What would our world be without men?

What would our world be without men?

To date, the female population of the planet exceeds the male part in number: this is somewhere more than half from 7.5 billion of the total number of inhabitants. And yet men are everywhere ...

Men surround a woman on the street, in a working and home environment from the moment of her birth to old age. Imagine what would happen if men suddenly disappeared from our life at all. Let's look at this situation in more detail, its positive and negative consequences.

What will be the "perfect" world without men?

  • Knowing the aggressive nature of men, someone may assume that With the disappearance of the male, the situation on the planet will come to the long -awaited harmony. There will be no wars and political conflicts, rape and fights, oppression on class or racial differences.
  • However, this is not so, women are also characterized by warlike character traits: scandals, intrigues and careerism. Will their life be in the world without men, Soft and prosperous - there is no positive confident answer. But the safety of the beautiful half of humanity may suffer. In addition, the physical wear of the body in a woman, with a lack of appropriate living conditions, is much larger.
Only women on earth
Only women on earth

Without men, the world will lose a lot of talented inventors and scientists, doctors, teachers, musicians and artists, cooks and designers. But many of them worked on improving the standard of living of women: they created fashionable clothes, decorated interiors, produced anti -aging cosmetics, built houses and household appliances, moved goods, and defended the territory.

  • Yes, women can also create technological things useful for mankind, but only their producers of a man can manage those achievements that have already been created: shipbuilding plants and mechanical engineering factories, computer and chemical, atomic production, medical and scientific institutes.
  • In such a situation, the further history of mankind acquires a fresh character. The development of civilization will stop and the world without talented men will gradually degrade.

What will happen with the birth rate in the world without men?

  • There will be no more real romantic dates and heroic deeds for the sake of a beloved woman. Marriage, the institution of the family will depreciate due to the insufficient number of partners for marriage. What to talk about motherhood, without a man to give birth to a child will only be, only the method of artificial fertilization Until biological material is over in sperm banks.
  • And those women who are currently pregnant will begin to experience the psychological pressure of others, due to the birth of boys, not girls. It is difficult to educate boys in the atmosphere of feminism, perhaps the need to defend the interests of this offspring.
  • Men will appear again, but noticeably in smaller quantities. The unequal ratio of sexes, will create artificially increased demand for men - this will increase competition and lead to an intensity of relations in women's society.

Statistics claim that if men disappear from the planet and the world without men will still be, then they can revive their original number under such circumstances - only after 5 generations.

How will a woman in the world change without men change?

  • To survive in such a monogamous a world without men, The woman will have to assume all responsibility for the existence and security of your own life. The appearance will change during evolution, the body will become masculine and muscular from high physical exertion.
  • Study creativity and self -development There will be no time, a larger amount of internal energy will be spent on arranging life and food. Fashion will change, the need to emphasize femininity will disappear. The price will have other qualities of beauty - Strength and endurance.
  • Women will have to control all the mechanisms on their own: to master the professions related to risk, to do all the dirty work. Due to hard work, the aging process of the body will increase, and the life expectancy of a woman will be significantly reduced.
The idea of \u200b\u200bmonogamy is considered utopian
The idea of \u200b\u200bmonogamy is considered utopian
  • A thin mental organization of women will lack attention, guardianship and care. Dissatisfaction with life and the lack of a full intimate connection will affect the hormonal balance of the female body. Therefore, there is a great probability of early menopause or infertility in many young girls.

The child -bearing component will suffer, or rather, natural reproduction. And those who do not have time to use the preserved remains of biological material from the Bank of Sperm will be forced to look for an alternative in the field of cloning.

  • There is no guarantee that it is a single -sex offspring, it will continue a full existence will not have genetic deviations. In addition, human cloning, is still under research and experiments and, in order to put it on a general stream, you need to make sure that its expediency and security for humanity. And for this there should be a lot of time from the moment of birth of the first cloned babies.
  • Can a female society wait so much? Science considers in the future Genetic mutation of man. One version of such a change is the asexual reproduction of people. However, this type of development is too far from reality to be taken seriously by modern society. Although it is not completely denied science.
  • Summing up, the conclusion suggests itself: the existence of women in the world without men is possible, but until a certain point. It should be expected that life will be on the verge of a constant desire to survive, and not as perfect as the women themselves see it in their fantasies.
  • This idea is utopian and not safe for humanity as a whole. It is important to understand, preserving the populations of many living species, nature suggests the presence of both sexes. When the chain is violated at one population, the strongest and large group claims to be free.
  • This means that you will have to defend yourself and fight for life with other living species. Women themselves will be interested in the return of the strong half of humanity in order to return the former strong positions.
Women themselves will want to return men
Women themselves will want to return men

And what do you think, is it possible to live without men? And what will happen in this case with us, women. Let's discuss this issue in the comments.

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Comments K. article

  1. The article was written by a clearly offended husband. What is the problem to learn how to manage the technique itself? You might think women and now do not work in dirty work. Everything seems to rest. It is ridiculous that in my village grandmothers alone are engaged in heavy physical labor, while their husbands are disabled and drunks can not even cook anything

  2. This is a trash content. Did the child write? How can a woman’s safety suffer if men disappear, and violence disappears with them? From whom will a woman’s safety suffer from Martian? The woman’s body will become masculine due to physical exertion) Where will they come from, these loads, in a couple of centuries? We even now work in offices, or does not work at all.

  3. Conducting Chengzhu. It’s bad for her to live among men 🤣
    I do not consider Marina’s comment at all.

    And the world without men, if it is, is already without me. So - be what will happen.

    One thing I know for sure - women will not become happier and in the world it will be restless, even more than now. For almost all the ladies are restless 🙂

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