the intestines of bile acid
  • diseases that affect the small intestine
intestinal colic, which occurs in young children

Most often, the cause of children's colic is the insufficient production of the enzymes of the pancreas - this is about 90% of cases of all.

Disrupted pancreatic work and leads to such an unpleasant manifestation as intestinal colic, which are accompanied by a number of other symptoms:

  • complete absence or decrease in appetite
  • explicit bloating and reinforcement of the abdomen
  • broken chair
  • the appearance of fat and mucous impurities in feces
  • nausea and vomiting
  • bad general condition: weakness, lethargy, apathy
  • weight loss
  • limited physical activity
Colic can occur in children in any way

No matter what scale this disease acquires, it requires immediate treatment in order not to prevent the healthy growth and development of the child.

Only a professional doctor is able to prescribe really high -quality treatment, which he selects based on the individual characteristics of each organism. As a rule, treatment drugs contain a number of auxiliary enzymes that help establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Video: " Infant colic - the school of Dr. Komarovsky "

The causes of intestinal colic in adults, why do colic appear?

Colic that occurs in the intestines in an adult is not a disease, but only its symptom or consequence. It manifests itself with a rather unpleasant sensations: pain, spasm, fight. The causes of colic can be a variety of factors, but only a specialist is able to determine them with not a little experience. Intestinal colic is a good reason to seek help from a doctor and undergo a medical examination.

Colic can occur in the intestines due to serious pathologies and their treatment does not always require only a set of medicines. It is not rare to eliminate the cause of the disease that causes colic to surgery. It is for this reason that severe antispasmodic pain in the intestine does not require self -medication.

Intestinal colic-an unpleasant symptom of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a person

The causes of colic in an adult:

  • Diseases that affect any part of the digestive system. Such diseases include gastritis and ulcers, pathologies of the development of glands and gall bladder. Such diseases cause violations in the digestive system, and food that enters the “non -healthy” body causes antispasmodic pains
  • The most common cause of intestinal colic is the entry into the digestive tract of spoiled food, which “survived” the terms of its fitness, was spoiled by improper storage, preparation, or pathogenic bacteria fell into it
  • Colic can also cause "heavy" food for the intestines. Any fermentation products are considered: sauerkraut and apples, kvass, bakery products on yeast
  • An unpleasant sensations in the intestines and colic can lead such a factor as malnutrition. A modern person does not prefer to adhere to all the norms and rules of eating and therefore often experiences unpleasant pain in the intestines, which is provoked by an unbalanced diet. The category of data can also be attributed to the factor when the pancreas is simply not able to develop the required number of digestive enzymes for a large amount of food. The use of food is able to aggravate situations: sandwiches, cookies, snacks and so on. As well as the use of heavy foods: fatty foods, smoked meats and spicy dishes
  • It is not rarely poisoning and the occurrence of intestinal colic is due to eating toxic substances. Most often, these are mushrooms collected with your own hand (toxic mushrooms or mushrooms collected in a non -clean and non -environmental place) or taking not high -quality, but also not proper medicines
  • The ingress of pathogenic infections into the body, which excite a number of unpleasant symptoms and cause many deviations in a normal digestive process
  • It is not rarely the cause of intestinal colic is the reaction of the body to stress. This is especially problematic for sensitive people. Colic can be constant in very impressionable people, too thin, and also who has an abnormal structure of the intestines from birth
  • Colic occurs as a result of poisoning with heavy metal or salts. People who work for harmful professions for a long time are subject to this, where there are regularly a large number of various poisonous substances and toxins
  • Colic may be the result of a parasite entering the body. The parasite settles in the intestines, constantly lives on its wall and regularly causes irritation. In addition to antispasmodic pains, in this case there are also such symptoms as regular nausea, there is no appetite, weight loss. Only laboratory analysis will help to determine the presence of a parasite in your body.
  • Another reason for the appearance of colic is the disease of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. Such a virus is able to hit a huge area of \u200b\u200binternal organs, causing inflammation in the same way in the abdominal cavity
Why do adults have intestinal colic? The causes of intestinal colic?

You always need to pay attention to the nature of your colic and other unpleasant symptoms that accompany it: diarrhea, pain in other parts of the body, and so on. A complete picture will be able to enable the specialist to accurately determine the cause of the occurrence of colic.

Intestinal colic during pregnancy, why do they arise?

When a woman is in a position, she does not rarely experience intestinal colic, which often bother her unpleasant and pain. Their localization is very large -scale:

  • side
  • stomach
  • underbelly
  • groin
  • vagina

In any case, colic is characterized as “sudden pain”, similar to an attack is quite sharp and unpleasant. Colic is facilitated by muscle intestinal cramps, which are not rarely caused by a desire for defecation. In a series with this, a pregnant woman can feel nausea and vomiting.

