Calorie content of vegetables and herbs. Calorie table per 100 grams

Calorie content of vegetables and herbs. Calorie table per 100 grams

Everyone knows about the benefits of vegetables and herbs. Due to the presence of valuable compounds in these products, they positively affect the body as a whole and the work of all its organs, in particular.

Almost all vegetables have invaluable benefits. But, in order for the vegetable diet to "work", it is necessary to eat varied. That is, use different vegetables and greens in your diet.

Calorie content of cabbage

Cabbage is the main source of vitamin C for humans. Moreover, this vegetable is able to store ascorbic acid in its heads of heads up to 8 months. Most of the vitamin in a stump. In 100 g of cabbage, up to 70 mg of this vitamin can be contained.

Calorie content 28 kcal
Squirrels 1.8 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 4.7 gr
Cellulose 2 gr
Organic acids 0.3 gr
Water 90.4 gr
Sauerkraut 19 kcal
Cabbage salad 47 kcal
Fresh cabbage 46 kcal
Cabbage cutlets 108 kcal

In terms of glucose content, this vegetable is ahead of such rating leaders as oranges, lemons and apples. Due to the presence of acetic and lactic acid in the cabbage, it is possible to clean the body from putrefactive bacteria with its help.

Broccoli calorie content

Broccoli, or asparagus cabbage, is an extremely useful vegetable for humans.

First of all, this product is valued for the high content of vegetable protein. Which, in its amino acid composition, is not inferior to the animal protein.

Calorie content 34 kcal
Squirrels 2.82 gr
Fat 0.37 gr
Carbohydrates 6.64 gr
Alimentary fiber 2.6 gr
Water 89.3 gr
Boiled broccoli 28 kcal
Fried broccoli 46 kcal
Steam broccoli 27 kcal

Broccoli is useful for people with heart failure and high cholesterol. It is necessary to include this cabbage in your diet for the prevention of disorders of the nervous system and atherosclerosis. Broccoli can be eaten in cheese and boiled form.

Calorie content of cauliflower

Food fibers of cauliflower have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. The use of cauliflower protects from the development of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. It is proved that this vegetable is able to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, colon and lungs.

Calorie content 30 kcal
Squirrels 2.5 gr
Fat 0.3 gr
Carbohydrates 4.2 gr
Alimentary fiber 2.1 gr
Organic acids 0.1 gr
Water 90 gr
Cabbage cauliflower 30 kcal
Cabbage cauliflower in batter 180 kcal
Cabbage is fried 120 kcal

The cauliflower included in the composition of cauliflower reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Using this vegetable, you can reduce the level of poor cholesterol. Color cabbage is perfectly combined with almost all foods except milk, melon and watermelon.

Calorie content of kolrabi

Kohlrabi, like other cabbage pitchflies, is very rich in vitamin C

In addition, this vegetable includes soluble fiber, which effectively fights “poor” cholesterol and regulates the functions of the intestine. And, thanks to the diuretic effect, the kohlrabi can reduce swelling and remove excess moisture from the body.

Calorie content 44 kcal
Squirrels 2.8 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 7.9 gr
Alimentary fiber 1.7 gr
Organic acids 0.1 gr
Water 86.2 gr
Mono- and disaccharides 7.4 gr
Starch 0.5 gr
Ash 1.2 gr

Some kolrabbi compounds can reduce the risk of cancer. For people who follow their weight, it will be useful to find out that tartronic acid is included in the composition of Kolrabi. It prevents the transformation of carbohydrates into fats.

The calorie content of the Beijing cabbage

Beijing cabbage fell into Europe no later than other types of cabbage. But, her health functions immediately made this Asian guest very popular in the dietary diet. Indeed, thanks to Beijing cabbage, you can extend youth and increase immunity.

Calorie content 16 kcal
Squirrels 1.2 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 2.03 gr
Alimentary fiber 1.2 gr
Water 94.39 gr
Mono- and disaccharides 1.41 gr
Ash 0.98 gr
Peking cabbage salad 15 kcal

Proteins and carbohydrates are well balanced in Beijing cabbage. The lysine and lactucin, which are part of this cabbage, will help normalize pressure and establish metabolic processes in the body. Beijing cabbage will help prevent the risk of cancer, will help get rid of gastritis and excess weight.

