What code of the country, city and telephone to indicate at Aliexpress for Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan to order? How and where to find out the country's country's code and the telephone code of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan for the address of delivery to Aliexpress?

What code of the country, city and telephone to indicate at Aliexpress for Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan to order? How and where to find out the country's country's code and the telephone code of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan for the address of delivery to Aliexpress?

Useful information about international telephone codes for the cities of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

International phone code, countries and cities of Belarus: an example of filling

The international telecommunication union, the Republic of Belarus, has been assigned the following international telephone prefix (code): 375.

Output to the international line: 0 - (beep) - 0or 8 - (beep) - 10.

If you make a call from Belarus and use wired communications (stationary phones, taxophones, etc.) type: 0-0-375- NNN-XXXXXXX, where NNN is the city code, XXXXXX-the number of the subscriber.

Important: the length of the city’s telephone prefix can be a sequence of 3-5 digits.

To clarify the city code in the Republic of Belarus, follow link.

If you carry out a call from Belarus and use wireless means of communication (mobile phone) dial: + 375- 0mm-xxxxxxx, where + is a prefix of connection to the international communication line, MM is the code of the Belarusian mobile operator, XXXXXXX is the subscriber number.

Important: when calling from the borders of the republic, be sure to put the figure 0 before the recruitment of a two -digit prefix of the mobile operator.

International phone code, countries and cities of Ukraine: an example of filling

The International Telecommunications Union is assigned the following international telephone prefix (code): 380.

Output to the international line: 0 - (beep) - 0or 8 - (beep) - 10.

If you make a call from behind the borders of Ukraine and use wired means of communication (stationary phones, taxophones, etc.) type: 0-0-380- NNN-XXXXXXX, where NNN is the city code, XXXXXXX is the number of the subscriber.

To clarify the telephone codes of the cities of Ukraine, follow the link.

If you make a call from Ukraine and use wireless communications (mobile phone) dial: +380-MMM-XXXXXXX, where + is the prefix of connection to the international communication line, MMM is the code of the Ukrainian mobile operator, XXXXXX-the subscriber number.

International phone code, countries and cities of Kazakhstan: an example of filling

The International Telecommunications Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan is awarded the following international telephone prefix (code): 7.

Output to the international line: 0 - (beep) - 0or 8 - (beep) - 10.

If you make a call from from Kazakhstan and use wired communications (stationary phones, taxophones, etc.) type: 0-0-7- NNN-XXXXXXX, where NNN is the city code, XXXXXXX is the number of the subscriber.

To clarify the telephone codes of the cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, follow the link.

If you carry out a call from Ukraine and use wireless communications (mobile phone) dial: +7-MMM-XXXXXXX, where + is the prefix connection to the international communication line, MMM-the Kazakh mobile operator code, XXXXXX-the subscriber number.

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