Why do intestinal colic occur in pregnant women?

For a pregnant woman, the occurrence of colic has a number of reasons:

  • the peculiarity of its restructuring the body during pregnancy
  • a peculiar position of the fetus
  • diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract

During pregnancy, you can distinguish such colic as:

  • those that occur on a hormonal background
  • those that occur during the implantation of the cell to the uterus
  • those that occur in the intestines
  • those that occur in the groin
  • those that occur in the vagina
  • liver colic
Intestinal colic during pregnancy, how will it get rid of intestinal colic?

Whatever the nature of the colic, in any case, they symbolize the woman that they need to urgently bring the body's work in the way. It should not endure painful pain in any case, at the slightest symptoms you should consult a doctor.

  • As a rule, at a time when a woman is in the first period of her pregnancy, she feels weak pain, similar to fights in the lower abdomen
  • Such colic easily transfer and they do not harm a woman's health. The reason for such colic is quite simple - the female body experiences perestroika and adapts to other conditions
  • A possible reason why colic also arise in the body of a pregnant woman is hormonal restructuring when the level of the progesterone hormone dominates the estrogen. Progesterone is able to relax the muscles of the intestines, which is the cause of food stagnation and gas accumulation
  • In addition, a healthy nutrition of a woman is not of little importance. If the pregnant woman does not have a clear diet, consumes more unhealthy food, fermentation products and carbonated drinks - this leads to increased gas formation and related colic
  • In the later stages of pregnancy, another cause of the occurrence of colic appears - an increase in the fetus. The uterus literally squeezes and rests against the internal organs surrounding it, in particular the intestines. This provokes bloating, violation of the stool, the appearance of constipation and provokes colic
  • Stress, experiences, nervousness, impaired sleep are capable of worsening the condition. To eliminate all the unpleasant symptom, a woman in a position needs to consult her doctor for advice. The doctor advises to make adjustments to the daily and nutrition mode
Pregnancy and intestinal colic

Help in intestinal colic, how to facilitate and improve the condition?

Intestinal colic is the condition that requires first aid:

  • Weak intestinal pains can be easily eliminated with a peculiar slight massage. To do this, you need to stroking movements clockwise or the movements of the top-up to massage the stomach without strong pressure
  • A warm object can be attached to the place of severe pain, which will relax the muscles of the intestine and allow the gas to come out naturally. For this purpose, use a heating pad, a plastic bottle of water or an ironed fabric
  • Try to free the intestines from unnecessary feces, this will contribute to improving the condition and weakening of pain
  • Drink tea, only without sugar and sugar -substitutes. It can be both the most ordinary black tea, or special decoctions of herbs, for example yarrow, caraway seeds or fennel
  • If colic is provoked by the accumulation of toxins in the intestines, then you need to allow the body to completely get rid of them. To do this, you can use an enema, practice special yoga, arrange a fasting day, drink decoctions of healing herbs
  • If the colic is provoked by improper food, any products should be eliminated that do not allow the intestines to absorb them. In this case, protein should be excluded from food, taking vegetables and fruits as a basis. Do not use spices and sharp spices overly
  • Try to introduce a product like pumpkin, apples, raw carrots into your diet. It has a lot of fiber and healthy pectin substances that easily and safely clean the intestines
  • Colic can provoke certain food allergens, so try to eliminate them from your food
  • Contrast massage and bathtub will help to significantly improve the operation of the digestive system, they have a good effect on the intestinal motility, forcing it to work “like a clock”
  • Complete your nutrition mode, if you regularly feel colic, put the nutrition by including fresh vegetables and cereals, exclude heavy food: fried, spicy, fatty, sweet, yeast
How to alleviate the condition with intestinal colic?

How much do intestinal colic last?

  • With such an unpleasant sensation as intestinal colic, even an absolutely healthy person may come across from time to time
  • Colic is manifested as sudden and sharp pain in the abdomen
  • It is a colic nothing more than a violation of the work and motor functions of the intestine
  • Colic is a symptom of other diseases that occur in the digestive tract
  • Colic can easily be called “temporary inconvenience” because it is always not present, but rolls in “waves”
  • Most often, colic is felt in the lower abdomen and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel
  • In some cases, the pain can give to the lumbar zone
  • As a rule, colic can last from a few seconds to ten, but there have also been cases of longer pains
How long is intestinal colic?

Intestinal colic in newborns, treatment of colic in newborns

Intestinal colic in a newborn child are familiar to every young mother. They are always present, but are able to manifest in different ways. The nature of their manifestation is purely individual and depends only on a small organism. That is why one of the kids can experience the strongest pain and spasms that prevent the baby from sleeping normally, eat and relax. Others are able to not notice the flow of colic and lead a normal lifestyle.