Calorie content of carrots

Carrots are the root crop that is very fond of in our country

Two medium carrots contain the daily norm of vitamin A. Due to this vitamin, we can maintain our vision longer and reduce the risk of oncology (by 40%). Japanese doctors believe that by regularly using carrots, we can extend our lives for 7 years.

Calorie content 41 kcal
Squirrels 0.9 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 9.6 gr
Alimentary fiber 2.8 gr
Water 88.3 gr
In Korean 113 kcal
Boiled carrots 25 kcal
Fried carrots 190 kcal

Carrots are an amazing vegetable. In thermal processing (cooking in water or steam), the number of antioxidants increases into three in this root crop. With the help of carrots, you can lower cholesterol and pressure in hypertension. This root crop for patients with diabetes is very useful.

Calorie content of cucumber

Cucumbers are a valuable dietary product. According to the ratio of its volume and calorie content, cucumbers are unconditional leaders among all food products. In addition, with their help you can unload the pancreas, reduce blood pressure with hypertension and improve heart function.

Calorie content 14 kcal
Squirrels 0.8 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 2.5 gr
Alimentary fiber 1 gr
Organic acids 0.1 gr
Water 95 gr
Mono- and disaccharides 2.4 gr
Starch 0.1 gr
Ash 0.5 gr
Salted cucumbers 11 kcal
Cucumber juice 14 kcal

By the number of B vitamins, cucumbers enter the leading group of products. Iodine, which is part of cucumbers is absorbed by almost 100%. And thanks to some compounds, cucumbers are able to improve the digestibility of protein from meat. Do not forget the benefits of cucumbers for cosmetic purposes.

Calorie content of tomato

Tomatoes are one of the most useful foods

Italian scientists have found that with their regular consumption, one can reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, there are a lot of plant fiber in tomatoes. Thanks to it, you can clean the intestines of harmful toxins and toxins.

Calorie content 19.9 kcal
Squirrels 0.6 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 4.2 gr
Alimentary fiber 0.8 gr
Organic acids 0.5 gr
Water 93.5 gr
Mono- and disaccharides 3.5 gr
Starch 0.3 gr
Ash 0.7 gr
Salty tomatoes 13 kcal
Sun-dried tomatoes 258 kcal
Tomato paste 92 kcal
Tomato juice 21 kcal

Tomatoes have an anti-stress effect, are able to slow down the aging process and normalize the water-hog balance in the body. Autumn is useful for these vegetables with diabetes and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Calorie content of potatoes

Today, potatoes are considered a truly Russian product. Although everyone knows that potatoes appeared on our tables relatively recently. Disputes about the benefits and dangers of this product have been underway since then when potatoes began to be cultivated in Russia. It is known that this food product has a diuretic effect and can help the stomach in some forms of gastritis and ulcers.

Calorie content 77 kcal
Squirrels 2 gr
Fat 0.4 gr
Carbohydrates 16.3 gr
Alimentary fiber 1.4 gr
Organic acids 0.2 gr
Water 78.6 gr
Ash 1.1 gr
Saturated fatty acids 0.1 gr
Mashed potatoes 106 kcal
Boiled potatoes 82 kcal
Fried potato 192 kcal
French fries 170 kcal

In potatoes, a lot of vitamins C and P. The daily norm of these vitamins can be obtained by eating 300 g of baked potatoes. Using potatoes, you can strengthen the vessels and prevent the risk of rheumatism and diabetes.

Calorie content of beets

Beetroot is a long and very useful product on our table

Thanks to its unique, this root crop is the best product for cleaning the body. Due to the large amount of fiber, as well as compounds that suppress the development of putrefactive bacteria, unloading days on beets will help to completely remove all harmful compounds and toxins from the body.

Calories 43 kcal
Squirrels 1.6 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 9.6 gr
Cellulose 2.8 gr
Water 87.6 gr
Beetroot mashed potatoes 70 kcal
Boiled beets 49 kcal

The composition of beets includes such a unique connection as betaine. This lipotropic substance regulates fat metabolism, normalizes the liver and blood pressure. There is also evidence that betaine is able to reduce the risk of cancer.

