Which interior doors are best chosen for the apartment in quality, color, size, material, with good sound insulation: tips, recommendations, reviews. How to choose handles for interior doors?

Which interior doors are best chosen for the apartment in quality, color, size, material, with good sound insulation: tips, recommendations, reviews. How to choose handles for interior doors?

To decide which door products are better suited for your home, find out what they are. How to choose them correctly.

When they make cosmetic repairs in the apartment, every detail is important. Any mistress carefully selects wallpaper, curtains, furniture for the overall design of the room. And interior doors play an important role in the interior. It is they who create a unique style, which then pleases the household with their splendor and makes the apartment comfortable.

That's just not everyone knows which doors are better to take. It is difficult to give preference to one or another type of them, if there is no knowledge of the choice of these designs. After all, there are a lot of them in the market. The doors differ in material, the method of opening, design, price, size. Further in more detail.

The difference between interior doors in quality

It is difficult for an unknown person to find good, high -quality doors. And it’s not a secret that most customers take such a product, paying attention only to the price, design, color scheme, the opening method. And quality products are rarely chosen. Buyers begin to understand their mistakes on choosing doors later, when it loses its appearance or does not perform the main functions.

Quality doors
Quality doors

Naturally, in the store, new doors always look great. It is difficult to notice flaws at first sight. Moreover, consultants always advertise the most attractive sides of the product, it is unlikely that anyone will openly tell you the shortcomings. Clients in such situations need to hope only for themselves. Now consider all kinds of the reasons why you should not take interior doors from suitable materialsfor your case.

Openced doors

  1. If manufacturers do not comply with the technologies for covering products during processing, then the surface of the door structure will be rough, the varnish will lie unevenly, bubbles, pores, and shells will be visible. In the future, the veneer is possible in some places.
  2. Savings on materials leads to various external defects. In particular, when the varnish is of poor quality, the surface of the door will be with flows, incomprehensible muddy spots and you will smell chemistry.
  3. In cases where the difference in shades is noticeable, uneven tinting, spots, give up the product. On these doors, a defective veneer.
  4. The edge should be visually flat without any transitions.
  5. The assembly should also be perfect so that the gaps are not visually determined.
  6. In a fragile veneer, scratches are often visible, traces of a manually marriage, chips, cracks.
Which doors are better?
Which doors are better?

Products from an array

  1. Violation of geometric parameters Doors. In the store, the presence of a roulette will not interfere. When buying goods, measure the diagonals. If one line differs only by 2 millimeters from the other, then this is not critical. When the dispersion is more, refuse to buy.
  2. Study carefully the surface of the product. Find the flaws - the door is poor -quality.
  3. Pay your attention to defects of the material itselffrom which the design was made. Cracks on the array, gaps, etc. - Unacceptable.

Colored doors

  1. Insufficient build quality. This is noticeable when one canvas does not fit another. Outwardly, it looks like deep cracks on the surface.
  2. In cases where the edge looks otherwise, how outer sidePerhaps they are trying to sell you a door covered with a film.
  3. Do not buy doors with poor -quality painting, if you noticed smudges, stains of painted dust, chips.
Quality doors
Quality doors

Film doors - with shortcomings

  1. Refuse the goods if you already noticed in the store that there are small areas where the film has peeled off.
  2. When the design is shaky, more precisely, the parts of the door are mobile, then this is a poor -quality assembly. In the future, the product will sag.
  3. In places where the details of the canvas are adjacent, there should be no gaps, crooked seams, etc. This negatively affects the functionality of the door.
  4. If you pressed to the surface of the product and it was bent, then such a canvas will not last you for a long time. It is made of thin MDF, to that the product is hollow.
Film doors
Film doors

IMPORTANT: Feel free to ask a sales assistant to ask questions. It will be good if you ask to study the fragment of the product in the context or let it tell you in detail about the material from which the canvas is made, which is inside the structure. Inspect the upper, lower door ends of the structure.

