Cough in a child: 5 causes of occurrence. Cough syrups for children under 1 year old. How to cure a cough in a child at home: folk methods and pharmacy drugs. How to cure a child for 1 day?

Cough in a child: 5 causes of occurrence. Cough syrups for children under 1 year old. How to cure a cough in a child at home: folk methods and pharmacy drugs. How to cure a child for 1 day?

Pharmacy drugs and folk methods to cure a cough in a child.

The peak of colds is observed during the off -season, spring and autumn. It is during this period that most children, as well as adults, often get viral ailments. They, in turn, provoke coughing. In this article, we will tell you how to cure a child in a child. 

Why is a cough in a child: 5 reasons

The causes of coughing are a huge number. Cough is the reaction of the larynx and the desire to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that are on the mucosa. Dry cough most often occurs as a result of irritation of the larynx, as well as trachea. Usually after a few days relief occurs. However, dry coughing can have a few more reasons.

5 causes of cough in a child:

  • The most common of them is virus infection, SARS. Typically, the first 2-3 days are observed after a person is sick.
  • Whooping cough. It is rare, because most often most of the parents are vaccinated from this ailment. Therefore, in modern conditions it is diagnosed quite rarely. If your child suffers for several weeks from dry coughing attacks, especially at night, this is an occasion to consult a doctor, to undergo a cough diagnostics. 
  • In addition to dry, there is also a wet cough, the causes of which are no longer viruses, but bacterial lesions. Most often these are bronchitis, as well as pneumonia. There is also a mixed type of cough, which is usually found in children under 1 year old. The main danger is that there is the opportunity to miss the development of the disease, which can lead to a serious illness, even the death of a child. Bronchs and respiratory system in infants up to 1 year are not as developed as in adults and older children. Sputum is thicker, and the chest is not developed enough to jerk it all. Accordingly, the attacks of coughing are rare, and mom simply cannot suspect that the child was ill with pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis. Therefore, in the case of children up to 1 year, it is often necessary to come to the doctor and consult even for minor occasions. It is better to play it safe than not to notice something important. In children under 1 year old, pneumonia is often identified, but even a pediatrician may not listen to wheezing in the lungs. The disease is diagnosed during radiography. 
  • Allergy. With the penetration of dust, smoke, and other allergens inside the respiratory tract, a peculiar reaction of the body can develop. 
  • Bronchial asthma. This is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract, which is characterized by a change in the structure of the cells.
Cough syrup for children
Cough syrup for children

How to treat dry cough in a child?

This question worries many parents when the child picked up a viral infection. The main task of parents is to alleviate the suffering of the child, reduce the frequency, as well as the duration of attacks. What can be done for this? As Dr. Komarovsky notes, it is best to ventilate the room for these purposes, as well as install a humidifier. You can also help the child and make appropriate inhalations.

How to treat dry cough in a child, tips:

  1. Inhalation with mineral water, soda will be an ideal option. How to do inhalations with soda can be found out here. With dry coughing, especially if it is provoked by a virus, use antitussive syrups, or there is no need to inhibit coughing. After all, it is caused by injuries of the mucous membrane of the throat. When the throat is delayed, the cough will stop.
  2. Your task is to promote the rapid healing of the mucous membrane, so inhalation will be the perfect option. You can also rinse the throat. For these purposes, it is better to use antiseptics, such as furatsilin, a solution of chlorophyllipt, or a regular solution with sea water. Such rinses wash the viruses, and soften the mucous membrane of the throat, which in turn leads to a decrease in cough and a decrease in the number of seizures.
  3. Many mothers note that with dry coughing attacks in a child, the best way to stop it is to get it in the bathroom, turn on the pressure of hot water. The vapors of water will penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, thereby softening and doing sputum, if it is there, more liquid. Although most often with dry cough, sputum may not be observed at all. This is just a reaction of the larynx to stimuli.

In the fundamentally, expedients are incorrect, because they are aimed at liquefaction of sputum. In turn, such drugs can additionally cause a cough in order to free the lungs from sputum, which is not in them. Therefore, in no case, at the first signs of dry cough, it is not necessary to give children bromhexin, Amboben, as well as ascoril. These drugs are given exclusively with wet coughing, prescribed by pediatricians. It makes no sense to give them yourself. 

The baby is sick
The baby is sick

How to cure a cough in a child at home?

