What can be symptoms when teeth teething in children, except for temperature, what symptoms should be alert? How much does it last and how high can the temperature on the teeth of the baby be? When and what to knock down the temperature on the teeth? How to alleviate the condition of the baby when teething?

What can be symptoms when teeth teething in children, except for temperature, what symptoms should be alert? How much does it last and how high can the temperature on the teeth of the baby be? When and what to knock down the temperature on the teeth? How to alleviate the condition of the baby when teething?

In this article, we will consider what the temperature on the teeth should be when teething and how long it can hold. We will also talk about dangerous symptoms and possible methods for alleviating the condition of the baby.

Absolutely all mothers dream of finding teeth in a child simply with a teaspoon when feeding, but this is rare, unfortunately, to meet. The appearance of teeth in young children rarely proceeds without a trace. In 80% of children, teething is not accompanied by the most pleasant symptoms, for example, anxiety and a complete refusal of food, as well as an increase in body temperature, can be observed. And just about the latest condition and about its term we want to talk in this material.

The teeth temperature during teething: what should you wait?

In the baby, milk teeth appear at about 5-6 months from birth. Everything is purely individual and depends on the child. The hard process of teething entails discomfort in the gums, strong salivation and moodiness of the baby. These symptoms may appear until the first tooth comes out. But such a picture can be observed with each subsequent tooth.

Therefore, it is worth being prepared for such frequent reactions of the baby to teeth teething:

  • the desire to take all toys and other objects in your mouth that will be at hand;
  • abundant salivation, which, well, is simply impossible not to notice;
  • in the first few days, the temperature rises to a slight mark, so some parents may simply not catch it;
  • a little later, she can jump to the high limits. Not everyone, but it is quite possible that there will even be asymptomatic heat;
  • refusal of the baby from the chest or other food. But there may be a reverse reaction - the baby will literally “hang” on the chest simply in order to reduce discomfort in the mouth and for bodily contact with the mother;
  • if you can look at the baby in the mouth, which is rarely obtained in this state, you will see a certain swelling and even a small light spot on the gums;
  • the appearance of a runny nose is possible;
  • zapor or liquid chair is also often considered;
  • apathy of the baby and its increased moodiness;
  • the child sleeps poorly.

Important: Each child has his own “bouquet” of these harbingers. For someone they are expressed to a lesser or more. And sometimes even someone boasts a lack of temperature. But each parent must be informed in this matter in order to arm himself with all the titles and medicines. After all, the temperature is not always on the teeth.

During this period, the kids are pulling in the mouth
During this period, the kids are pulling in the mouth

Why does a child increase the temperature on the teeth?

Not every baby has teeth erupt with temperature. Therefore, some confusion arises, as it should be. And both states are considered normal. Let's take a look at the most common reasons for the temperature.

  • In the baby, the total body temperature rises due to inflammatory processes that occur directly in the gums.
  • In the baby in the oral cavity, special enzymes are actively distinguished, which make the gum as soft and supple to teet up the milk tooth.
  • This process is poorly affected by the immune system and oral cavity of the baby. After all, all the forces of the body are aimed at this formation.
  • Therefore, in such a period, there is a possibility of acquiring stomatitis or tonsillitis due to a weakened immune system. The body reacts sharply to such changes in the form of a temperature of 37.5-38 ° C, and sometimes higher.
  • In addition to the heat, the main protective reaction of the body is abundant salivation. But not everyone knows his important role.
    • The baby has enzymes in saliva, which contain anti -inflammatory antibodies, which guarantee the disinfection of the baby's mouth. Moreover, take into account the moment that during the period of active appearance of milk teeth, the baby literally pulls everything into his mouth.
In each baby, symptoms are expressed in different ways and at different age
In each baby, the symptoms are expressed in different ways and at different age

How long does it last and how strong can the child’s temperature be?

When the first milk teeth appear in the baby, an acceptable temperature is considered to be 37-38 ° C.. At this temperature, the baby can behave, as usual, and practically do not feel the heat. In such a situation, you should not knock down the temperature of the child.

  • Carefully observe your child, measure the temperature every 2-3 hours. In the case when the temperature exceeded the mark of 38 ° C, this indicates the possible presence of infection. The child should show the doctor so that he examines the baby.

Important: But very often, the temperature jumps on the teeth can above even 39 ° C, and sometimes even reaches 40. 40. It is by no means necessary to let it go, but you also do not need to panic. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to related symptoms, except for temperature. And you must always be on the alert!