Calorie content of zucchini

The main advantage of the zucchini is that the body easily assimilates it. At the same time, these vegetables practically did not contain allergens. That is why zucchini are very popular as part of baby food. The pulp of this vegetable is used as a feeding for a child from 6 months old.

Calories 24 kcal
Squirrels 0.6 gr
Fat 0.3 gr
Carbohydrates 4.6 gr
Cellulose 1 gr
Water 93 gr
The zucchini is fried 88 kcal
Mashed potatoes 24 kcal
Zucchini jam 196 kcal
Squash caviar 97 kcal

In the zucchini there are a lot of vitamin C. Some compounds that make up this vegetable have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Zucchini are recommended to people with suffering hypertension, anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Calorie content of Tsukkini

Tsukkini very useful vegetable

In terms of the number of beta-carotene, it surpasses carrots, and in terms of vitamin C-a pumpkin. This vegetable is useful for digestive problems. Due to the fact that Tsukkini can easily be absorbed by them can be included in the composition of baby food.

Calories 21 kcal
Squirrels 2.7 gr
Fat 0.4 gr
Carbohydrates 3.2 gr
Cellulose 1.1 gr
Water 93 gr
Tsukkini boiled 13 kcal
Pizza with Tsukkini 277 kcal
Salad with Mozarella and Tsukkini 97 kcal

Tsukkini is easy to cook. The smaller this product, the longer it needs to be cooked. A grater with a grater of this vegetable can be added to salads, increasing their benefits. Due to its calorie content and mild digestibility, Tsukkini often include the diet of various diets.

Calorie content of Patissons

The benefits of Patissons are due to their composition. The main substance of this vegetable is Luthein. With its help, you can reduce the risk of blood clots, remove toxic substances and free radicals. By the number of Luthein, Patissons occupy the second place after the leader - chicken eggs.

Calories 19 kcal
Squirrels 0.6 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 4.3 gr
Cellulose 1.3 gr
Water 93 gr
Stuffed squash with cheese 100 kcal
Patisson is canned 18 kcal

Using this vegetable juice, you can normalize the work of the endocrine and nervous system. And also accelerate some metabolic processes in the body. Young squash are considered especially useful.

Pumpkin calorie content

Pumpkin one of the most useful products

The pulp of this vegetable contains many compounds useful for humans. Pumpkin champion in iron content. That is why this vegetable is used in diets for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Calories 22 kcal
Squirrels 1 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 4.4 gr
Cellulose 2 gr
Water 92 gr
Puree from pumpkin 88 kcal
The pumpkin is fried 76 kcal
Stewed pumpkin 189 kcal
Pumpkin juice 38 kcal

Using pumpkin juice, you can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and suppress the growth of tuberculous sticks. It is useful after a “heavy” dish to eat 2-3 pieces of pumpkin. This will facilitate the work of the stomach and will help to better digest to the beneficial connections of the dish.

Calorie content of onions

With the help of onions, you can strengthen appetite and stimulate digestion. In addition, this product has a fat -burning effect. And thanks to bactericidal properties, it prevents the development of such pathogenic organisms in the body as staphylococci, streptococci, pathogens of tuberculosis, anthrax and dysentery.

Calories 36 kcal
Squirrels 2 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 6.3 gr
Cellulose 2.2 gr
Water 88 gr
Onion soup 76 kcal
Cabbage-onion salad 25 kcal

A very useful bow for women prone to cystitis is very useful. This product will help for patients with such ailments as atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency and severe fatigue. Thanks to the active substances of onions, it can be used as part of a diet aimed at reducing blood cholesterol.

Calorie content of onion

Luke-shawl, like other types of onions, is a product that has a disinfectant property

And thanks to the assetoxidants included in its composition, the pranks can remove toxins from the body and prolong the youth of the cells. With this onion, you can strengthen the vessel cells and normalize blood pressure.