There are special drugs for the treatment of wet cough, the main purpose of which- this is sputum liquefaction and withdrawing it from the respiratory tract. A wet cough is characterized by gurgling, as well as a feeling of humidity and viscosity inside the chest. This means that mucus gathering in the bronchi. It must be displayed. For these purposes, preparations that thin the sputum will be an ideal option. 

Tocure a cough in a child at home, aboutmucolytic is prescribed to merely. These are expectorant substances that help to make sputum liquid and contribute to elimination from the respiratory tract. Now inhalations of a nebulizer are quite popular, as they allow you to deliver substances directly to the hearth of the disease. Thus, the medicine does not spread throughout the body, but is concentrated in the respiratory tract. 

Table of drugs for cough.

A drug Action The form of admission
Acetylcystein This substance that makes sputum more liquid, and helps its excretion. The drug that can be found in the market- this is Assinjections. The drug is administered in the amount of 2 milliliters into the Nebulizer chamber, inhalations are carried out.
Ambrobene, Ambroxol These are well -known mucolics that was used by our mothers. They cope with sputum thinning. The form in the form of inhalations allows you to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and concentrate the substance exclusively in the lesions. 
Essentuki # 4 and No. 6 itslightly alkaline Mineral water, which is used to moisturize the mucous membrane. Thanks to alkali, sputum is made more liquid, quickly leaves the respiratory tract.  Inhalations with mineral water are carried out using a nebulizer. For one procedure, you need 2 ml of water without gas.
On the examination by the doctor
On the examination by the doctor

Cough remedy for children in tablets

It is worth noting that parents of young children do not use pills, since children simply do not know how to use them. Starting from 3 years, pediatricians can prescribe tablet drugs. However, now new medicines have appeared on the market, which are presented in the form of hissing tablets. They quickly dissolve, differ in a pleasant taste, the child with pleasure drinks such a drink. 

To the most popular cough tablets for children relate: 

  1. Terpinkod- A drug that contains a weak opiatric code, as well as mucolytic. The main task of this medicine is to suppress the cough reflex. This prevents the occurrence of dry cough. It is usually used exclusively in the initial stages of the disease, when the cough appears unproductive, there is no sputum in the bronchi. Please note that the drug can be prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician, as it contains narcotic substances. In addition, the suppression of productive cough can cause the accumulation of mucus inside the respiratory system, thereby aggravation of the situation. 
  2. Tusuprex. it cough remedy for children in tabletsits main task is to prevent the appearance of dry cough. It affects the cough reflex in the brain, and prevents the occurrence of dry cough, which is usually manifested by attacks and greatly exhausts the child. It is also prescribed for whooping cough, an allergic cough and at the initial stages of ARVI and influenza disease. 
  3. Ascoril - this is combined drug that containsSalbutamolalso bromhexin. In addition, it contains menthol and some components. The drug has a complex effect, thereby reducing bronchospasm, improving the cross -country ability. This is achieved due to the contentsalbutamol. In turn, bromhexine dilutes sputum and stimulates expectorant. The complex is achieved on the effect, which is quite effective in bronchitis, tracheitis, as well as cough and dry, unproductive cough. 

Cough syrup for children under 1 year old

With a disease of infants, parents fall into panic, have no idea what to do. Treatment of infants is significantly different from what adults are usually treated. Therefore, the pediatrician will become an assistant. What is prescribed for children from 1 month? Usually prescribe syrups that do not contain dyes and preservatives.

Effective withiROPs from cough for children under 1 year old:

  • Ambroxol. This is an expectorant drug that dilutes sputum and helps to remove the respiratory tract. A fairly effective substance, with unobtrusive taste and pleasant smell, which makes a reception pleasant for infants. It can be mixed with breast milk or introduced into the mixture. 
  • Ambrobene. Contains an expectorant. Sold both in the form of syrup and in the form of a solution for inhalation. The most interesting thing is that children from 6 months can also be prescribed inhalations with a nebulizer. However, the substance is introduced in small quantities, the dosage is much less than the one that is required to conduct an adult and older child. Ambrobene is sold in the form of a solution for inhalation and drinking. This liquid can be drunk and entered into a nebulizer. 
  • Lazolvan. An expectorant substance is known, which is highly effective. Syrup with a pleasant taste and aroma. 
  • Bronchipret. Good vegetable expectorant. You can use children at 3 months.

Breast babies are not prescribed preparations that suppress the cough reflex. Thus, funds in the form of synecod are not prescribed. This is very dangerous, even an experienced pediatrician may not notice obstruction, and taking a blue will lead to the fact that the child will choke in his own sputum. 

The kid is sick
The kid is sick

How to cure a child for a child in a day?

