What are the three forms of the verb time in the Russian language? How to determine the time of the verb?

What are the three forms of the verb time in the Russian language? How to determine the time of the verb?

In this article, we will talk about what are the times of verbs and how to correctly determine them.

In our oral and written speech, we always use times. At some point, we talk about what happened, in another-what will happen, and maybe and what is happening right now. Verbs in Russian also change by times. Let's figure out exactly how and what they are.

What are the three forms of the verb time in the Russian language?

In total, there are three forms of the verb time in the Russian language:

  • Past. With such words the moment that has already happened ( yesterday he came from a business trip, for a whole year we worked on this project).
  • The present. Denotes this specific moment of time ( they repair the car, I'm sitting rest). Also, the verbs can be denoted by repeated regular actions ( he has breakfast in a restaurant every morning)
  • Future. Such words indicate what else should happen ( tomorrow I will rest, in a week they will go on an excursion).

Verbs in the form of the present tense: Features

The real form of the verb time can be formed from an imperfect form. In this case, words can change by numbers and persons.


Verbs in the form of the past tense: Features

The past form of the verb time indicates already perfect actions. The formation of the word is carried out from the initial form of the verb, that is, the infinitive with the suffix -L: walk - walked, see - saw, run - run.

Past tense
Past tense

Some masculine verbs do not have a suffix -l. But in other forms he will not be lost. There are also verbs with the meaning of formation. They have a suffix in the initial form - WELL: pull - pull, return - returned, wave - wave. In addition, verbs with the suffix are distinguished -H: drain - stack, protect - shore, guard - guard. And another type - with the suffix -Th: revenge - chalk, shake - chat, row - row.

The form of the future tense of the verb: Features

The future form of the verb time is indicated in different ways. The fact is that it is formed by both verbs of a perfect species and imperfect. In the first case, the formed verbs will be simple, formed by personal endings: run, do, write.

Perfect view
Perfect view

But the second forms - an imperfect species are complex. They are formed by adding an auxiliary word. It can change by numbers and persons: I will jump, you will look, we will do.

Imperfect species
Imperfect species

How to determine the time of the verb: the main method

Any form of time of the verb is formed using word -forming suffixes and changes by numbers and persons. It is easiest to determine the time of the verb through questions. All of them are presented in the table.

How to determine the time of the verb?
How to determine the time of the verb?

Video: Changing verbs by time. What is the time of the verb? How to determine the time of the verb?

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