Russian comedy: the best selection, summary. Comedies for family viewing: video

Russian comedy: the best selection, summary. Comedies for family viewing: video

Watch comedies and get a charge of positive emotions for a long time!

Light comedies can be watched by the whole family. There is no abuse, clarification of relations, uncomfortable jokes, naked bodies and other sharp moments. Everything is delicately, chaste, modest and funny.

  • Any director will say that it is difficult to shoot such comedies, since you need to please a large audience of spectators - adolescents, their parents, and even grandparents.
  • Light family comedies are adventure films in which the hero finds himself in unforeseen situations that arise in a certain path. From these situations he needs to get out, conquering the sympathy of the audience.
  • The plots of these films can be different, but they are united by one thing - this is a positive and brilliant ending.
  • We did not arrange films on the list, or in order from the old to the new. These films may not claim the top, but they are very positive and funny. Just turn on and look - it will be fun and vital!

The film Comedy is "My Love."

In this movie there are funny and life episodes, watching them is easy and interesting. The film "My Love" tells about one moment of the life of a beautiful girl Alina.

Her career at the real estate agency goes up, it is successful and is popular with men. At one point, the girl learns about the death of her sister, who has one little son remains.

In this film, the director wanted not to show a woman’s love for a man, but her real maternal instinct, which she experiences for her nephew.

Despite the fact that Alina’s chosen one is trying to “fuse” the boy to his biological neglected father, the girl managed to feel a catch and notice the meanness of her lover. As a result, she finds a new love, which she may be carried through her whole life.

Film Comedy - "Grandfather 005".

Two grandfathers in one family are very rare in our time. In film " Grandfather 005"Funny old people love their loved ones and help them in everything. One in a difficult situation connects his former students, and the other - beats his son -in -law with a vase so that he does not cheat on his wife.

There is also true love in this comedy. The main character is very beautiful and charming, she is worthy of fidelity and happiness. But not everything is so simple!

In addition, in this comedy you can enjoy the unique views of Armenia, because the film was shot in the hospitable and beautiful city of Yerevan.

The film Comedy is “Secular Lioness”.

A simple and modest girl Lisa lives on the outskirts of Moscow with her father, who works as a plumber. The film "Secular Lioness" is easy to watch the whole family.

Lisa is looking for a job and is arranged by a housekeeper to Garik, who is the owner of a single glossy magazine. His father is a famous, but already deceased conductor of the Bolshoi Theater.

Garik lives in his father’s chic apartment in an old Arbat house. Suddenly his sister appears, who decides to make a real secular lioness out of Lisa, inventing her story of the heir to a great state. But how to save the girl from old manners and tongue -tied words?

The film Comedy is “How to Dilute a millionaire”.

A young and rich groom - many girls dream of this. The protagonist of the film “How to Dilute the millionaire” Cyril Toropov has a great fortune. Once he decided to argue with his friends that he could bring five brides to the registry office. The guys began to laugh at him: “Why do you need this? In our country you can have only one wife! ”

Cyril was sure that the joke would be interesting, since all the girls would run away from the registry office as soon as they find out that he was a beggar. The joke would have succeeded if not a single circumstance - the main character falls in love with one of the brides.

The girl accidentally hears friends from a conversation that it was a dispute. How now Cyril to get out of this situation, and most importantly, how to find happiness?

1 part

2 part

The film Comedy is "How to marry a billionaire."

The comedy “How to Marry a billionaire” is very interesting and easy to watch. A young girl named Kim gets a job at a ski resort. She cannot get comfortable in a new place, since the girl did not see such luxury in life, relaxed among people and high sports records.

Suddenly, the girl finds a talent for a snowboard descent. She decides to participate in competitions where she meets the son of the owner of the resort. He came to rest here with a girl.

Can a modest Kim win competitions? How can she find out if the “golden boy” has real feelings for her?

The film Comedy is “Housekeeper”.

The main character of the film "Housekeeper" came to Moscow from the periphery. She wants to offer her design project to one of the famous businessmen who does not even want to talk to her, without accepting the girl either during working hours or in the evening.

The young person has his own ambitions, a little impudence in her character and zeal to do something in this life-all this helps her to meet a businessman to his house, but he does not know about her plans. However, the girl gets into the house to the businessman as a housekeeper.

Now she needs to please the “owner” and slip his project for him. But everything would go according to plan if the main character had not fallen in love with Muscovite. What will happen next - will the businessman reciprocate or look at the girl, as at the housekeeper?

The film Comedy is “A terrible beauty”.

The beautiful girl Lisa in the film “The Terrible Beauty” suffers due to her luxurious appearance. She cannot get a normal job. She is offered places of work that do not meet her requests and ambitions.

She does not like that those around people see her not sincere and good Lisa, but a super beauty, which can be offered anything. The girl has one way out - to make her appearance unremarkable, and her face is ugly.

She changes her appearance to achieve everything she dreamed of, being beautiful. Thanks to these changes, a terrible beauty finds the work of her dreams, and then the ideal man in whom she falls in love.

The film Comedy is "In love and unarmed."