With a cold, there are several periods of the disease. The acute period with a strong, dry cough lasts 2-3 days, then the recovery period occurs. It is quite difficult to cure the cough in one day. If this is the beginning of a cold, then the best option is to prevent the penetration of viruses into the lower respiratory tract, including bronchi and lungs. The main task is to stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasopharynx.

Helping products cure the cough for the child per day:

  • Oddly enough, but the best option in the treatment of coughing at the initial stages of a cold is washing the nose. After all, it is precisely because the mucus flows along the back of the larynx that a dry cough can occur. As a result of this, the throat is not injured even more, thus, a vicious circle appears. Therefore, at the first signs of dry cough, it is necessary to rinse the nose with salt water. For these purposes, it is suitableAquamarisHuger orNosol. You can prepare the solution yourself, using marine orcook Salt.
  • The second remedy that is most efficiently fighting with a coughthis is inhalation. Tablets, syrups enter the gastrointestinal tract, begin their effects after a certain period of time and work worse. This is due to the fact that part of the drug is dissipated in the body, and is excreted from it. When using inhalations, almost all the medicine is concentrated in the affected areas, and is absorbed directly into them. For the treatment of cough in the initial stages, they usually use Aminocapronic acid andDecassan. These are antiseptics that kill viruses, fungi and bacteria. That is, this is an ideal option, while there is no sputum yet, and only dry cough is observed, at the initial stage of a cold. 
  • One of the best inhalation preparations for dry cough is Ventolin. Contains salbutamol, which expands the walls of the bronchi and lungs. Thus, the ventilation of the lungs improves, and breathing becomes even. The number of dry coughing attacks is reduced.
The child is sick
The child is sick

How to quickly cure a child in a child with folk methods?

Many grandmothers advise using folk remedies. However, they are not always appropriate, especially if the child has a cold and high temperature. Indeed, in most cases, folk methods mean procedures with an increase in temperature. 

How to quickly cure a cough in a child with folk methods, recipes:

  • Compress with potatoes. It is necessary to clean the potatoes from the peel, cook this peel, mole it and put it on a plastic bag, and then wrap it in the fabric. Put on the chest, as well as on your back and wrap your baby with a blanket. Such manipulations suppress the breasts, as well as the back of the baby, andcontribute Fast recovery. 
  • Mustard in socks. This method was also used by our grandmothers to treat coughing. It is necessary to pour on a tablespoon of mustard powder in each toe and put on a child. There will be constant heat, the child will warm up. 
  • Using rubbing. For these purposes, alcohol -containing liquids are usually used. This is usually alcohol or vodka. However, now modern mothers resort to this method quite rarely, because a huge number of ointments have appeared on the pharmaceutical market that contain essential oils of medicinal herbs. They act very quickly, allow you to get rid of cough in a short period of time. Among them, Dr. MOM, as well as Deflu, can be distinguished. They are sold in the form of gels, ointments that are applied to the back and breasts. This is a kind of alternative to rubbing and compresses from vodka. 
At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

 Sometimes, after a cold, it is very difficult for a child to cough the cough. This is due to the residual cough, due to the damaged mucous membrane.

Video: how to cure a cough to a child - Komarovsky


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Comments K. article

  1. With a cough, the main thing is plentiful drinking so that sputums are well departed. I give my tea with thyme, raspberries, you can still ordinary with lemonone and honey. The composition of a lot of vitamin C. To the stature has this vitamin contributes to the fastest recovery, because Strengthens the resistance of the body. Therefore, I definitely give Baby formula to Mishka vitamin C, I order a, so cheaper.

  2. Yes, I agree to the account of plentiful drinking and wet air. In addition to folk remedies, we accepts Fluifors syrup, it also moisturizes perfectly, sputum leaves and the cough passes quite quickly. By the way, you need to buy some vitamins for the child, thanks for reminding you)))

  3. The pediatrician always tells us that a plentiful drink is 50% of treatment. Sputum is better thinned. And starting the treatment itself is better with inhalations. The Avvis Ambroxol has long settled in the first -aid kit. The medicine is not expensive. It is like both oral administration and inhalations. Last time, cough was treated in autumn. The doctor also advised to connect a probiotic sabiis to the treatment. She said that it helps to restore respiratory tract microflora and strengthen immunity. And for the balance of intestinal microflora, it is useful. The recovery was faster than usual, without residual coughing. I ordered on the Internet. In pharmacies I have not yet seen on sale. For prevention is also a cool thing. We drank the whole family twice after that.

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