Calories 72 kcal
Squirrels 2.5 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 16.8 gr
Cellulose 3.2 gr
Water 80 gr
Salad with egg, bacon and onion shalot 262 kcal

Shalot is able to improve well -being, increase life tone and improve the brain. People who regularly eat this onion are less susceptible to infectious diseases.

Calorie content of onions

Onions are one of the most common food in our country. With it, you can improve the taste of dishes, as well as use in raw form. Swell on onions is very useful for intestinal diseases. In addition, with its help you can clean the liver of decay and toxins.

Calories 41 kcal
Squirrels 1.4 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 8.2 gr
Cellulose 3 gr
Water 86 gr
Boiled onions 35 kcal
Frying onions 251 kcal
Omlet with onions and cheese 143 kcal

The protein composition of onions includes 12 amino acids, including several indispensable for humans. This type of onion is often used in folk medicine. If it is mixed with honey, then you can cure bronchitis. In addition, using onions, you can do antiparasite body cleansing and the prevention of cancer.

Calorieness of asparagus

Asparagus, or asparagus, is not only a delicate delicacy with a pleasant taste

But, and a product, the fact of the benefit of which was repeatedly proved by science. The asparagus is rich in asparagine. This substance is involved in protein synthesis and therefore is very useful for the body.

Calories 22 kcal
Squirrels 2.4 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 4.1 gr
Cellulose 2 gr
Water 93 gr
The asparagus pickled 15 kcal
The asparagus is stewed 32 kcal
Fried asparagus 75 kcal

In addition, asparagus can be considered a champion in folic acid content. It, as you know, is necessary for the correct course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. It is also important to know that the saponins that are part of the asparagus are able to reduce cholesterol and normalize lipid metabolism. So, this product is extremely useful during a diet.

The calorie content of the radishes

Radis, perhaps, is the very first vegetable that comes to the aid of the human body after the winter “hibernation”. It is these beautiful red root crops that we owe in the fight against vitamin deficiency, low immunity and hemoglobin. Very often, radishes are eaten to strengthen blood vessels.

Calories 20 kcal
Squirrels 1.2 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 3.4 gr
Cellulose 1.6 gr
Water 93 gr
Radis and egg salad 51 kcal
Radis and celery salad 31 kcal

Today there is evidence that radishes are able to fight oncological diseases. It is especially useful to eat this root crop in food at the risk of breast cancer, colon and prostate. Also, radishes should be included in your diet to remove edema and frequent constipation.

Caloricity of Bulgarian pepper

Bulgarian pepper is not only a very tasty and juicy vegetable, but also an extremely healthy product

The compounds included in its composition normalize the functioning of the nervous system, help with depression and insomnia. If you suffer from a decline in your strength and a worsening memory, include Bulgarian pepper in your diet and help your body.

Calories 29 kcal
Squirrels 0.8 gr
Fat 0.4 gr
Carbohydrates 6.7 gr
Cellulose 1 gr
Water 91.5 gr
Stewed pepper with tomatoes 67 kcal
Pepper stuffed with eggplant 67 kcal
Fry pepper 200 kcal

The main substance of Bulgarian pepper is capsaicin. It stimulates the work of the stomach, raises appetite and urges digestion. This vegetable is shown to those who suffer from vitamin deficiency and low hemoglobin. M helping Bulgarian pepper can reduce the risk of blood clots.

Calorie content of chili pepper (dried)

Chile pepper is known as the main seasoning in Mexican and Asian cuisines. This vegetable is rich in compounds such as Luthein, Zeaxantin and Cryptoxantin. They are able to improve the condition of the skin and prevent vision deterioration.

Calories 281 kcal
Squirrels 12 gr
Fat 8.2 gr
Carbohydrates 51.4 gr
Cellulose 21.6 gr
Water 22.3 gr

As well as in Bulgarian pepper, the chili pepper contains capsaicin. In addition, such a compound as Kayen is presented in this vegetable. It can reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the formation of stomach ulcers and arthritis.

Calorius eggplant

Eggplant is a vegetable that includes nicotinic acid

Therefore, with its help, you can reduce the craving for smoking and subsequently completely abandon cigarettes. In addition, eggplants are rich in pectin. This compound can stimulate digestion and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol.

