Who were the stars of Hollywood and the star of the domestic stage before becoming famous?

Who were the stars of Hollywood and the star of the domestic stage before becoming famous?

Not all rich and famous were so from the very beginning. Let's find out who the stars were before they became famous.

It often seems to us that celebrities are immediately born in the Golden Coarse. And in some cases - this is true. But, many future stars had to work before flying to Olympus. Moreover, they were engaged in quite earthly labor. What were the most unexpected professions to master future celebrities?

Who worked the stars of Hollywood and the world stage before becoming famous?

  1. Brad Pitt

Just imagine if the actor graduated from the university and received a journalist’s diploma, the world could be left without one of the brightest stars of Hollywood. But, in the last year, the guy threw his studies and went to Los Angeles, towards Glory. Before you get universal recognition, Brad had to work a lot. He was courier, limousine driver And he lured customers to a restaurant dressed in a chicken costume.

  1. Uma Thurman

The actress gained worldwide fame and love of fans thanks to her own perseverance and performance. Her path to recognition was rather thorny. There were no acquaintances or relatives among cinematography stars. The girl came to conquer the model catwalks of New York with three hundred bucks in her pocket and she had to look for work. In breaks between the castings of the mind soap dishes in a pizzeria. Later, she starred in several episodic roles and in the extras, where she was noted by the directors.

She worked in a pizzeria
She worked in a pizzeria
  1. George Clooney

The Hollywood actor studied disgustingly at the university, for which he was expelled. But he was not upset and went to Hollywood. But, getting into show business was not as easy as it seemed an ambitious guy. And before the Clooney star lit up, he had to work in commercials and sell women's shoes.

  1. Jennifer Lopez

After the future singer graduated from school, she worked secretary in a lawyerBut there was not enough money and therefore Jay Lo developed a dancer.

  1. Jennifer Aniston

The theater scene attracted Jennifer since childhood. She studied in the theater circle and graduated from the school of dramatic skill in New York. At the very beginning of his career, the future star she participated in the production of Broadway and led the radio program. And to make a living, she was a telephone, a courier and a waitress.

  1. Megan Fox

In youth sell \u200b\u200bice cream and fruit cocktails. And sometimes she had to wear a suit of a large banana and call new buyers into the store.

  1. Sylvester Stallone

It’s not very easy to glory to this actor. Before the world recognized Rocky, the script for which he wrote, the novice actor lived beyond poverty. He he slept at bus parking and often dreamed of a piece of bread. I took on any part -time job: I cleaned the cages in the zoo and once even starred in the film for adults.

  1. Julia Roberts

The future “beauty” grew in a very poor family. Father earned a penny on selling inflatable mattresses, and the mother, the secretary of the church parish had no high earnings. That is why, the future star has been since the age of thirteen work in the pizzeria with a waitress.

  1. Beyoncé

The singer’s mother had her own beauty salon, where from six to nine years old the girl was happy to work. She is helped to sweep the floor in the cabin And she tried to cheer the visitors to cheer up.

  1. Nicole Kidman

The girl had to quit school and end massage courses when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. The work of the masseuse She helped her not only earn a living, but also relieve her mother’s pain during treatment.

  1. Madonna

Nineteen-year-old Madonna, after moving to New York selling donuts. But, soon she was dismissed from the cafe for slowness.

Madonna sold donuts
Madonna sold donuts
  1. Tom Cruise

The star actor of Hollywood is completely not ashamed of his previous work and proudly tells how he had to fulfill his duties post -hotel, Before the producers noticed him.

Interesting facts from the professional biography of domestic stars

  1. Tatyana Bulanova

The most popular "princess of Nesmeyan" of the Russian pop, before the beginning of its star career, worked as a simple librarian. Moreover, the girl perfectly coped with her duties, and she was allergic to paper dust to leave the kingdom.

  1. Anita Tsoi

Immediately after graduating from a pedagogical institute, the girl worked in a specialty in a tuberculosis sanatorium for children. And in the 90s she traded clothes in the market and worked on her first album.

She worked in a tubeless center
She worked in a tubeless center
  1. Victor Loginov

The famous actor and TV presenter still recalls with bated breath how for the first time he went down to the mine. At twenty, it was the work in the passage that helped him feed his family.

  1. Vera Brezhneva

The girl grew up in a large family. Father is a disabled person, mother is a cleaning lady. There was constantly not enough money, so after school a girl she worked part -time with a dishwasherAnd if the case fell out, then she walked school and worked as a nanny.

  1. Renata Litvinova

Renata has grown in a family of doctors, and although it itself has no appropriate education, before entering the theater school she worked in the nursing home and in the hospital with a nanny.

Worked in the nursing home
Worked in the nursing home
  1. Pavel Volya

The teacher of the Russian language and literature by education, the comedian never worked in their specialty. But, having tried himself as a radio host, he decided to go to the capital for fame. Before becoming popular, in Moscow Paul had to work at a construction site.

  1. Garik Martirosyan

Graduated from a medical university and worked for three years neuropathologists. He was pleased with his profession, but participation in KVN abruptly changed his professional fate.

  1. Valeriy Meladze

Before becoming a singer, Meladze the youngest worked repairman of telephone linesAnd later, together with his brother Konstantin, he studied at the shipbuilding institute. It was here that the brothers were seriously carried away by music and decided that their calling was a scene.

Video: What did the celebrities work before they became known?

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