What fruits are useful during pregnancy? Is it possible for pregnant grenades, watermelon, melon, pears, apples, pineapple, bananas, dates, kiwi, peaches, aiva, mango?

What fruits are useful during pregnancy? Is it possible for pregnant grenades, watermelon, melon, pears, apples, pineapple, bananas, dates, kiwi, peaches, aiva, mango?

How are fruit useful during pregnancy? The danger of different fruits for the future mother.

There are a variety of recommendations on the Internet that a pregnant woman should eat. Yes, and doctors in the clinic do not always agree. Modern medicine says: it is not necessary to limit oneself in food. Of course, the most harmful is better to exclude. But this applies not only to pregnancy and breastfeeding, but also to all life. And the rest, the diet of mom almost does not affect the health of the baby.

“Proper nutrition is important primarily for mom, and not for the child,” says Elena Berezovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist and research doctor practicing abroad. - The baby is the same as the mother eats if she does not use harmful substances, alcohol and cigarettes. The emphasis should be on a variety, but it also needs to take into account the quantity. ”

Is it possible to grenade to pregnant women and how is pomegranate useful during pregnancy?

Pomegranate is one of the most useful fruits. Its value increases that it appears on our shelves in the winter - in the period when the rest of the fruits have already “left”.

Grenade can cause constipation
Grenade can cause constipation

Everyone knows that grenade contains a lot of iron, and it is shown to people with an anemia. But if your hemoglobin is critically low, then neither pomegranate, nor red meat, nor liver will help you. Food in this case is powerless. Only tablets act.

But the grenade strengthens the nervous system, increases immunity, helps to get rid of toxins in the intestines. There are rare cases when excessive use of grenades can harm. The reason for anxiety can serve:

  • rashes similar to an allergic reaction
  • changing the color and consistency of the chair
  • sudden constipation, to which there was no tendency before

Is it possible to watermate pregnant women and how is a watermelon for pregnant women?

The watermelon consists mainly of water, which means that there can be no harm. If only your doctor did not recommend you to limit the drinking regime. Activating the process of eliminating excess fluid from the body, the watermelon cleans it from toxins and toxins. Its use helps in the prevention of constipation.

Do not take risks and buy watermelon before the end of August

There is only one “but”. This is the quality of the watermelons sold. Do not rush to buy them until the end of August comes. It is then that they ripen naturally. This means that the probability of running into a watermelon stuffed with poisonous chemistry will be less. How to find out a nitrate copy?

  1. On the cut, such a watermelon will be smooth, not granular. Its color throughout the cut will be the same
  2. Lives in the pulp will be tough and yellow. The normal watermelon is thin and white
  3. To determine the quality of watermelon, you can conduct such an experiment. Lower a piece of pulp into a glass of water. If it turns, then the entire watermelon can be safely thrown away

Can pears be pregnant and how useful are pears during pregnancy?

Pear is fruits that should be used with caution. They cannot be eaten on an empty stomach and washed down with water.

But otherwise, this is an indispensable component of a diet for pregnant women, because there are a lot of folic acid in pears, which helps in the prevention of severe malformations of the fetus. And if a woman who suffers from diabetes dares for pregnancy, then she cannot do without this fruit in the diet.

Pears cannot be eaten on an empty stomach

Pear is recommended to be consumed after lunch from dishes rich in iron (liver, rice, legumes). These fruits help him better absorb. In addition, they have a lot of vitamin S.

But the quality of the pears should be taken into account. If you doubt if these fruits are stuffed with excess chemicals, remove the skin from them. But if these are your garden pears, then it is better to eat them entirely. So more dietary fibers will enter the body, which will help to cope with constipation.

Is it possible to pineapple pregnant women and how is pineapple useful during pregnancy? Can canned peaches and pineapples be pregnant?

Pineapple does not pose any threat to either mother or baby. But provided that you ate this fruit before, and you did not have an allergy to it. Experimenting with new food during pregnancy is not the best idea. Naturally, you need to know the measure in everything. If you overeat with pineapple daily, then its useful invigorating and tonic properties can play a cruel joke with you. This can bring you to the tone of the uterus, and fruit acid will damage the enamel of the teeth and cause heartburn.

A pineapple
Fresh pineapple is useful, and canned loses almost all its beneficial properties

By the way, canned pineapple is absolutely harmless and useless for mom and baby. This is just a dessert. The same applies to any fruit sugared and canned in syrup, including peaches.