A young girl appears in one army part, but she is not a defenseless and modest beauty. Alexandra is a judo instructor, she is not used to playing. She was instructed to prepare the guys for competitions in two weeks, and make them a close -knit team of fearless athletes.

But men do not like that a woman teaches them to fight. The War of Lovelas and a popular man among women - Lieutenant Avdeev, are starting against independent Alexandra.

Who will win this fight? Love, passion and excellent relationship between a man and a woman - all this can be seen in such a mild Russian comedy called "in love and unarmed."

Film Comedy - "I am looking for a wife with a child."

Boris and Vera - the main characters of the film “I am looking for a wife with a child”, ardently in love with each other. They decide to make their novel resort. But Vera has a husband - Igor who loves his wife, and decides to go on vacation with her. Vera deceives her husband, and tells him that he is going to relax with his friend, but her husband does not retreat.

Boris helps the girl, who invites her classmate to the role of a mythical girlfriend - Lada. She has to play the role of an experienced astrologer, and even temporarily become Boris's wife. How will this game end, and how will the main characters get out of this situation?

Film Comedy - Five Brides.

1945 - the end of the war. The glorious winning warriors who freed the country from German invaders dream of returning home as soon as possible. But the Commander -in -Chief is in no hurry to let the soldiers go home, because there were still unfinished things and unfinished Germans.

Young people from the film “Five Brides” are upset by all the circumstances, because all good girls can be dismantled. They make an important decision, and give an order to their friend, who is sent on a business trip to their homeland - to find five brides and marry them with the help of friends of friends.

Will this adventurous plan of valiant fighter pilots work? How will the guy get out of this situation when the girls know everything?

Film Comedy - "Tourists" 24 episodes (laugh to tears)

A very funny film "Tourists" talks about how the Russians can relax. In the first series you will see how the main characters went to Turkey to rest. An interesting adventures await them here.

Resort novels in Turkey begin with every sunset, as well as funny situations that our fellow citizens fall into. Love, short novels, endless bazaars, huge hotels with polite owners speaking in international - Russian. All this will be in this comedy - look and enjoy!

In the second series of the film "Tourists", the storyline of the comedy is already clearly visible. The main characters, falling into unusual situations, seem very funny and funny for themselves.

New acquaintances, delicious cocktails, clean beaches and a warm sea - absolutely everyone will like the film. Rest and enjoy viewing!

Look for your favorite movie and get in your favorite watching chair.

Tourists Episode 1
Tourists Episode 1

Film Comedy: - "Status is free."

Nikita is a famous Standper. He has a girlfriend of Athena, and the guy loves her madly. He thinks they are an ideal couple. But suddenly the girl reports that she goes to another.

Having dumbfounded with this news and the fact that her new chosen one is a 40-year dentist, the girl begins to collect her things. Nikita does not want to let her go and promises Athena to return her within a week.

What is the guy ready to go to in the movie Status Free to return his love? Will he retreat, and give his beloved to his opponent?

The film Comedy is “True Love”.

The young cast of the film “True Love” allows you to watch it easily and at ease. An interesting New Year's comedy about a successful lawyer and a girl who only tries himself in the field of journalism.

Andrei and Lena have already managed to get burned in past relationships and are now looking for true love. They do not expect miracles from life, but life itself prepares interesting surprises for them.

Andrei is dressed in a beggar, since all his previous girls were only interested in the money of this young lawyer. Journalist Lena wants to become famous, and she needs to write a sensational article. And here, in the process of work, true love awaits it.

Film Comedy - "Not Toropi Love."

A puffy thirty -year -old beauty named Katya, for six years, had been waiting for a proposal to marry her chosen one. But she was not lucky, he turned out to be a womanizer, and the girl simply lost time and spent her youth on him.

But every girl has friends who will always come to the rescue in difficult times. He wants to find her husband’s Kata on the Internet. To do this, she must lose weight and buy herself new and beautiful clothes.

The girl will definitely meet her love, but do not rush time - everything is on everything.

The film Comedy is “Okhlamon”.

Savva is the son of a wealthy businessman. This is a spoiled young guy, his behavior leaves much to be desired. He does not listen to his father, and no persuasion of relatives help.

How this whole story would end if the father had not been angry and accidentally knocked out glass in the banking office. This situation leads to acquaintance with Svetlana.

The girl goes to the businessman’s house for money, which the father should give to the bank as compensation. Svetlana receives proposals from Savva's father to conduct an experiment. Will the life of both young people change for the better? Perhaps they were not enough for each other to live happily without problems and adventures.

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Comments K. article

  1. Modern comedy, on the table screenwriter
    Actress Fedoseeva-Shukshina gave a hand to Alibasov, who was overeating Viagra. She wished the patient of health and did not scandal about the delicate problem.

  2. Modern comedy, on the table screenwriter
    Actress Fedoseeva-Shukshina gave a hand to Alibasov, who was overeating Viagra. She wished the patient of health and did not scandal about the delicate problem. -obevshegosya-viagry

  3. It is not good to steal, radish

  4. Another comedy with a slope to the criminalism, and also the intelligentsia.

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