Cardiomagnil - composition of the drug, instructions: what is its effect based on? Cardiomagnil - how to take: in the morning or in the evening, before or after eating, how many times a day, how long?

Cardiomagnil - composition of the drug, instructions: what is its effect based on? Cardiomagnil - how to take: in the morning or in the evening, before or after eating, how many times a day, how long?

Having crossed the threshold of the forty-year line, many people have violations in the work of the cardiovascular system. Cardiomagnil by liquefaction of blood improves the operation of the system. Next, read in detail how to use the drug, what it affects.

If the patient appears in the operation of the circulatory system, more precisely, the viscosity of the blood increases and its flow rate in the vessels decreases, then it is necessary to engage in treatment. After all, this condition causes serious consequences in the form of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Often, after forty, experts recommend people to start drinking blood thinning medicines. There are many pharmacy on the market, cardiomagnil is one of them. It is recommended to use it under the supervision of specialist doctors, and you cannot prescribe a medicinal panacea for yourself. Next, we will study the instructions for the use of the dosage form in the details.

Cardiomagnil - composition of the drug: what is its effect based on?

The medication is produced in Denmark, the manufacturer is a well -known pharmaceutical company - Nikomed. Pills are made in the form of white hearts or ovals. They are packaged in glass jars of dark brown color. The number of tablets can vary from 30 to 100 pieces.

The composition of the drug, the form of release
The composition of the drug, the form of release

The basic active substance is cardiomagnila - ASK (acetylsalicylic acid), MG hydroxide. There are also auxiliary products in the pills - talc, magnesium stearate, cellulose, propylene glycol, etc. The dosage of the pills is different, so in the heart -shaped tablets there are 75 milligrams of ASK and 15 milligrams of MG hydroxide, and in oval - 150 milligrams of ASK and 30 milligrams of MG hydroxide.

The effect of the product is to prevent gluing platelets in the bloodstream due to the appearance of thromboxans. It is they who provoke gluing (aggregation), and increase blood pressure. The drug regulates the mechanisms of blood flow by reducing their formation. ACC also reduces the temperature, reduces pain, relieves inflammatory processes. And MG hydroxide is effective in preventing the destruction of the internal walls of the stomach after exposure to ASK.

Cardiomagnil - to whom is the drug shown?

The tool has been widely used not only for preventive applications in the prevention of the development of heart disease, blood vessels, but also to prevent the development of blood clots in the bloodstream after various operating interventions. In addition, tablets Cardiomagnila is recommended to drink to patients with such ailments:

  1. With the development of heart failure, vascular diseases, heart, thrombosis, hyperlipidemia, increased blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, embolism, migraines.
  2. For preventive purposes after a heart attack, stroke, also people who have reached the elderly, those who cannot abandon smoking.
  3. With unstable angina pectoris, cerebrovascular impairment.
The drug cardiomagnil for what is used?
Cardiomagnil drug - how do they use it?

IMPORTANT: Drugs that have the same effect on the human body as a cardiomagnil, because only medical specialists should prescribe the patient to the patient, given the individual characteristics of his general condition.

Cardiomagnil - how to take: in the morning or in the evening, before or after eating, how many times a day, how long?

As already mentioned, the drug is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes, therefore, methods of using pills may vary.

For therapeutic purposesit is important to choose the right dosage. If the patient heart failureit is recommended to drink one pill once a day. Moreover, first, after the manifestation of signs of ischemia, two pills per day can be prescribed. And when the patient has an attack angina pectoris, heart attack, then after it you should use about six pills per dayto stop thrombosis. The period of therapy is determined by a medical specialist. Then the dosage is reduced to 1 pill per day.

Preventionthese terrible ailments are carried out in different ways for all people. The doctor can appoint one patient the minimum dosage of the product - one tablet of 75 milligrams per day, and to whom and two pills of 150 milligrams per day. To avoid the development of angina pectoris, stroke or heart attack, use a minimum dosage of cardiomagnila. For elimination of secondary thrombosis You have to drink by two pills per day 150 milligrams.

To conduct blood thinning, Cardiomagnil should be consumed only after a certain curtail test. The doctor must give a referral for analysis. If the test confirms that the blood is thick, then it is recommended to drink pills for ten days, 75 milligrams per day. After that, it is necessary to make a second test analysis for coagulation. Thanks to the conclusion of laboratory assistants, the doctor will determine whether the drug is effective or not.

The duration of the use of tabletscan vary ten days before the end of life. Before recommending the medicine, the doctor must take into account a number of contraindications. After all, the pills have a negative effect on a certain category of patients. The period of taking cardiomagnila is established by a medical specialist.

What are the age categories prescribed tablets?Most often, the product is prescribed to patients aged forty, fifty years. Older patients are more likely to develop cardiac and vascular pathologies. And young people are less plunged to such diseases. However, it must also be taken into account that when using tablets, there is a possibility of manifestation of internal bleeding.

Rules for taking pill for the heart. Cardiomagnil
Rules for taking pill for the heart. Cardiomagnil

IMPORTANT: Combining an agent with antitrombocyte tablets is undesirable, especially without the recommendations of a specialist. After such combined therapy, blood scrapness worsens.

The instructions for taking the pills indicate that they need to be swallowed, washed down with liquid, you can not chew them. If there are some difficulties when swallowing tablets, then you can grind them. A clear description when to eat pills and how not. Because it is not so important, you can drink the product in the morning, in the evening, before eating or after its consumption. The only thing is that if a person has problems with the digestive tract, then drink the product during food or after its use. So you will not feel irritation in the walls of the stomach.

Cardiomagnil - contraindications

Any pharmacy drug, before consuming, must be studied. The instructions indicate who cannot use tablets. Medication cannot be used to patients:

  • which has a danger of hemorrhage in the brain. There are tendencies to various bleeding, and there is a lack of vitamin K.
  • in which thrombocytopenia is observed, asthma, hemorrhagic diathesis develops.
  • who have ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and they are currently in a heightened state.
  • who have a danger of the development of housing and communal services.
  • which have kidney problems, hemophilia.
  • which has increased sensitivity to drugs with ASK and other components.

You can not drink tablets for pregnant women, nursing mothers and adolescents up to eighteen years of age.

To whom is cardiomagni shown, to whom is contraindicated?
To whom is the cardiomagnil shown, to whom is contraindicated?

Under special control, a dosage form is prescribed to patients with gastritis, ulcers, liver failure, in feverish condition, with a polyposis of the nose.

As you can see, the product has both a positive effect on the body and negative. Therefore, it is necessary to take this into account when selecting the drug for treatment, prevention, etc.

Video: Cardiomagnil - Instructions for use

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