Careprost for eyelash growth: composition, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, photos before and after, analogues, reviews of doctors and ophthalmologists. Is it possible to use an eyebrow carpast? How to order and buy carpast drops for eyelash growth by mail to Aliexpress?

Careprost for eyelash growth: composition, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, photos before and after, analogues, reviews of doctors and ophthalmologists. Is it possible to use an eyebrow carpast? How to order and buy carpast drops for eyelash growth by mail to Aliexpress?

Read in the article information about carprost - a means for eyelash and eyebrows.

Every girl and a woman want to have long and thick eyelashes. Ladies make building up, tinted with a special lengthening mascara, in general, do everything possible to make the eyelashes thicker, darker, and their eyes are expressive and beautiful.

But from building and constant use of cosmetics, the hairs are thinned, broken and eyelashes become dim and lifeless. How to return to them the length, density and natural dark color? Read this article about the modern Indian drug - the Kareprost that has already helped many women to return the beauty of their eyelashes.

What is Kareprost?

What is Kareprost?
What is Kareprost?

Careprost is a cosmetic product, a unique product, a solution of a lipid liga in the form of a liquid that is used to treat eyelashes from hypotrichosis. As a result of the appearance of this disease, the hairs grow well, become thin and dull. The action of the carriage is due to its penetration into the hair bags. It restores good blood supply and metabolism, causing increased hair growth.

Careprost for eyelash growth: composition

Careprost for eyelash growth: composition
Careprost for eyelash growth: composition


The composition of the drug is unique. To regulate the PH level, sodium hydroxide or chloristoric acid is added. Also, serum carpast for eyelash growth consists of such components:

  • bimatoprost
  • sodium dihydrophosphate
  • trequennic carboxylic acid
  • sodium chloride
  • benzalkonium chloride
  • purified water

Remember: Despite the fact that the carpest is a unique drug that helps many women return the beauty of the eyelashes, before starting its use, you need to consult a doctor.

The fact is that the eyelashes during the use of the drug should be completely healthy. It is also unacceptable to use the product in the presence of any ophthalmological diseases. Therefore, before starting hairs processing, consult a doctor to check health and get a consultation. The doctor will diagnose and report the status of the eyes and eyelashes, as well as approve or prohibit the use of the drug.

How to use a carpest for eyelash growth, how to apply to eyelashes: Instructions for use

How to use a carpest for eyelash growth, how to apply to eyelashes: Instructions for use
How to use a carpest for eyelash growth, how to apply to eyelashes: Instructions for use

In order for the cosmetic processing of eyelashes to brown the desired result, you need to act strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. At first, these drops were used to treat diseases from the field of ophthalmology, now they are used exclusively only to strengthen and restore the hairline of the hair. So, how to use the carprost for eyelash growth, how to apply to eyelashes? In the instructions for use from the manufacturer, the following is written:

  • Before using the drug, remove all the cosmetics from the eyes, eyebrows and remove the contact lenses.
  • The product must be applied once a day before bedtime - in 30 minutes so that the liquid has time to absorb. It is necessary to use the drug within 12-16 weeks. Then, to keep the effect, if there are no contraindications, constantly 1 time per week.
  • Before starting the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • After that, squeeze out of the bottle 1 drop of the drug to a special applicator and apply 0.5 drops per each for both centuries.
  • Apply serum to the base of the eyelashes, from the inner corner of the eye to the external. Make sure that the drug does not fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

One bottle will be enough for you - 16 weeks. Use drops from the second bottle once a week. It will be enough for you for 4-6 weeks. After using the second bottle, take a break of 2 months and repeat the course first, if there are no contraindications.

Important: The product is used only on the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. It must be applied carefully, with one smooth movement.

Remember: The application and cover of the bottle should remain sterile. Therefore, their contact with hands and other surfaces is not allowed.

Careprost for eyelash growth: photo before and after

If you cannot decide on the use of the carriage for eyelash growth, then look at the photos with the results from women who used the drug and are satisfied with the result. Photo before and after applying the carriage for eyelash growth:

Careprost for eyelash growth: photo before and after
Careprost for eyelash growth: photo before and after
Kareprost: photo before and after
Kareprost: photo before and after
Careprost for eyelashes: photo before and after
Careprost for eyelashes: photo before and after

Cariprost eyelash treatment is a long process. Therefore, be patient if you want to get the long -awaited result.

