The carnival costume of the chess king - how to sew it with your own hands?

The carnival costume of the chess king - how to sew it with your own hands?

On New Year's Eve, morning or festive performances are held in schools and kindergartens. Children come to the Christmas tree in carnival costumes. In this article, you will learn how to sew a chess king costume on your own yourself.

There are many holidays in winter, but the New Year is the brightest of them. Both adults and children tremble for a celebration. In educational institutions, Christmas trees are held, whole ideas are arranged. So parents should think about what you can put on a festive carnival to their children. A suit for a matinee can be bought, or even better to sew. You will sew the costume of the chess king yourself if the house has a sewing machine, and material for sewing the product, and skill with imagination.

The carnival costume of the chess king is the preparatory process

To sew the costume of the chess king, at first you will need to determine the color of the fabric, style and accessories. Two sides play chess - white and black figures, respectively, the boy must sew this or that color, or combine. The carnival costume consists of a cloak, crown, pantalon.

The process is the following stages:

  1. Remove the measurements from the child to build the patterns of the cloak and a pantalon, make a crown.
  2. Transfer the cloak patterns and a pantalon to the fabric.
  3. Sew on a sewing car wardrobe items, then make a crown to the king from foil and cardboard.

IMPORTANT: As shoes, you can use either boots or shoes. To complete the image, you can use a toy saber or sword.

Carnival costume of the chess king - making a mantle

Perhaps not a single king is complete without a mantle. The mantle is a kind of cape on the shoulders. It can be cut with various methods. It can be rectangular or semicircular. The costume of the chess king can also be sewn in various performance. The rectangular mantle in the cage, of course, will look better, because then the pattern of fabric will look harmonious on the boy-king. It will not be difficult to cut such a mantle. It will be enough to cut a rectangle of the desired size.

Beautiful suit for the chess king
Beautiful suit for the chess king
  • You are very lucky if you find a black and white cage in a fabric store. For a cloak, it is better to use silk, atlas, knitwear or something like that. Look at the picture above, if the cells are large on the material, you can decorate them with different chess figures in the form of applications or stickers on top.
  • Not a problem if there is no tissue in a cage. The cloak can be made both black and white, then a collar of contrasting color will look harmonious against the background of the mantle. A magnificent black collar is suitable for a white mantle, and white - white. The collar can be worn as a separate accessory or directly with a cloak - sew it.
  • To make the mantle look finished, make the loops in front, sew the buttons of suitable design. Or, at the top, simply pull the mantle in the neck and tie around the neck on the tape. In stores they sell costumes of chess kings with a zipper in the gate zone.

Cloak size, cutting out products

For cutting the product, you will need to measure the child. Need the length and girth of the neck. The cape of the rectangle will look more interesting if it is wide and length. At the top, the mantle is then pulled out and the ties are made so that it holds. A collar is put on top of the mantle. In front, you can pin a brooch, or sew a beautiful button. Previously, kings loved such jewelry, because they will be by the way for the image of the chess king.

Kitty - scheme
Kitty - scheme

For the process you will need:

  • the fabric of a suitable color
  • the ruler, crayon
  • braid
  • accessories, ribbons, lace.


  1. Take measurements, then make a pattern immediately on the material. Set aside the length, given the allowances for the hem and the formation of the neck. To make the bottom even, use a ruler and chalk, draw lines on the fabric.
  2. For convenience, beauty, make rounded corners on the mantle and cut the neck, although you can not cut out if the collar does not sew to the mantle canvas.
  3. It remains only to remove the edges with a head so as not to break off.
  4. At the top of the cloak, make a double hem and stitch with an even seam on a typewriter. Then insert the tape inside and pull the fabric manually so that the cape is suitable for the size of Osh (neck covering) + 2, 3 centimeters for free cladding.
  5. For beauty at the top, you can sew two or three buttons and decorative loops so that the cloak-stink fastenes in the shoulder area.