Calories 24 kcal
Squirrels 1.2 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 4.5 gr
Cellulose 2.5 gr
Water 91 gr
The eggplant is fresh 90 kcal
Meat with eggplant 109 kcal
Eggplant in tomato sauce 99 kcal
Eggplant and chickpeas 125 kcal

Eggplant is an indispensable product in diet. With it, you can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and anemia. This vegetable is useful to people with chronic gastritis and irritable intestine.

Calorie content of radish

Radish is an almost forgotten product. Today you rarely meet him on the dining table. However, the benefits of radish from reducing the popularity of this product were not affected. This root crop has a balanced composition among which magnesium, calcium and potassium are released. These substances in radish are more than other vegetables.

Calories 36 kcal
Squirrels 1.9 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 6.7 gr
Cellulose 2.1 gr
Water 88 gr
Radish salad with carrots 24 kcal
Any apple salad 37 kcal

Radish has an antibacterial effect. It can even be called a "natural" antibiotic. Essential and mustard oils in this root crop effectively fight viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. They use a radish to combat cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis.

Calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke
Jerusalem artichoke is a very useful product for the body

It contains a large amount of inulin. Substances with which you can cleanse the body not only of toxins and toxins, but also many other harmful compounds and microorganisms. In addition, thanks to inulin, Jerusalem artichoke is considered a product number one in diabetics.

Calories 61 kcal
Squirrels 2.1 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 13 gr
Cellulose 4.5 gr
Water 79 gr
Vegetable salad with Jerusalem artichoke 101 kcal
Canapy with Jerusalem artichoke 380 kcal

The use of Jerusalem artichoke with a lack of selenium and calcium is shown. This root crop can help with diseases of the stomach and dysbiosis. Not so long ago, the mate of the earthen pear has been proven.

Celery calorie content

The well -known myth that celery has a negative calorie content has long been refuted by nutritionists. But, all the same, this vegetable is extremely useful in healthy eating systems. Its greens helps to recover the nervous system, and the juice is used as a natural diuretic, thanks to which you can establish the work of the kidneys and bladder.

Calories 12 kcal
Squirrels 0.9 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 2.1 gr
Cellulose 1.8 gr
Water 94 gr
Celery (root) 32 kcal
Celery (stalk) 13 kcal
Celery juice 31 kcal

Very useful celery with vitamin deficiency. Especially if such an ailment is associated with a lack of iron and calcium. In addition, it is important to know that celery is able to activate metabolic processes. Therefore, it can be used for a diet aimed at reducing weight.

Calorie content of artichokes

Artichoki is another extremely useful food product

With their help, you can improve metabolism and restore affected liver and gall bladder cells. Qinarin, who are rich in artichokes, is a powerful natural antioxidant and is able not only to stop the negative activity of free radicals, but also to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

Calories 28 kcal
Squirrels 1.2 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 6 gr
Cellulose 0.5 gr
Water 90 gr
Boiled artichokes 28 kcal
Artichokes in oil 119 kcal
Grill artichokes 222 kcal

Many in the artichokes of Inulin. Thanks to the rich content of this compound, artichokes must be included in the diet against a high level of sugar in the blood. In addition, inulin is able to suppress the activities of harmful bacteria in the intestines.

The calorie content of Daikon

Daikon is a vegetable that is extremely popular in China and Japan. It resembles a cabbage stump to taste, and in appearance something between radishes and a turnip. Daikon is a rich source of plant protein. And, thanks to the high content of fiber and low fat content, this vegetable has gained its popularity as part of various detox diets.

Calories 21 kcal
Squirrels 1.2 gr
Fat 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 4.1 gr
Daikon salad with cucumbers 59 kcal
Salad Sharp Daikon 42 kcal

This root crop is able to protect the gall bladder and liver from overloads. The phytoncides included in the Daikon reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the body. Regular use of diCon reduces the risk of urolithiasis and strengthens the heart.