Careprost for eyelash growth: reviews of doctors and ophthalmologists

Careprost for eyelash growth: reviews of doctors and ophthalmologists
Careprost for eyelash growth: reviews of doctors and ophthalmologists

It is clear that before using any drug, you need to consult a doctor. But there is no time for a trip to the hospital, and even more to sit in lines under the offices of doctors. Therefore, we publish reviews of doctors and ophthalmologists about the drug carprost for eyelash growth:

Igor Valentinovich, ophthalmologist with 20 years of experience

Careprost is eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma. The lengthening, thickening and darkening of the hairline of the eye is the side effect of this drug. This tool can be used, but you need to ensure that it does not fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes. Although I think this is almost impossible. Therefore, each patient chooses personally for himself - follow the instructions of the doctor or engage in self -medication.

Angelina Ivanovna, professor of ophthalmology, doctor of medical sciences

Careprom has many side effects, and one of them is a negative effect not in terms of eyelash growth, but from the point of view of the appearance of the eyes. We are talking about changing the color of the eye. If in the iris of your eye there is, for example, yellow and brown, then after applying the drug your eyes can become dark brown. These changes are irreversible. It is worth noting that yellow and brown spots can be in the rainbow shell of both blue and green eyes.

Oksana Sergeevna, ophthalmologist

I want to note one side effect of the carriage, which applies to eyelashes. The hairs that appear due to the effects of this drug will grow in different directions. Of course, this action is not manifested in all patients, but be prepared for the fact that your eyelashes can be too shaggy and inaccurate. Then you have to use different curves for eyelashes and more.

How many doctors are so many opinions. You can consult your ophthalmologist you trust and who will tell you whether this or that tool can be used.

Careprost for eyelash growth: contraindications, side effects

Careprost for eyelash growth: contraindications, side effects
Careprost for eyelash growth: contraindications, side effects

Now let's look in detail the contraindications and side effects of the brown -free for eyelash growth:

  • With inaccurate application of the drug, eyelashes can begin to grow, for example, on the bottom of the century. Such a side effect rarely occurs, but it has a place to be. In this case, unnecessary hairs are removed using laser technology.
  • Changing the color of the rainbow eye membrane.
  • Eyelash growth in different directionsthat is not inherent in healthy eyelashes and looks strange.
  • Cancellation syndrome. After stopping the use of the drug, the eyelashes will gradually return to their previous state.
  • The darkening of the eyelidsLike the altered eye color, it remains forever.
  • Having eyes. Careprost with prolonged use and with regular hitting the eye causes thinning of tissues around the eyes. They look swirling and tired.
  • Swelling and redness of the eyelids. Not all patients are observed, but if this side effect occurs, the drug should be canceled.
  • Lowering the eye pressure when entering the mucous membrane. The effect of the drug is due to a decrease in the arterial pressure of the eyes. If the drug constantly affects healthy eyes, then after canceling, the opposite effect and pressure will increase greatly. There will be a risk of glaucoma and blindness. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the product does not fall on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Any person should be extremely careful when using a medicinal or even cosmetic drug. It is better to go to the clinic once again and consult a doctor than to be treated from unwanted diseases.

Where can you buy a carpest?

But, if, after all, beauty is more important for you and you decide to use the carpest for eyelash growth, then purchase it from trusted distributors or on official website on this link. Where else can you buy Kareprost? It is sold in different cosmetic salons, the Internet. But remember that you can buy a fake of the drug, from which the appearance of the most undesirable side effects is possible.

How to order and buy carpast drops for eyelash growth by mail to Aliexpress?

How to order and buy carpast drops for eyelash growth by mail to Aliexpress?
How to order and buy carpast drops for eyelash growth by mail to Aliexpress?

On the Aliexpress You will not find branded or original products from manufacturers. You will not be able to order and buy drops of brown for eyelash growth on Aliexpress, but here you can buy analogues - cosmetics for eyelash growth. It is much cheaper than the carriage, but has almost the same effectiveness.

  • These funds will be sent to you by mail, and within 20-30 days the drug will be delivered to the post office of your city.
  • You can find this cosmetics if in the search engine to dial " Careprost for eyelash growth" or simply " for eyelash growth».
  • Then press the product icon and on the new page " Buy».
  • Next, check the order and address data, pay and expect delivery to your city.

If you are not registered for Aliexpress, then read the article on our websiteHow to do it quickly and right. You can also study video Instructions on this link And start an account at the largest trading platform on them.

Is it possible to use an eyebrow carpast?

Is it possible to use an eyebrow carpast?
Is it possible to use an eyebrow carpast?

