What female, male patronymic will the child be if the father is called Artem, Artemy: what does it mean?

What female, male patronymic will the child be if the father is called Artem, Artemy: what does it mean?

Do not know what patronymic the baby will have, if father Artem, then read the article. Everything is explained in detail.

middle name Artemovich No wonder they consider the most unusual. Indeed, despite the fact that in the circle of communication of each person there are at least a couple of men or guys with this name, children rarely get a middle name from him.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "What kind of patronymic will children have if Father Arseny?". You will learn how to correctly write how it is to write.

Some people get confused, what will they call the child if his father - Artem. After all, it exists as an option Artemovich, so the option Artemyevich. However, it is worth remembering that Artem and Artemy - Not the same name. And is it possible to write a middle name Artemovich through "E", not through "Yo"? Look for answers to these and other questions below. Read further.

Is it possible and correctly written by Artem through “E” instead of Artyom?


People often have a question: is it possible and correctly to write Artem through "E" instead of Artyom? In fact, the question is quite controversial. One side, "E" and "Yo" - Two different letters. But in a person whose name will be written with "E" instead of "Yo" There will be no special problems with documents, because the latter when writing a name Artem It is considered unprincipled. Confirmation is the decision Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2012 N IR-829/08 “On the spelling of the letters“ E ”and“ E ”in official documents”.

In addition, the habit of writing "E" instead of "Yo" Already firmly entered human life. Therefore, writing a name Artem Through the letter "E" It is not considered a grammatical error. At the same time, the name of a person, all the same, will be pronounced as Artyom.

What patronymic will the child have if the father is the name of Artem: female, male

There are 2 only correct forms of patronymics of both sexes coming on behalf of the father Artem. it Artemovich - Male and Artemovna - Female. At the same time, the letter "Yo" When writing, it can be replaced by "E".

For a child of a girl:

  • Elizabeth Artemovna
  • Galina Artemovna
  • Olga Artemovna
  • Catherine Artemovna etc.

For boys:

  • Artem Artemovich
  • George Artemovich
  • Stepan Artemovich
  • Gleb Artemovich
  • Alexander Artemovich etc.

What patronymic will the child have if the father is the name of Artyom: female, male

Middle name Artemovich
Middle name Artemovich

Artyomovich (male), Artyomovna (female) - It is such a middle name that will be in the child if the father is called Artyom. At the same time, the pronunciation will be the same - Artyomovich, Artyomovna, regardless of which letter is used in the letter. However, in some cases, not a generally accepted name is used Artyom, namely Artem. In this case, the letter is pronounced "E", but not "Yo" (as in a generally accepted version).

Under these circumstances, children will Artyomovichi and Artyomovna. But not Artemyevichs - after all, the names of Artemy and Artem have a similar root, but are not analogues.


  • I have never met a person with initials Artem Artemovich or Artyom Artyomovich - And what, Artemyev Artemyevich Do you often meet?
  • It's a shame when you are on your passport - Artemovna, and they all the time want to write you down as Artemyevna, Artemyevna or Artyomovna.
  • Why Artyomov a lot, and children with patronymic Artyomovich or Artyomovna Hardly ever?

Below is still interesting information. Read further.

What patronymic will the child have if the father is the name of Artemy: female, male

Artemy - An ancient Greek name meaning "Employee Artemis", and there are also such values \u200b\u200bas "Holistic", "sound", "strong". Today this name is considered obsolete, but in the old centuries it was often used in the countries of the former CIS.

Some consider the name Artemy derivative of the name Artem - However, this has both confirmations and refutations. According to one of the most common versions, in Russia the name Artemy was a reduced version on behalf of Artem. However, there is a more pleasant and affectionate version of the name - the topic. As for ArtemyThis is more like an outdated form of a name. It is possible that at first there was Artemy, and then the ending was simply thrown away.

What patronymic will the child have if the father is called Artemy? The child will receive the middle name of Artemyevich (male gender) and Artemyevna (female gender). Problems with letters "E" and "Yo" In this case, there is no. By the way, both options ( Artemyevich and Artemyevich) are considered correct - in fact, this is the same situation as with names Artem and Artyom.

For example: 

  • Lyudmila Artemyevna ordered to cover the table. But the servants were in no hurry.
  • Pavel Artemyevich was very proud of his rare patronymic.
  • Despite the fact that my grandfather - Artemyevichwhen he went to the front, he was recorded Artemovich. And, despite the fact that he has written in his passport "Artemovich" (without points), the letter is in the military ticket "Yo". Therefore, my grandfather has 3 different patterns in the documents: Artemyevich, Artemovich or Artyomovich.
  • How many times do you say? I - Artemyevich, but not Artemovich!

Want to know what this middle name means? Read further.

 What does the middle name mean?

Men with patronymic Artemovich
Men with patronymic Artemovich

A child with a name Artemovich He will have a persistent psyche, and will also inspire others with calm. As a rule, this is a responsible person and a good worker. Artemovichi They usually grow in prosperous families. They may seem rude and straightforward. Often they become the favorites of the public - after all, the fact of their birth is a rare phenomenon in itself. For example, the same Aleksandrovich, Sergeevich and even Nikolaevichs are much more. Since the name of the father Artem (or Artyom) means "Unharmed", "healthy", "strong" - then children ArtemovAs a rule, they have good health. They rarely get sick and know how to resist adversely life circumstances.

Meaning of the name Artemy and patronymic Artemyevich (Artemyevich) similar to the meaning of the name Artem. As a rule, children Artemy Living and mobile. They are very inquisitive and positive, seek to better recognize the world around him. Often creative personalities grow from them.

Video: The meaning of the name Artem - Karma, character and fate

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