IMPORTANT: As basic clothes under a raincoat, use a white or black shirt, you can also use sweatshirts, etc., the main thing is that things are combined with each other in style, color and styles.

The carnival costume of the chess king - sewing Pantalon

In many costumes, this wardrobe item is not provided at all. However, kings in ancient times wore lush pantalones over dense tights. Fashion was dictated from Paris, such a bow was considered mandatory for kings in past centuries. You may not sew the bottom for the image of the chess king, ordinary trousers or breeches are also suitable. But the carnival costume of the chess king without a pantalon is an unfinished image for the holiday.

Reitules for the king
Reitules for the king

How to sew Pantalones-a master class:

For the product you will need:

  • Black and white fabric
  • Sewing machine
  • Threads, scissors.

The pattern is made according to ordinary shorts.

See the scheme here:



  1. On a batman or millimeter paper, build diagrams of cuts of the cut Pantalon. Then cut them with scissors.
  2. To come out of magnificent rates, they are increased in volume on the sides. For beauty in front, make cuts and insert white inserts, as in the figure above.
  3. From white silk or atlas, cut the inserts into the patho. From black, sew details on the side seams. Sew the white inserts to the rats.
  4. Above the machine, make a seam to make a double wide hem in which you can insert an elastic band. Using a pin, insert an elastic band into the pantalons.
  5. On the inside, more precisely, the seams with a zigzag, so that they do not break out.
  6. Below, pull the shorts with an elastic band. Do not forget to leave three to five centimeters from the edge so that a beautiful magnificent bottom comes out with a flower.
  7. Treat the lower part of the pantalon with lace. And the seams for beauty are stitched with white or golden inhibits.

You can decorate this wardrobe item with different methods. Fantasy in this matter is welcome. White or black tights are put under the bottom of the pantalo. On the feet of a small chess king, you can wear Czechs, sandals or boots to match the common along.

Carnival costume of the chess king - making a collar

In the old days, there were lace, sparkles, embroidery in fashion. It is thanks to such details that the costume of the chess king will look luxurious. The collar is made by different methods:

  • sews from fabric, fur
  • collects from lush lace
  • collected from white kapron
  • or make a paper fan.
King's costume collar
King's costume collar
  • You can just sew the collar to get beautifully, make it rounded. And decorate the edges with a tape from guipure, collecting them a little so that the view is magnificent along the edges of the collar. The collar itself is made on the ties for comfortable wearing.
  • In order for the collar to keep the shape, make it double, and insert the cardboard in the middle. You can sew any collar from the fur edge. Starting from the rack, ending with the aggravated.
  • It’s not difficult to sew the collar from the lace. Choose wide lace, collect them, as shown in the picture above, and you will get a chic collar. To keep it well, use a corsage tape or dense fabric.
  • Sew lace with a stitch - forward the needle. It will come out beautifully if you sew the ties from ribbons. In the same method, you can sew a magnificent collar made of nylon fabric. The collar will resemble a magnificent foam skirt. And it will look just gorgeous.
  • Make a paper collar is perhaps the easiest option. It can be made of ordinary white sheets with A4 format. It is only necessary to make cones from them, and there will be many figures. And after they are glued together to make lush forms. If you look from afar, you get a magnificent skirt a pack of cones on the doll.

The carnival costume of the chess king - the manufacture of the crown

Without a crown - the costume of the chess king will turn out incomplete. The accessory emphasizes the status of an important person. You can make it, starting from the fabric, ending with paper. The form can be different. Below, see examples of crowns for the chess king.

Do -it -yourself crown
Do -it -yourself crown
Gold Crown
Gold Crown
Crown from cardboard
Crown from cardboard
Different forms for crowns
Different forms for crowns

As you can see, there are a lot of crowns for the king. In addition, you can use a variety of forms of products. The material is also used by various, from paper, covered with gold or paint, ending with foil and fabric.

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Video: DIY chess king costume - how to make a crown?

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