The difference between interior doors by material

Door structures are made from various materials. Everyone has their own characteristics. Therefore, when choosing, this feature of the paintings should be taken into account. Most often, they use:

  • natural wood array
  • Chipboard and fiberboard
  • MDF, setting wood
  • Glass, both with spraying and without
A massive doors
Products from an array

Laminate doors

This material is texture paper, drawings or texture can be applied to it. To protect from a humid environment, it is drank by synthetic resin. Such texture is tightened with MDF canvases.


It is also a texture with a pattern, only made of film. It looks like an array in appearance and to the touch. In its composition, unlike the laminate, there is no harmful chlorine.

Veneer doors

This finish is a thin layer of environmentally friendly natural wood. It is fixed on MDF or on an array of unprocessed wood. To preserve the appearance and resistance to moisture, this sheet is covered with moisture -resistant mass. It is noteworthy that products with this coating are not dry.

Wooden door leaf


These are the most, perhaps, durable designs, provided that the masters will make the correct processing of the tree. They are suitable for any interior of the room, because you can make them various designs, coloring, design. It is good that the products are restored and you can change their appearance.

Polyurethane enamel doors

When the structures are processed by this enamel, you are guaranteed to protect them from aggressive environmental factors. Such products can serve inside the house and outside. Great that you can periodically color them in other colors.

Beautiful doors in the style of country
Beautiful doors in the style of country

PVC doors

Polyvinyl chloride is a plastic multi -colored film. It has wear -resistant characteristics. Doors with such coating have a low cost. Suitable not only for installation in various rooms, but also for the bathroom, toilet.

IMPORTANT: There are still many varieties of veneer and other materials that cover the surface of the doors. They are distinguished by appearance, environmental friendliness. You can classify them: art spon, veneer RL, coating from craft paper (CPL).

The difference between interior doors: by opening

If the question arises, the installation of interior door leafs will not prevent you from paying attention to their functionality. Doors not only serve to separate personal space, but also needed for heat, sound insulation, jewelry. When you install the products, be sure to keep in mind how much you will have a working space and whether they will interfere when you open them.

Sliding doors
Sliding doors

According to their constructive data, door products are divided into:

  • ordinary - swing, they are attached to special loops to the box
  • radius or sliding, they are parted on small rollers to the sides
  • doors-cabinets (folding)-if you open such a design, then it will turn into an accordion.

Based on the method of opening them, you can choose the right purchase for the room yourself. To save space, already in a small room, it is better to take a sliding or a hollow door. These designs will not steal square meters when opening.

The doors are swinging
The doors are swinging

Which interior doors are best chosen for the apartment in size?

At the entrance to any room, there is always a doorway. It has its size. Doors should be suitable for the size of the box. Otherwise, even with the slightest mismatch of the ribs, the structure will be rubbed on the opening or poorly closed, and there may be more worse gaps.

There are problems when the box does not correspond to the standard measurements of the door leaf. In these situations, you will need to order the product of the desired parameters or change the width, the height of the box itself.

Doors for a small room
Doors for a small room

Which interior doors are best chosen for an apartment with good sound insulation?

It is unpleasant when someone listens loudly in one room, and in the other, a person tries to fall asleep. Due to poor sound insulation, even conflicts may occur. To prevent this from happening, it will not hurt to purchase a good door with sound insulation.

In order for the design to perform its functions, stop the choice on the product with internal filling and a good seal that will not miss the noise through the cracks, holes.

These doors are called - designs with sound insulation. As a sound insulator, cardboard fillers and mineral wool are used. They are laid tightly in the cavity, which are located between the two panels, which are made of conventional rails.

Of course, doors with glass do not give a good effect, as well as shields made using old technology.

But phylene designs from an array can extinguish noise at 10-25 dB. Moreover, the harder the product, the higher the level of sound insulation.

Doors with sound insulation
Products with sound insulation

Which interior doors are best chosen for an apartment in color?

If you do not want to lose with the color tone of interior doors, then try to focus on the overall design of the house.

When your rooms are all performed in different style, then make your choice based on the visual appearance of the bedroom, hall, kitchen, bathroom, etc.

Color shades that are selected with taste unite the entire room into one single space, which carries harmony in itself.

Do not be afraid of sharp contrasts when the room is bright, and the doors are dark, so this bright spot will beautifully emphasize the border of the transition to another room.

