What words are distinguished by commas on both sides: rules, examples

What words are distinguished by commas on both sides: rules, examples

This article gives all the rules and there are examples when commas are placed in a sentence on both sides.

Punctuation in Russian is a complex section that not all schoolchildren can learn. Topics from this section must be constantly repeated until you can put commas, as they say, based on your intuition. In this article, we will consider all the rules regarding punctuation, and you will also find out what words are distinguished in the text with commas on two sides. Read further.

What words are distinguished by commas on both sides: rules, examples

Commas in the text
Commas in the text

The Russian language has a number of rules that interpret the arrangement of commas:

The location of the comma in the presence of a turn with comparison:

Comparative turns that begin with the structures “like”, “exactly”, “like”, “how”, etc., are marked with commas, for example:

  • I myself, like a beast, was alien among people.
  • You are beautiful, like spring.

Commas are used in the designs “none other than” and “nothing more than” before the word as:

  • It was none other than my old neighbor.

It is important to know: For separation of phraseological units, used as a comparison, commas are not used: Rain pours like a bucket.

Commas are not placed in the designs “nothing more”, “(not) more than” and others, if they are not used for comparison:

  • You will get to the center in less than an hour.

The location of the comma in the presence of certain revolutions:

  1. The turnover is separated by commas,when it stands after the word defined Yesterday I met my friend, talking on the phone.
  2. The turnover is full of commas,if other members of the proposal are placed between him and the determined word In the next room, doing his extremely important things, my elderly father was.
  3. Turnover,which is located before the determined , is not isolated with commas:The full mystery of the forest attracted past the passing.
Commas in the text
Commas in the text

The location of the comma in the presence of thorough revolutions:

  1. The turnover is full of commas in such conditions,when they completely adjoin the predicate and are close to the adverb, regardless of whether there are explanatory words: Everyone believes that, knowing how to pronounce words, they are really able to teach or reproach someone.
  2. Revolutions that, with their structure, form integral expressions, are not separated by commas: "Hurring his breath", "headlong".

Nouns, regardless of the presence of a preposition containing a thorough value, are distinguished by commas (exclusively if the nouns contain the explanatory parts of the sentence and are in front of the predicate):

  • With admission to the university, the rapprochement of Ivan with the sciences became, of course, even stronger.

The uncertain forms of the verb and all the words are framed by commas, which are related to them, connected with the predicate using word forms "to", "To" and others:

  • I left the house to refresh.

The location of the comma in a sentence with appeals:

  • Appeal, regardless of its position in the design of the sentence, is isolated with commas with the words that are part of it: I hasten to tell you, dear Ivan Ivanovich ...
  • In letters of official nature Appeals are written on a new line, a separate sentence at the end of which a sign of exclamation is placed. The comma here will be inappropriate in the text: Dear Ivan Ivanovich!
Commas in the text
Commas in the text

The location of the comma with introductory words or sentences:

  • Introductory phrases "Happy", "I think", "without a doubt" And the others are separated by commas in the letter, for example: I think you should forget it. The weather, fortunately, was warm.

It is important to remember: Introductory phrases must be learned to be distinguished from circumstances. The latter answer the questions: “How? How much? " and so on. Eg: His words were very helpful - The circumstances "by the way." By the way, you were given a small message - Introductory "by the way."

It is necessary to learn how to recognize the use of the same words and constructions in the form of introductory and in the form of amplifier, since the latter are not separated by commas:

  • Do you all remember, of course?"Certainly" In the form of an introductory word.
  • You certainly remember everything the best!"Certainly" Pronounced in a confident tone and is an amplifying word.

The location of the comma in the presence of interjection:

  • Interjections "Hey", "Oh", "Ah", "Alas" And others, regardless of the situation in the sentence, are separated by commas: And we, alas, are no longer young. Oh, how tired I am.
  • Interjections are not separated by commasif they are used when handling:
    Oh my dear friend, how I missed.If  they are used to enhance the meaning of words: Oh, you are beautiful!

As you can see, remembering the rules is not very difficult. But it is important not only to stare them, but also to understand that in the text, from the first syllables, you could already see where the commas are needed, and where they will be superfluous.

Video: Where do you need to put commas? [Irishu]

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