Aspirin cardio and cardiomagnil - what is the difference: composition, effectiveness, recommendations for use, contraindications of drugs?

Aspirin cardio and cardiomagnil - what is the difference: composition, effectiveness, recommendations for use, contraindications of drugs?

In the article you will find out what are the differences between two drugs cardiomagnil, aspirin cardio? Which drug is more effective?

In modern reality, the pathology of the heart and the vascular system occupies first places in many countries. In the world, almost every third person has problems of this species. Therefore, already in the early stages of the development of the disease, doctors advise to carry out preventive measures, and if required, then use cardiomagnil, aspirin cardio to treat these diseases and thin blood.

However, these drugs have some differences. And one patient can be suitable for cardiomagnil, and the other Aspirin Cardio - a lot depends on the characteristic characteristics of the body. To find out which tool is suitable for you, you need to find out what differences have these dosage forms. The conversation will continue to be about them.

Aspirin Cardio and Cardiomagnil - what is the difference, how differs in composition and purpose?

To finally find out this, you will have to find out the composition of the drugs, for which they are shown and what contraindications to the use of tablets exist.

So Cardiomagnil - This is an anti -aggregate substance that can impede the development of heart disease and prevents diseases of the vascular system. Taking tablets, you can avoid complications of various heart pathologies associated with high pressure (heart attacks, strokes, etc.). This panacea has magnesium hydroxide and acetylsalicylic acid.

BUT Aspirin Cardio First of all, an analgesic, anti -inflammatory drug. It also has the ability to dilute blood, reduce body temperature. The main active component of tablets is acetylsalicylic acid (ASK).

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What is the difference between blood thinning drugs?

In pharmacies, cardiomagnil is sold in two dosages: 75 milligrams and 150 milligrams in one tablet. The drug based on ASK (Aspirin Cardio) contains 100 milligrams and 300 milligrams of the main active substance in one tablet.

The pills of these species are covered with a special shell, which does not allow the panacea to dissolve, practically, immediately when it gets inside. Thanks to this, heartburn is not manifested, pain in the gastrointestinal tract and tablets act softer.

Still, cardiomagnin differs in that it does not so aggressively affects the walls of the stomach. Thanks to its component component - magnesium hydroxide, which neutralizes the influence of ASK.

IMPORTANT: Compared to ordinary aspirin, ASK Cardio has a dense protective shell, which does not allow to dissolve the product after swallowing, so it does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Also, Aspirin Cardio has a soft painkillers and reduces body temperature, unlike cardiomagnil. In addition, it does not allow the development of platelet aggregation in the blood, more precisely, it dilutes blood.

The effectiveness of funds - by action on the body

If there is the initial stage of the development of vascular diseases and the cardiac system, then both drugs will be effective.

Cardiomagnil It varies from Aspirin Cardio The fact that it acts softer on the walls of the intestines, stomach. Therefore, it is prescribed to patients who already have dysfunction of these organs, microflora disorders inside the intestine are observed and there are reactions to ASK.

If the patient has inflammation of various etiologies, and there is a pain syndrome, then it is better for him to use an ASK -based tool - Aspirin Cardio. This drug is also effective after surgical interventions. Thanks to him, the patient will quickly recover and there will be no all kinds of risks of complications.

Aspirin cardio or cardiomagni?
Aspirin cardio or cardiomagnil?

These two drugs still have some differences. This is what the doctor takes into account when prescribing one or another patient to the patient . So, the difference is as follows:

  1. Methodology of drugs On the patient's body. One drug (Aspirin Cardio) can cause a gastrointestinal disorder due to an increased dose of the presence of ASK in it. And the other (cardiomagnil) will not cope with such symptoms as heat, inflammatory reactions of the body to any infectious diseases, etc.
  2. Naturally, that duration of therapy These tablets may also differ from each other. It is the specialist who establishes how much this or that drug needs to be taken and what breaks need to be made in the use of tablets.
  3. Components of substances Cardiomagnila and Aspirin Cardio also vary, in the first there is a little less ASK than in the second. Also in the pills of cardiomagnila there is magnesium hydroxide, and in aspirin it is not at all.

The only thing they have in common is that they act equally well on the cardiovascular system and liquefy blood.

IMPORTANT: Therefore, in the case when you yourself choose a means for prevention, then carefully read the instructions so as not to harm the body and not aggravate the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Better yet, if you still consult a doctor who will determine what you better drink and how much. Dosages also play a very important role.

Aspirin cardio and cardiomagnil - what is the difference, what are the drugs for use and side effects?

These tablets are ranked to the group of cardioaspirins. Despite the fact that they have many similar characteristics (get rid of the danger of blood clots, prevent pathologies such as heart attack, stroke), and they are used sometimes to treat various diseases from each other.

Cardio Aspirinit is recommended to use after operations on the heart muscle, vessels. Its analgesic, anti -inflammatory effect reduces complications well, the patient returns faster to the normal direction of life.