  • If the temperature is very high, then you need to measure it every hour and not to leave the baby even at night. And be prepared if at least one dangerous symptom manifests itself, call an ambulance.
  • You need to knock it down without fail, but do not exceed the daily dose. Also consider if the drugs do not help, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Most often, the elevated temperature remains stable no more than 3 days. By the way, it rises closer to the evening or even at night. The antipyretic must be given if the temperature is too high, or the baby does not tolerate this condition. After all, the current analogues of drugs often go even to relieve pain from teething.
  • But sometimes the temperature holds about 5 days. This often indicates a parallel inflammatory process. Perhaps even related to the teeth. This also happens when two teeth at once or eye incisions (or fangs, as they are also called).
  • Also, follow the pattern that every day the baby will be better. The most difficult 2-3 days, but on the 4th or 5th day, the temperature should already be decline. Or at least during the day the child should already feel better.
The norm is considered to be about 38 ° C and no more than 3-5 days
The norm is considered to be about 38 ° C and no more than 3-5 days

When the temperature on the teeth becomes dangerous: the symptoms that should alert

Let's just say that the temperature rises if there is at least some inflammatory process in the body. And this may not always be a symptom of teething. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to other related signs. What are suitable for such a significant event, we described above, but there are other signs that are characteristic of some dangerous ailments.

  • Moist cough It may be when teething, because sometimes the baby is not able to quickly swallow all the saliva. And in a lying state, she can also accumulate. But the duration is more than 2 days or strong attacks, up to suffocation, should be alert. Or maybe the crumb is clinging even in a sitting position or sputum appeared, then a bullet to the pediatrician. After all, no one excludes inflammation or bronchitis.
  • Runny nose, We repeat, often accompanies an increase in temperature on the teeth. But, if it does not pass after 3 days, the child has a nose too much or mucus has a thick consistency and green color, then this is a symptom of another ailment.
  • Diarrhea Up to 2 days is considered the norm. If, after this period, the crumbs did not become easier, then deplorable results may occur. After all, dehydration of the body occurs, and all the beneficial substances are washed out and so with weak immunity. And the high temperature in the composition with diarrhea can indicate problems with the stomach!
  • Another symptom that the mother should alert is White tongue. In general, the language can have a white plaque with any weakening of the body. But a thick raid in the form of moss is a bad sign.
    • This can be thrush in the crumbs, which often occurs with weakened immunity. How to recognize and treat it, you can read here.
    • Or even a viral disease, to which a high temperature is also attached, but it is treated for a long time and antibiotics. Or it may be stomatitis in severe form.
The white tongue can simply talk about the weakening of immunity, or maybe about a dangerous ailment
White tongue can speak of weakening immunity, or maybe about a dangerous ailment

Why is the temperature on the teeth can be dangerous, why should it be shot down?

Infants tolerate normally the temperature up to 37 ° C, because the first period is slightly higher than the indicator of an adult. Higher numbers, of course, affect the general condition of the crumbs not for the better. And, sometimes, they can cause even complications in a tiny body.

  • It is important to know if the baby has deviations from the central nervous system, then the temperature becomes extremely dangerous. And she can entail complications such as:
    • respiratory system problems;
    • constant convulsions of a child;
    • strong heartbeat and shortness of breath.
  • In general, the child’s seizures are explained by the fact that he is still very small, and the body is very difficult to fight inflammatory processes. Usually, babies up to 1 year old are short -term seizures, no more than a couple of seconds last and do not carry out any harm to health. After 3 years, convulsions are very rare, almost never.
  • But do not forget that such indicators can cause dehydration of the child's body.
  • If you notice anxiety behind your child, the lack of desire to play and a complete rejection of your chest, do not be alarmed - these are all the usual signs of the appearance of the first teeth.
    • The alarm should be beaten, on the contrary, if the child is too calm, he sleeps a lot and does not perceive his favorite toys. In such cases, give the baby more warm drinking, measure the temperature every half hour and use antipyretic syrups or candles.
  • It happens that young mothers have nothing to determine the temperature of the child. Focus on the appearance of your peanut. In the heat of the face of a pinkish color, the cheeks of the puntes. The skin of the lips is rough and dry. The skin of the child is dry and hot to the touch, urination is practically absent. The child is constantly crying.
  • It is impossible not to say that such symptoms appear only on the appearance of milk teeth. The teething of molars is calm. This is due to the fact that the body of the preschooler is more hardy and better tolerates inflammatory processes.
    • But there are times when the child feels not very comfortable when tearing the front teeth and fangs. General lethargy and low temperature are also inherent in the change of large chewing teeth.
The first teeth and fangs of milk teeth get out of all
The first teeth and fangs of milk teeth get out of all

When and how to lower the temperature of the child's teeth?

