Thrush in children, infants and newborns in the mouth in the tongue: photos, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment with drugs and folk remedies, prevention

Thrush in children, infants and newborns in the mouth in the tongue: photos, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment with drugs and folk remedies, prevention

A whitish raid on the tongue in children is a norm, due to the fact that their diet at an early age is milk. However, when white “islands” appear on the mucous membranes, similar to cottage cheese, it is necessary to engage in treatment. We will talk in this article on how to recognize and treat thrush.

Thrush u thoracic children: What is it, how it looks, how it manifests itself?

Contrary to general error, thrush u children no way not connected with those,what they they eat milk. Develops this is disease fromper growth mushrooms kind Candida. Visually this yeast -like fungus in oral cavities child looks how the remains kefir or milk, from what disease and received title thrush.

This conditionallypathogenic fungus maybe to be present in body man in norm and not call development diseases.

Important: c process passage on generic ways mother, baby counting microflora her mucous membranes, acquiring, perfrequent, and available thrush.

Immunity adult man successfully copes with candidiasis. Newborn not maybe confront diseases and fights with infections only thanks to maternal immunoglobulin, which the gets with milk.

The reasons development candidias (thrush) u children

In addition infection newborn in time childbirth or infection in the first days life, reinforced development fungus it has row favorable factors.

  •   Not sufficient compliance rules hygiene mom at feeding (poorly washed breast before feeding, not disinfected items feeding —  spoon, a bottle)
  • Short immune barrier
  • Continuity pregnancy
  •   Frequent colds diseases u child
  • Time teething teeth u baby
  • Injuries mucosa oral cavities
  •   Antibiotic therapy so the same maybe provoke development diseases

These the reasons effective in anyone age child.

  • Frequent regurgitation before 2x summer age can become reason thrush, so how in oral cavities arises acidic wednesday, favorable for mushrooms kind Candida.

Important: c norm in saliva contained antifungal antibodies, which not give develop diseases. AT summer time, in peak heat mucous membranes newborn can dry out and in such conditions fungus sharp starts mine growth.

AT age sexual maturation development thrush maybe provoke hormonal perestroika in body, frequent colds diseases, reception drugs, depressing immunity.

How to recognize thrush in a child: symptoms

Defeat mucous membranes oral cavities called stomatitis. His manifestations:

  •   Whitish persistent plaque on the mucous membranes mouth in form foam or « plush»;
  • Hyperemia mucous membranes membranes;
  • Child caprise and excite;
  •   Baby refuses from food.

At removal plaque visible bright redness. If a defeat deep, they can bleed.

Such wounds serving input gates for another infections.

Neglected the form looks how dense white film, which envelops all cavity mouth and distributed by on the growing baby. it very dangerous and threats serious complications for breath and swallowing, infection maybe descend in intestines. Baby not eating, constantly crying, sponges and gum bleeding.
U girls maybe develop candidiasis vaginite. He manifests itself:

  • Itching in areas groin and sexual lips;
  •   Hyperemia external sexual organs;
  • Discharge belovoy colors with sour smell or smell yeast.

Diagnosis of thrush in children

For staging diagnosis doctor beret smear with affected areas, apply on the subject glass, stains, dries and studies under microscope. For exceptions capabilities defeat others mucous membranes (nose, vagina) do sowing on the microflora.


Treatment candidiasis in newborns

Start off treatment necessary how can before, then all will pass less painful and without complications. At small defeat mucosa oral cavities will be enough processing alkaline Sodov solution (recipe below). Nabout if disease launched need address to more serious treatment.

Medication thrush treatment in children

Removing white plaque marlev a swab necessarily before application medicinal funds.

  1. Treatment solution food soda 2% — on the 1 cup boiled water 1 tea a spoon food soda (or 1% solution peroxide hydrogen). Apply cotton Or Marlev a swab 68 once in day;
  2.   Water solution nistatin1 tablet nistatin dilute in 2x dining rooms spoons water and work out through each 45 hours;
  3. 1% solution clotrimazoleapply 23 times  in day, not more often;
  4. Treatment complex « chatterbox» — 1 ampoule vitamin A AT 12, 2 dining rooms tablespoons sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oils + 2 tablets nistatin. Lubricate 57 once in day.

At defeat sexual organs assigned antifungal ointments:

  1. Nistanine ointment (Terzhinan);
  2. Clotrimazole (Kinison);
  3. Nitamicin (Pimofucin).

Important: Together with child well treatment need pass the and mom.

Folk means and recipes for treating thrush in newborns and children

At combination medications with people's medicine, turn attention on the reaction baby, for exceptions allergic reactions.

  1. 1 tea spoon honey dilute in 1 tea spoon water and warm up on the water bath. Process marlev a swab.
  2. There is opinion, what helps jam from roses. Poom dip in jam and give baby.
  3. Apply solution boers with glycerin, lubricating mucous membranes a swab.
  4. Recommend to give to kid poom, lubricated zelenka. If a baby not beret poom, then handle cotton a swab cheeks, language and lips.
  5. Treatment oil propolis before 8 once in day.
  6. Decoctions herbs: immortelle, leaves nut, carnation, sage. Pour boiling water, insist minutes 20, cool and lubricate cavity mouth.
  7. Squeeze carrot juice and add honey. Lubricate places defeat.

Prevention thrush u children thoracic age

IMPORTANT:  AT care per child extremely carefully follow per compliance rules hygiene, for warning diseases.

  • Process their arms before those, how take child on the arms or take his a bottle (poom).
  • Process breast and nipples before and after feeding sodov solution.
  • Follow per those, to nosik breathing and was clean. If a baby breathing mouth, saliva drying out and appears possibility development thrush.
  • Thermal process bottles and nipples baby, toys. Use separate dishes.
  • Not should « fear» baby, adults can to be carriers fungus.
  • Stimulate development immunity: massage, walks on the fresh air, sunny baths.

On the the first sight disease not terrible, but not admit his global development.

For baby thrushwith cead P rodwhichmaybebringtosignificantcomplications.

Farm reviews in infants

Us doctor i advised not touch white plaque, a simply put in room humidifier and more often walk. Saved, what left per city on the fresh air summer, all fast passed.

Us breast milk helped. I became more often apply to breasts and fast i got rid of it from plaque.
Catherine Stepanova.
I think need drink probiotics, a then will begin dysbiosis in intestines.

Mom, you what?!!! Necessarily need process. 1 tea a spoon soda on the cup boiled water and marlev napkin. We wind it gauze on the finger, wet it in sodov solution and after everyone feeding we wipe mouth.

Video: fungal infections - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Video: thrush in newborns

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