Many women, in order to check the body's reaction to allergies, use an eyebrow carpet. The skin in this place is more dense and therefore an allergic reaction will be less pronounced. Moreover, if you use the carprost for eyebrows, the result is noticeable after 3 weeks of use. The eyebrows become thicker and look more well -groomed.

Remember: After the cancellation of the drug, the density and length of the hairs are returned to their previous state. Therefore, in order for the eyebrows to be always thick and beautiful, you need to use the drug for 3 months 1 time per day, and then 1 time per week constantly.

Is it possible to use Kareprost to grow hair on the head?

All over the world, the carprost is used to grow hair on the head. This must be done according to the same scheme as for eyelash or eyebrows: use 3-4 months daily, and then constantly 1 time a week.

Kareprost: how long to wait for the result?

Kareprost: how long to wait for the result?
Kareprost: how long to wait for the result?

Before using any drug, I always want to know how long to wait for the first result. The result from the use of carpers will not have to wait long. If you use it to grow eyebrows or hair on your head, then after 3 weeks you will see that the hairs have become thicker and darker. The eyelashes will begin to thicken already at the 5th week of use.

Kareprost: hormonal or not?

There are no hormones as part of the drug Kareprost. It contains only those substances that activate the hair onion. Therefore, Kareprost is not a hormonal agent.

Is it possible to use a means for growth of brown eyelash during pregnancy, breastfeeding?

Is it possible to use a means for growth of brown eyelash during pregnancy, breastfeeding?
Is it possible to use a means for growth of brown eyelash during pregnancy, breastfeeding?

Often during pregnancy and breastfeeding in young mothers, hair loss and thinning of eyelashes are observed. But a woman, even in such an interesting situation, wants to remain beautiful. Therefore, many ladies are wondering: is it possible to use a remedy for brown eyelash during pregnancy, breastfeeding?

  • Allergic reactions and other negative consequences may occur from the use of this drug.
  • Some women still risk and use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and note the lack of negative effects.
  • But this cannot serve as a 100%example. Doctors still advise women during pregnancy and breastfeeding to save themselves and the child from undesirable consequences that may occur, because this drug still has side effects.

Therefore, it is better to refuse the use of a cavernese during an interesting position and breastfeeding.

Kareprost: How to distinguish the original from a fake?

When we purchase a drug or a cosmetic product from an imported manufacturer on the Internet, we want it to be original. But how to distinguish, where is a fake tool, and where is the original? You can find the answer to this question about the carpest on official website for sales of this drug. Here are a few noticeable differences:

Kareprost: How to distinguish the original from a fake?
Kareprost: How to distinguish the original from a fake?
How to distinguish the original from a fake?
How to distinguish the original from a fake?

On the website of the official distributor there is also a lot of other information about how to distinguish a fake drug from the original. Read all the most important by this linkStudy and remember. It is also better to order the product on the official website - this is a guarantee that you will receive the original.

Careprost for eyelash growth: analogues

Careprost for eyelash growth: analogues
Careprost for eyelash growth: analogues

Naturally, like any other remedy, the brown has analogues. These drugs are slightly cheaper, but their effect is as effective as that of the original drug itself. All information about analogues can be found on the official website for the sale of this drug. The best analogues of the brown for eyelash growth should include the following means:

  • Quinlash
  • Karelash
  • Finallash

All these serums are very popular among the fair sex. An acceptable price, convenient packaging is not the only advantages of this serum.

Karelash, Quinlash or Kareprost: which is better?

Karelash, Quinlash or Kareprost: which is better?
Karelash, Quinlash or Kareprost: which is better?

If it is worth a choice to buy an original drug, but a little more expensive or an analogue, but cheaper, you can get confused. Therefore, people often ask what is better: Karelash, Quinlash or Kareprost?

  • As mentioned above, analogues are slightly cheaper than the carpest.
  • But in order to answer the question of what is better, you need to take a course of all drugs and then look at how this or that drug works.
  • The active substance in all these three means is the same, but the dose and the penetrating effect are slightly different.
  • Therefore, you should try that it is better for your skin and hairs, which should be used.

Kareprost is this drug, which has collected many fans and opponents near itself. Some people consider this serum a miracle, others do not even want to experience it, beware of side effects. But those people who have already used this drug note its effectiveness. Buying it or not is a purely personal matter. It is important to follow the instructions and take into account all precautions.

Video: Kareprost: Instructions for use. Careprost eyelash growth: video

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