First of all, make the situation in the nursery as comfortable for the child. Dress it completely and remove the diaper. Leave the baby in this form for ten minutes. If the temperature has not changed, you need to give antipyretic.

To knock down the baby heat with the help of medicines, Choose exclusively proven drugs that you can take your baby at a certain age:

  • first of all, suspensions based on paracetamol, for example, Panadol, Efferalgan or Calpol, are used to reduce temperature. These are only the most common drugs that begin to act after 20-30 minutes. They are allowed to children from birth or from 2 months;
  • be sure to alternate them with ibuprofen -based medicines. It is considered more effective, but permitted only after 3 months or even after 1 year. This is the well -known Nurofen or Ibuprofen;
  • in severe cases, for a doctor’s prescription, you can take medications based on nimesulide (NIS, NIMEL or non -allis);
  • seduxen does not knock down the temperature as soothes the baby and relieves soreness. These are soothing pills, based on plant components that help the child fall asleep.

Important: Doctors forbid children to give medications that contain aspirin or analgin. These are very dangerous tablets, which contain many toxins, which will lead to immediate side effects.

In no case do not give the child medicines, having previously consulted with the pediatrician. Children are recommended to take an antipyretic with a break of five hours with plentiful drink.

Do not exceed the daily dose of drugs

It happens that there is no way to find out the doctor’s recommendations at the moment, and the temperature must be shot down. In this case, use folk methods.

  • Drink a towel in water room temperature and wipe the child. No need to add vinegar or, even worse, alcohol. Pay special attention to inguinal hollows, elbows and knees.
  • Abundant warm drink It must be without fail. After all, with chills, the body already loses a lot of moisture. And it helps to remove toxins, which reduces the temperature.

Important: Do not get carried away with the process of lowering the temperature and do not try to achieve a result of 36 ° C. Optimal is considered a decrease in the child’s body temperature by literally a couple of degrees.

How to help a child at a temperature on the teeth: tips

During this period, everyone gets tired. But do not forget that your obligation to alleviate the condition of the baby.

  • Take it in your arms more often, because tactile contact is soothingly acting on the kids.
  • If the baby is breastfeeding, then you should not limit it from it during this period. This will relieve the pain and calm down, and even improve immunity.
  • Give more attention to the baby, try to play more with him and distract with bright toys.
  • Avoid quarrels with a baby and do not show your irritation.
  • You can also use drugs that the gums themselves soothe. For example, Kalgel, Holisal, Kamistad or Dentinins. They are sold in the form of a gel, although there are solutions, and are applied directly to a sore spot.

Video: What should be and how long does the temperature on the teeth have when teething with the baby?

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Comments K. article

  1. My son was dragging a finger in my mouth and gnawing it, cried more often, woke up and cried at night, well, they looked into my mouth, and everything swelled there. On the advice of the doctor, the Holisal gel was used, it helps to relieve inflammation. After him, it was easier for the child and cried less and slept better.

  2. My straight drool had a river. Well, I cried strongly, I decided to see that in my mouth- and there it was clear that the gum was swollen - so I realized that the teeth.

  3. I agree about Holisal, I also helped us when the teeth were cut by my daughter. The doctor advised him, there is no lidocaine and does not work badly. After the gel, the daughter ceased to be capricious and behaved calmly, distracted to the toys.

  4. What kind of gel is that? And then we are already crazy when erasing teeth.

  5. Oleg, are you talking about Holisal Gel? If about him, then I can say that a good remedy, pain, inflammation reduces, and even has an antibacterial property. When teeth teeth in a child, I always use this gel.

  6. thanks, I'll keep it in mind

  7. OOO, and we also use a holisal gel when teeth teething. So we sleep everything calmly) This remedy is our wand helped out.

  8. In all children, the symptoms of teething are manifested in different ways.

  9. Lera, you write everything correctly. By the way, our teeth are cut very painfully in our child. It’s good that the Holisal doctor advised us to use. Now we apply to the gums in order to reduce the pain to the child. Yes, and the child, despite the fact that the teeth cuts smiles and plays)

  10. Mom, if your children now climb teeth, then I strongly recommend reading this article.

  11. we have teeth teething in full swing. It’s good that I read about Holisal here. Now there is enough to apply this remedy for the gum for a child a couple of times a day so that the son is calm.

  12. We are already morally ready for teething. Moreover, age is suitable.

  13. Olga is good that they are mentally ready) I was also morally ready, but, I did not think that the child would be so painful when teeth teething would. It’s good that I learned about the holisal from mothers. And I wouldn’t know how this process difficult for a child would be transferred.

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