Calorieness of horseradish

Fuck has been used by a person for more than four thousand years

The root of this plant contains more vitamin C than lemon. Ascorbic acid, together with mustard essential oil, make horseradish an excellent restorative. It is shown to eat during periods of flashes of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

Calories 59 kcal
Squirrels 3.2 gr
Fat 0.4 gr
Carbohydrates 10.5 gr
Cellulose 7.3 gr
Water 77 gr
The hell is bored 56 kcal
Fuck leaves 64 kcal
Crap and sour cream sauce 81 kcal

Fuck is a wonderful natural antibiotic. He is able to not only get rid of colds, but also remove stones from the kidneys, cure cystitis and even impotence. Thanks to stimulating actions on metabolic processes in the body, hell is useful for diets aimed at reducing weight.

Calorie content of garlic

The famous natural scientist Louis Pasteur opened the benefit of garlic in the 19th century. The composition of the cloves of this root crop includes active volatile substances that can kill most dangerous pathogenic bacteria. Including tuberculosis and diphtheria stick, as well as bacteria that cause a stomach ulcer.

Calories 149 kcal
Squirrels 6.5 gr
Fat 0.5 gr
Carbohydrates 30 gr
Cellulose 1.5 gr
Water 60 gr
The garlic is pickled 42 kcal
The garlic is young green 40 kcal
The garlic is dried 345 kcal

Garlic perfectly cleanses the walls of blood vessels of cholesterol plaque. It is shown when exposed to ionizing radiation and to restore the lost forces.

Calorie content of dill

Dill is not only a spicy seasoning capable of improving the taste of many dishes, but also a very useful product

Dill is indicated for diarrhea, dysentery, sleep disorders and respiratory diseases. Useful compounds of this plant will help to support the menstrual cycle and minimize pain syndromes.

Calories 40 kcal
Squirrels 2.5 gr
Fat 0.5 gr
Carbohydrates 6.3 gr
Cellulose 2.8 gr
Water 85.5 gr
Dried dill 40 kcal

With the help of dill, you can reduce blood pressure, calm the nervous system and get rid of allergic cough. This plant can be used both in cheese and in dry form.

Calorie content of parsley

The inhabitants of ancient Greece and ancient Rome knew about the benefits of parsley. They not only gathered a wild parsley, but also grown in their sites. Using the roots of this plant, you can improve appetite, restore strength and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

Calories 49 kcal
Squirrels 3.7 gr
Fat 0.4 gr
Carbohydrates 7.6 gr
Cellulose 2.1 gr
Water 85 gr
Parsley is dried 49 kcal
Parsley (root) 49 kcal
Parsley juice 275 kcal

Parsley contains substances that effectively fight the problems of the cardiovascular system. In addition, 100 grams of parsley contains two more daily norms of the most useful vitamin C.

Calorius spinach

Spinach is the product that can be called "superpowering"

It contains most of the compounds necessary for a person. Spinach is rich in folic acid and tocopherol. These substances can extend youth and improve the structure of cells of internal organs.

Calories 22 kcal
Squirrels 2.9 gr
Fat 0.3 gr
Carbohydrates 20 gr
The spinach is frozen 24 kcal
Smoothie from spinach 38 kcal
Spinach is fried 34 kcal

The spinach is rich in calcium and iron. This product can be included in a diet aimed at increasing hemoglobin. In addition, spinach is a plant world record hold of iodine content.

Calorie content of sorrel

Spring is not in vain called the spring king. This plant appears in the spring one of the first and thanks to it you can get rid of a lack of vitamins that the body spent during the winter period. Sorrel is used to increase hemoglobin and improve digestion.

Calories 22 kcal
Squirrels 1.5 gr
Fat 0.3 gr
Carbohydrates 2.9 gr
Cellulose 1.2 gr
Water 92 gr
Shard soup 49 kcal
Sorrel salad with mayonnaise 200 kcal

The leaves of this plant are often used to treat colitis, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal diseases. Shardic acid will help reduce cholesterol, improve tone and relieve tension from the muscles.

Calorie content of green salad

Green salad is a rich source of important nutrients. It contains a lot of vitamin K (107% in 100 g), vitamin A and C. In terms of fiber, this vegetable has no equal. Green salad is often used to prepare healthy cocktails to clean the body.