Aspirin cardio - tablet effectiveness
Aspirin cardio - efficiency of pills

The second remedy - Cardiomagnil use with:

  • Coronary disease of the vascular system of the brain, impaired normal functionality of blood flow.
  • Other diseases of the vascular system and a tendency to thrombosis.
  • Heart pathologies - unstable angina pectoris, coronary heart disease due to circulatory disorders.
  • Chronic courses of diseases of the venous arteries, increased pressure (hypertension).
  • Thrombosis complicated by colds, due to bacterial infections.
  • Lesions of peripheral vascular systems (with stenosis, ischemia).
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency in pregnant women, circulatory disorders, which affects not only the body of the mother, but also the fetus.

Cardiomagnil is prescribed by cardiologists to their patients if they suffered a stroke, heart attack, they have disorders in cerebral blood flow.

Aspirin cardio is used for preventive purposes in the following cases:

  • When the patient has metabolic disorders, an endocrine disease (obesity, diabetes, etc.).
  • In case of danger of cholesterol plaques.
  • After blood transfusion.
  • In the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions.
  • After a stroke, heart attack.

What is interesting is that with the above problems it will be effective and cardiomagnil.

Side effects of tablets
Side effects of tablets

It is advisable to use drugs only as prescribed by a specialist. After all, not all patients are recommended precisely by aspirin -containing drugs. Some patients are suitable for other remedies with other components in the composition.

Aspirin cardio and cardiomagnil - what is the difference: dosage

Aspirin cardio is taken according to this scheme:

This tool is intended for a long period of therapy, in the instructions it is recommended to drink ASK once a day in the amount of 100-300 milligrams (depending on the etiology of the disease) before eating. Pill should be drained with a large amount of water. If there are some deviations in the digestive tract, then drink tablets after eating.

Cardiomagnil is used according to the following scheme:

As a rule, pills are produced at 75-150 milligrams of the active substance in one capsule. Different scheme of therapy is also prescribed depending on the history of the disease. In acute manifestations of symptoms of strokes, heart failure, patients are recommended for dosage of 150-450 milligrams per day, 75 milligrams per day are prescribed for prevention, preferably at the same time. The duration of treatment can be long. Older people with risks of cardiovascular pathologies are recommended to take tablets on an ongoing basis.

The use of cardiomagnila
The use of cardiomagnila

Aspirin cardio and cardiomagnil - what is the difference: adverse reactions, contraindications

Cardiospirins are undesirable to use to patients who have gastrointestinal pathologies (erosive changes, ulcers, gastritis, etc.). They are also contraindicated:

  1. With renal failure.
  2. With high sensitivity to any component contained in these tablets.

Aspirin Cardioyou can not take diathesis, asthma, patients with angina pectoris, heart failure. The dosage form is not prescribed for adolescents under 15 years of age, pregnant women, women on guards.

Cardiomagnilit is not recommended for persons who have a predisposition to bleeding of various etiologies, patients with an ulcer, pregnant at any time and women who are breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions to cardio -aspirins

Before using these drugs, you must read the requirements of the instructions, study the side effects of the drugs.

Keep in mind that these tablets can provoke the following states:

  • With daily use of ASK drugs, bronchial cramps may occur. Therefore, with diseases of the respiratory system, consult a doctor which drug is best taken so as not to harm health.
  • These tablets can cause bleeding, so you can not use them along with thrombolytics, anticoagulants.
  • When using cardiospirins of a more specified doctor's therapy scheme, metabolism disorders may develop, and complicate the gout.
  • These products reduce the level of glucose in the bloodstream. If the patient has diabetes, systemic therapy with hypoglycemic drugs can cause complications.
  • You cannot exceed the recommended dosages, otherwise there is a danger of bleeding in the stomach.
  • Funds are incompatible with strong drinks, this technique aggressively affects the gastrointestinal tract.
  • You can not use Aspirin Cardio, cardiomagnil at once - there is a danger of an overdose of ASK.

The effectiveness of cardiomagnila, aspirin cardio - which tool is better?

Doctors are prescribed tablets based on the overall picture of the patient's health. Experts take into account what concomitant pathologies in the patient and after that draw a conclusion about taking a particular drug. Many cardiologists write down cardiomagnil in order to do not harm the digestive tract. Since it acts sparingly on the mucous membrane, stomach.

Which tablets are more effective for thinning blood?
Which tablets are more effective for liquefaction of blood?

However, if there are other related pathologies - the risk of blood clots, thromboembolism, then still Aspirin Cardio It will be more effective in this regard. Cardiomagnil It is recommended to drink to improve functionality of the heart muscle. In addition, when people choose the drug themselves, they often take into account its cost. And Aspirin Cardio is cheaper, which is why they prefer to use it. Despite the fact that the action of funds is somewhat different from each other.

To affirm which tool is better, which is not, impossible. Each has its own positive and negative characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of dosage forms thoroughly, given the patient's condition.

Video: Drugs for liquefaction of blood aspirin cardio, cardiomagnil

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