As a rule, the first intestinal colic occur in a newborn a week after birth (in some cases after a few days). It is almost impossible to avoid this state, because it is quite natural. In this case, colic in this case is the consequence of the formation of the microflora of the baby and the production of the first digestive enzymes.

How to alleviate the condition of the newborn from colic?

It is known that such factors can enhance unpleasant sensations and pain in colic:

  • feeding not breast milk, but artificial milk mixtures
  • improper nutrition of a nursing mother
  • early feeding the child
  • improper feeding the baby when a baby with milk swallows a lot of air

Several recommendations will help to alleviate the condition of the newborn:

  • make a newborn child a light massage with stroking palm movements
  • apply a warm diaper ironed with an iron
  • let's drink dill water, as well as tea from fennel and chamomile
  • arrange warm relaxing baths to the baby
  • do easy gymnastics by squeezing the legs of the tummy so that the baby can easily release gases
  • give us semiticon -based preparations that help excess gases be absorbed into the intestinal walls

Diet with intestinal colic, how to alleviate your condition?

  • You can get rid of unpleasant colic in the intestines.
  • First of all, you should choose the right diet for yourself that will facilitate the work of the intestines
  • A diet to get rid of intestinal colic involves getting rid of toxins that make it difficult to work and “give” unpleasant sensations
  • It is recommended to start a diet from a fasting day, on which you can only drink medicinal teas on a decoction of herbs, dill water, low fat kefir and a lot of water
  • It will not be superfluous to make a cleansing enema before the start of the diet
  • The diet against colic involves the exclusion of heavy and harmful food from the diet: fried, fatty, spicy, yeast, sauer, large amounts of sugar, potatoes
  • Saturate your food with a lot of vegetables, fruits and cereals
  • Reduce the amount of protein in food, eat only dietary and lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef
  • Include raw pumpkin, apple, carrots, beets in the diet
  • Drink the estimated water rate per day - two liters
  • Do not abuse bread, sweets, pickled vegetables
healthy diet and diet from intestinal colic

Drugs for intestinal colic, how to alleviate the condition?

First of all, before starting to treat intestinal colic, it is necessary to determine their nature of occurrence. To do this, it is recommended to visit a doctor and take a number of tests to exclude the possible presence of infection in the body.

Most often, in order to get rid of unpleasant colic, a number of such drugs are prescribed:

  • No-shpa - It helps to relax the muscles of the intestine so that excessive gas formation can be released from the intestines naturally. In addition, No-shpa is able to eliminate spasm and thereby weaken unpleasant pain
  • Platifillin -a medicine that has a good antispasmodic property, eliminating the contraction and tension of the intestinal muscles and removing pain, allowing gas formation to come out naturally
  • Papaverin -an antispasmodic with also a good analgesic effect. Eliminates pain and spasm, relaxes muscles
  • Espumisan -the drug based on semiticon - substances that allows you to absorb excess gases into the intestinal walls, thereby eliminating the pain

Intestinal colic, prevention of intestinal colic for children and adults

Prevention of intestinal colic involves making certain adjustments to the human sleep and rest mode:

  • The exclusion of harmful food, which in any way can harm healthy digestion and cause a number of unpleasant complications: constipation, diarrhea, flatulence
  • Attentive nutrition, that is, nutrition, which is based on quality products that do not have overdue storage dates, which are in the correct storage conditions and have no toxic substances
  • Proper nutrition, that is, nutrition according to the regime, regular consumption of the first liquid dishes. It is necessary to abandon the nutrition of the drying room, such food slows down the digestive process and it is difficult to cope with the intestines without auxiliary enzymes
  • If you overeat or regularly feel the severity in the stomach, disorders and colic, use auxiliary enzymes that are easy to purchase in a pharmacy: Mesim, Festal. But still try to change the diet and avoid too “hearty” tables, regularly arrange fasting days and adhere to healthy diet norms
  • Diversify your food with a large number of vegetables, fruits, cereals, sour milk products. There are a lot of fiber in products of plant origin, which normalizes the intestines. It will not be superfluous to introduce linseed oil into the diet, which frees the intestines from accumulated slags
  • Take a sport or set a special healing yoga, the asanas of which favorably affect the digestion and intestinal motility. In addition, physical exercises favorably affect the functioning of the muscles, and the yoga teaches to regulate the muscles of the intestines correctly, allowing it to defecate in time

Video: “Colic in newborns. Prevention and massage "

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  1. I can’t say anything for children and pregnant women, but like an adult, I had such a terribly unpleasant thing, but thanks to my girlfriends I was able to get rid of it, she advised me to drink Simeton and sit a little on the diet, so I did why and got rid from colic)

  2. they tormented his son and colic. I selected a drug that will do a long time. As a result, Baby Kalm helped, he has a natural composition and the bottle has enough for almost a month

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