Calories 16 kcal
Squirrels 1.5 gr
Fat 0.2 gr
Carbohydrates 2 gr
Cellulose 1.2 gr
Water 94 gr
Green salad 21 kcal

With the help of green salad, you can support a healthy state of blood vessels and heart. With this vegetable, you can prevent cancer and improve the liver.

Cylorian cilantro

Cinza contains a large number of essential oils, amino acids and other useful compounds

This spicy greens can be considered a source of magnesium and iron. Thanks to the pectin, the cilantro can be used to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Calories 23 kcal
Squirrels 2.1 gr
Fat 0.5 gr
Carbohydrates 3.7 gr
Cellulose 2.8 gr
Water 92 gr
Cisis is dried ground 216 kcal
Coriander 25 kcal

Thanks to the natural antibiotic of the pre -evens, this plant can reduce inflammatory processes in the body, eliminate the intestinal infectious diseases and have an antimicrobial and antifungal effect.

Calorius Pasternak

Pasternak is rich in fiber and easily absorbed by carbohydrates. This plant contains almost all vitamins of group B. Pasternak has an anti -spasmic effect and is able to help with colic in the kidneys, stomach and liver.

Calories 47 kcal
Squirrels 1.4 gr
Fat 0.5 gr
Carbohydrates 9.2 gr
Cellulose 4.5 gr
Water 83 gr
Pasternak (root) 47 kcal

A decoction of Pasternak roots is used as a tonic, it is able to help with heart diseases and is used as a prevention of dementia. With this root crop, you can reduce sugar and poor cholesterol.

Fennel calorie

Fennel or pharmacy dill is very useful plants

The ancient Saxons attributed him to the sacred herbs, which can not only benefit health, but also expel evil spirits. By adding fennel to your diet, you can improve appetite, reduce the risk of tuberculosis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Calories 345 kcal
Squirrels 16 gr
Fat 15 gr
Carbohydrates 52 gr
Cellulose 40 gr
Water 9 gr
Carrot and fenhel salad 123 kcal
Fennel and celery salad 59 kcal

The composition of the fennel includes an insulin prebiotic. He is able to normalize the digestive tract and save a newborn child from pain in the intestine. To enhance lactation, a nursing mother can use tea with fennel.

Calorie content of Tarhun (stage)

Tarhun, also known as the dragon wormwood or estraon, has a delicate pleasant aroma and is often used in cooking. But, this plant also has a unique composition, thanks to which Tarhun can be used for healing purposes.

Calories 25 kcal
Squirrels 1.6 gr
Carbohydrates 5 gr
Cellulose 0.5 gr
Water 90 gr
The popon is dried 295 kcal
Tarhun (drink) 40 kcal

Most often, Tarhun is used as part of tonic drinks. The composition of this plant includes vitamins, cumarins, flavonoids, essential oils and routine useful for the body. With the help of such a composition, wormwood is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, enhance the secretion of gastric juice and prevent many diseases.

Calorie content of mint

Mint is used in culinary, medical and cosmetics

This plant is useful for its essential oil, where the main active substance is menthol. In addition, mint includes flavonoids, organic acids and triterpenic compounds that provide invaluable assistance to the body.

Calories 70 kcal
Squirrels 3.8 gr
Fat 0.9 gr
Carbohydrates 15 gr
Cellulose 8 gr
Water 79 gr
Dry mint 285 kcal
Sour cream 241 kcal

Mint can be used to enhance appetite, improve digestion and remove kidney stones.

Calorie content of nettles

Nettle is a unique plant product that can be used to treat many diseases. Two more vitamin C is not contained in lemons and ten times more than in apples. Thanks to the organic acids that are part of this plant, nettle has general strengthening functions.

Calories 25 kcal
Squirrels 1.5 gr
Carbohydrates 5 gr
Cellulose 0.5 gr
Water 90 gr
Nettle soup 30 kcal
Dandelion and nettle salad 38kcal

This plant has long been used to treat radiculitis, rheumatism, muscles and diseases of the bladder.

Summary table

Video. 50 products for weight loss, calorie content of vegetables, fruits, cereals and nuts

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