Which door color is better?
Which color is better?

How to choose colors?

  • Neutral products fit well into the room with any shades of tones. Especially if these are the designs of modern laconic design without any ornaments, a glass.
  • The red-red color of the door leafs give the rooms a real comfort, the rooms become homely comfortable.
  • Light structures emphasize airiness, the lightness of the room.
  • Dark doors give severity to any house.
  • And color products will delight not only children in their bright way, but all households. Using different shades of paint, you can create any unusual idea for decorating a room.

Budget and expensive door option

It is interesting that most customers think that the best, quality products of products are always expensive. But it is not always the case. Of the many sentences that are suitable under the middle class doors, you can choose the necessary ones.

Dear and budget interior doors
Expensive and budget interior linems

Above all, of course, products from natural raw materials are valued - wooden array. Still, these door leafs are suitable for any visual appearance of the room, they will last a long time to their owners, thanks to quality.

Designs CO veneer Much more accessible to customers. The price of them is not as high as for a natural array. However, they serve for a long time, are not afraid of external influences, moisture.

Laminated Products are slightly cheaper than doors with veneer. But outwardly they look perfect and have humidity protection.

In any case, given all the characteristics of various interior products, you can make your choice in favor of very inexpensive, but solid durable structures. And they will delight them for a long time with their appearance and your household.

Which door to choose for the bathroom and toilet?

For the bathroom, a bathroom is better to select a narrow dead door. For this, the wet room will go:

  • glass (preferably matte)
  • covered with veneer
  • sliding laminated
  • wooden, PVC (plastic)
Doors for the bathroom
Doors for the bathroom

IMPORTANT: If you make repairs in the bathroom, then use a product that has good moisture resistance as door products.

Video: which interior doors to choose - laminated or veneered, PVC or veneer: tips

Which interior doors to choose - right or left: tips

So that the door structures do not hurt obstacles, you need to choose the right option for their installation. More precisely, both the left and the right opening of them are allowed.

There are no strict requirements for this issue, they can be installed as you wish. You can make them open in or outward, the main thing is that it is convenient. It is important that neighboring designs are not the cause of each other's blocking.

Most often, when the door is installed in the bedroom, it can be right, left, open inside. But in the bathroom it is better to make canvases that open out and no difference in which direction.

Which is more suitable for the left or right interior door?
Choice of right, left door

How to choose a door frame for interior doors and dobages?

In order for your doorways to function normally and look outwardly attractive, choose suitable boxes, dobages. When selecting the box, consider simple rules:

  • the width of the box itself should coincide with the width of the wall or partition
  • it should be installed without any difficulties
  • it is good if the color of the door is an identical shade of the door frame
  • if you choose good quality a box (from an array), then it will last you for a long time.
DOBIRS on the door frame
Dobed door structures

DOBORTS - This is a component of the link, which is mounted between the box and the door itself. They close the sections of the partition on which the beam did not close.

They are of two types:

  • Standard - Ordinary strips that fix in the doorway. Their height is two meters, you should adjust these planks yourself. You can consolidate such dates with glue, nails.
  • Telescopic- More suitable for interior paintings. I mount them using locking joints. Dobe data looks aesthetically pleasing.

How to choose handles for interior doors?

Handles for such products are not only a beautiful element of the decor, but they also perform important functions. Therefore, these accessories for doors must also be carefully selected.

  • The pens that have a smooth surface, without corners, protrusions, chips deserve separate attention, precisely stop your choice on them.
  • In addition, they must close, open the door without effort and unpleasant sounds, jamming.
  • It is also important that the accessory is perfect for the overall style of the room.
  • It is good if the handle is combined with shades of tones with a lock, hinges, then everything will look harmonious.
  • If the door has a sophisticated design, then the pen should also match its species, you should not choose a huge accessory that will spoil the whole picture.
High -quality handles for interior doors
High -quality handles for interior doors

Skillfully selected interior constructions, accessories for them will be one decade for their appearance and reliable functionality of the inhabitants of the house.

Video: Doors, which manufacturer is better to choose?

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