But fresh pineapple cleanses the walls of blood vessels and dilutes the blood. It helps with heartburn and flatulence. Among other things, it protects the cells of the nervous system, improves brain and memory.

Can apples be pregnant and how beneficial apples during pregnancy are?

A classic dessert that doctors advise a pregnant woman is a baked apple. This method of heat treatment allows almost all beneficial substances to be preserved. At the same time, he has no contraindications.

Red apples can provoke allergies

But fresh apples in unlimited quantities can be harmful. Therefore, doctors do not recommend eating more than 4 pieces per day. Overflow can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers. If you are prone to allergies, then red and yellow varieties are also better limited.

But apples help to maintain immunity and protect the future mother from seasonal viruses. They contain Karotin, which supports teeth and bones in good condition. There are substances in apples that expand the vessels. So, they help relieve headache and prevent cardiological diseases.

Can bananas be pregnant and how are bananas useful during pregnancy?

Banana is one of the most useful fruits during pregnancy. This is especially true for a difficult period of toxicosis. It muffles nausea and envelops the stomach, reducing other manifestations of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are tormented by toxicosis, try bananas

But keep in mind that this fruit, unlike others, is quite high -calorie. Therefore, if you have problems with excess weight, prefer something else.

Is dates of pregnant women and dates than beneficial during pregnancy?

All doctors advise replacing the expectant mothers with useless chocolate sweets with the same sweet and tasty dates. This is especially true for those lucky ones who have already come up. The fact is that dates contain oxytocin - a substance that triggers the genera of childbirth into action.

Dates contain oxytocin, which helps to pass easier and less painfully

It forces the uterus to contract, makes childbirth more rapid and painless. In addition, the dates are quite high -calorie. He will give the future mother the strength before childbirth. After all, then for some time you will not be up to meals. The cut of that, oxytocin stimulates breast milk production.

Can kiwi pregnant women beneficial properties of kiwi during pregnancy?

Kiwi contains a lot of beneficial substances and vitamins. Doctors recommend eating it along with the peel, because it is precisely the most valuable that contains. Before eating, it must be washed well with a brush and in warm water.

The abundance of fruit acid in kiwi can provoke many problems

But keep in mind that the sour taste of kiwi with immoderate use can cause gastric disorders. An exotic fruit can also cause allergies.

Can peaches be pregnant and how useful are peaches during pregnancy?

Persians are able to become a real salvation for a mother suffering from toxicosis. They relieve nausea, and for an exhausted organism they can immediately become food and drink. But two or three fruits per day will be enough.

Persians can replace both food and drink

Excessive use of peaches is prohibited by women with diabetes and obesity. Also be careful if you have an allergy to plant pollen.

Is Iva pregnant and what is the benefit of the quince during pregnancy?

In terms of its beneficial properties, Aiva is like apples. In addition, quince is recommended for women with uterine bleeding, of course, together with another treatment. But doctors prescribe not to get carried away with this fruit: 2-3 pieces per day will be enough.

Despite the exoticism, according to the properties of the quince, it is like an apple

Is there a mango for pregnant women, and what are the beneficial properties of mangoes during pregnancy?

Mango can be eaten by all pregnant women if you tried it before, and you are sure that you do not have an allergy. If you need a fasting day, you can limit the use of other products by replacing them mangoes. In this case, you can eat up to 1.5 kg of this fruit.

Nutritionists recommend mangoes for unloading days

Mango increases the elasticity of blood vessels and protects against various related diseases, including hemorrhoids, which many young mothers suffer from.

Can a melon of pregnant women?

Melon is a whole storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. Among other things, it contains special enzymes that make all systems of our body more resistant to damage.

Melon does not go well with most products

But do not eat it if you have diabetes. Refuse melon at the time of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases or in infection.

The melon is poorly compatible with other products. It is better to eat it during a snack, without drinking or jamming. Especially do not experiment with dairy products and alcohol.

So, all fruits have valuable properties for pregnant women. They cleanse the body well, serve as a prevention of constipation and supply mom and baby with vitamins and trace elements. But, despite the quirks in taste preferences, you should not eat any fruit in kilograms. All problems can occur only with immoderate use.

Video: 11 most useful products during pregnancy

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