What minimum of English phrases is worth "taking" with you abroad: the vocabulary of the English language for a tourist

What minimum of English phrases is worth

So that you can quickly navigate in a particular place and situation abroad, we have prepared you a basic list of English words, divided into semantic groups. Learn all the material carefully.

More than a billion people are going to travel abroad every year. The purpose of the trip is different - rest, business trip, shopping, and visit relatives. In order to feel comfortable abroad, in addition to a suitcase with things, you need to stock up on a small vocabulary of English words. The English phrasebook will be your right hand throughout the trip.

What is the minimum of English phrases to “take” with you abroad: English vocabulary for a tourist

  • What country would you go to, English is universal for the whole world. Initial knowledge will help any tourist navigate the airport, at the station and in other public places.
  • Without knowledge elementary English vocabulary minimum It is very difficult to purchase tickets or find housing. Conversational English opens up new opportunities.

Acquaintance, greeting, farewell

The interaction between people begins with the words of greeting and words of politeness. Therefore, the first thing to master is a set of phrases for dating. To add a semantic load, accompany them with various intonation.


General English expressions

Several key phrases from English vocabulary minimum They will help to support the conversation and find a way out in a difficult situation. The more words you use in the dialogue, the easier it is to understand the interlocutor.


Minimum of English phrases in transport

  • To get to the place of residence, tourists use public transport services or call a taxi. When interacting with strangers, it is necessary to observe the distance and be as polite as possible. Show patience and restraint.
  • Do not travel by taxi in dysfunctional areas. Save curiosity for planned excursions. When traveling in public transport, follow your personal things.

Several key phrases of English vocabulary for a comfortable trip in transport:

In transport
In transport

Station and passport control

  • Traveling in another country begins with the station. It is here that we get baggage and pass passport control. In addition to the inspection of things, the tourist will need to fill out the immigration card.
  • It is almost impossible to get lost at the station, but a number of questions may arise that a small one will help to cope with elementary English vocabulary.
Under control
Under control

English vocabulary at least for housing booking

For any trip, the issue of living is very relevant. For their own calmness, many try to book housing in advance. If you have not yet decided on the place of residence, we offer to take a note of some tips:

  • If you want to choose the best number at the optimal price, then use the preliminary booking service.
  • If you want to save on accommodation, then the hostel will be the most budget option. The perfect choice for lonely travelers.
  • Free housing can be obtained in return for a number of household services. Such offers can be found on special sites.
  • It is worth considering that on holidays the number of free places is limited and living will require large financial costs.
  • Going to a specific place, read the reviews and comments of the people who have already been there. There are a lot of useful information on the forums and blogs.

Also familiarize yourself with the English vocabulary minimum for reservation:

About the number
About the number

Key English minimum for a restaurant

  • In most public catering establishments, the menu is in English. At the entrance to a decent institution, you should meet a hostess and lead to a free table.
  • The first thing to take into account when going to the restaurant is cash supply. In some places with non -cash calculation, problems may arise.
  • It is very difficult for a beginner to figure out what the dishes of local cuisine consist of. In such cases, it will better dwell on dishes from the chef or business lunch.
  • If you are looking for an institution cheaper, then you should not visit restaurants in the city center and on the coastline.
  • What words do you need to know - get acquainted with english dictionary minimum.
In a restaurant, cafe
In a restaurant, cafe

Shopping abroad: English vocabulary at least

  • Not a single traveler will resist the temptation to make purchases in foreign stores. Seasonal sales are systematically systematically undergoing abroad. Tourists really like to buy quality discounts.
  • Before visiting a grocery store or traveling to a market, we advise you to get acquainted with a small english dictionary minimum.
At shopping
At shopping

Simple words and phrases can be learned in a short period of time. Available transcription can communicate with foreigners and without knowledge of English.  

Video: necessary English in at least 3 minutes

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  1. Vocabulary assessment and studying English words - Lex Mentor

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