What trousers are better for women after 50 years old: fashion recommendations of stylists

What trousers are better for women after 50 years old: fashion recommendations of stylists

We select fashionable trousers for women after 50 years: on full and slender, trend jeans.

A stylish woman is beautiful at any age! In this article we will talk about how to successfully choose fashionable trousers for women after 50 years. Recommendations on the style, texture and features of the figure.

Features of women of women after 50 years

What are the features of women of women after 50 years? A dozen years ago, many women crossed the line of 50 years of age held two theories:

  • Classic clothing style, faded shades (ideally bedding);
  • The style of clothing, which was acquired over the years, but gradually excludes certain feminine things in favor of a baggy and closed wardrobe.

If a woman tried to dress “in the leg”, they nodded with the words “young”, “I forgot how old” or even worse - “she settled in second youth.” Well, if you look at our grandmothers, they already “remembered how old they are” from 30, and by 40 it was the norm to walk in a scarf.

The European fashion burst into the post -Soviet space, and showed women that they could be sexy, luxurious, well -groomed and fashionable at any age. And today, Western fashion houses declare the eradication of eijism and the availability of fashion trends for ladies of any age category.

Fashionable trousers for women after 50 years
Fashionable trousers for women after 50 years

Now, designers of leading fashion houses claim that women after 50 years can wear all the same bright, bold and luxurious clothing models as other ages.

And then, it would seem, you can exhale and boldly go to shopping. But no. Under visual freedom of choice lies a huge responsibility and the ability to defend your fashionable bow in the eyes of skeptics. Unlike Western countries, our society is still conservative and this should be taken into account in the selection of a wardrobe.

And we move on to the main question, what kind of fashionable trousers are women after 50 years old?

Fashionable trousers for women after 50 years on a slender figure

If your life is full of physical exertion, and the body is tightened and can compete with the figures of 18-year-olds, you have no restrictions in styles. When choosing fashionable trousers, women after 50 years old should pay attention to classic models with high waist, skin (when taking into account long legs) and, of course, the trend of this season is culotta pants.

Fashionable pants culottes are suitable for all ages
Fashionable pants culottes are suitable for all ages

Another trend of the next season is fashionable trousers for women after 50 years old, a style of clash. Such models give memories of the 90s, but this time the models are made of high-quality trouser fabric of bright shades. For conservatives there are models made of black or dark blue fabric.

Milestones - the key to a stylish image for women after 50 years
Milestones - the key to a stylish image for women after 50 years

You are the owner of beautiful legs - do not hide them this season and try on shortened models of fashionable trousers. Women after 50 years can remain sophisticated and sophisticated, romantic and stylish. The length of the fashionable trousers of this model implies slightly open ankles and is 7/8. They can be worn both in an office with heels and for a walk with sneakers.

Fashionable shortened trousers for women 50+
Fashionable shortened trousers for women 50+

Your figure can be called slim, but still, in your opinion, the times of skin and leggings have passed? Fashionable trousers for women after 50 years this season are definitely a palazzo. They do not fit the figure and at the same time emphasize the beauty of the waist.

The model of palazzo trousers can be worn both with heels and with low -speed shoes, but most importantly - this trend can be put on on celebrations, replacing skirts and dresses. Thus, you will remain feminine and stylish, and at the same time you will feel comfortable.

Fashionable Parto Pants for Women after 50 years
Fashionable Parto Pants for Women after 50 years

Fashionable trousers for women after 50 years old on plus saz

Today, the trend is not only the eradication of Aijism, but also a body positive! Of course, we are all for a healthy lifestyle, the lack of bad habits and extra pounds. But there are exceptions in life, when additional weight is formed due to factors of the person who are beyond the best. If you are over 50 and you have excess weight, this is not a reason to hide in baggy clothes. We offer to choose fashionable trousers for women after 50 years old for plus saz!

In the choice of trousers for plus saz, pay attention to high -quality fabrics that sit on the figure and do not fit it. In a successful model of trousers, you will look stylish, emphasize the advantages of your figure and distract attention from the shortcomings.

Fashionable Parto Pants for Complete Women after 50 years
Fashionable Parto Pants for Complete Women after 50 years

Despite the fact that this season, tight-fitting trousers, plus Saiz is proposed to wear with tight-fitting blouses tucked in trousers, we still propose to supplement the image with a multi-layer in the form of a sleeveless or a jacket jacket.

Women with proportional forms can afford to put on this season tight -fitting bright trousers in the figure and supplement them with a flared blouse.

Bright top

Wide linen trousers are an ideal solution in the heat, and fashionable trousers for women after 50 years old on plus Saiz. Choose comfortable models of light or rich bright shades. In 2019-2020, it is not recommended to wear linen pants plus saz of faded or beige tones.

Fashionable model of trousers on the full is ideal for women from 50 years old
Fashionable model of trousers on the full is ideal for women from 50 years old

Do you dream of a sophisticated image? Consider fashionable trousers for women after 50 years old on plus saz in a shortened version. Open ankles, heels or wedges visually stretch the figure, creating a feminine delicate image.


Boho style gains unprecedented popularity this season. And who, as not experienced women aged 50+, can combine wide boho trousers with delicate translucent tops and massive jewelry. By the way, massive accessories can attract attention and distract from the shortcomings of the figure.

Sports pants are not the destiny of young phytonyas. Today, sweatpants can be in the wardrobe of women after 50 years, but if you are not going to the gym, then you need to make an image with less sports elements (tunics, shortened tops, bombers, etc.).

Summer is the time of exhausting heat, and full women after 50 years experience it much worse. Designers are against the woman after 50 years old hiding her legs and offer elongated shorts to knees with prints corrective figures.

The correct length and shorts look appropriate in the wardrobe of women after 50 years
The correct length and shorts look appropriate in the wardrobe of women after 50 years

But your favorite charms of flowing fabrics is better to leave in the past. They fill the figure and spoil the silhouette, and also went out of fashion. Today we offer to try on sultani pants. They not only smooth out fullness, but also incredibly comfortable on vacation!

Fashionable trousers for women after 50 years: jeans

The trouser denim is so convenient and popular that we decided to highlight a separate section on him. Here we will talk about how to choose fashionable trousers for women after 50 years of denim, so that the image looks not only fashionable, but also with taste.

In the 2019-2020 season, there are a lot of models of fashionable jeans that are ideal for women 50+. But it should be remembered that the figure with age definitely changes and acquires its individual characteristics. Therefore, fashionable pants for women after 50 years of denim must be measured to find the perfect landing.

Jeans are a great option for women after 50 years
Jeans are a great option for women after 50 years

The classic of recent years is direct jeans of shades of natural denim without obvious scuffs. They are suitable both for everyday wearing and in the office.

“MOM” jeans are an ideal combination of comfort and style, in addition, they are able to hide the imperfections of the figure and emphasize that this lady knows a lot about 50. It is recommended to wear fashionable trousers for women after 50 years with blouses, knitted tops and stylish sweaters. It is not recommended to combine with knitted T -shirts, as there is a risk of turning from a fashionable lady into a tired woman of middle -aged.

Direct jeans of classic colors - a fashionable highlight in the image of a woman after 50 years
Direct jeans of classic colors - a fashionable highlight in the image of a woman after 50 years

Do you think boyfriend jeans are exclusively for young people? A laconic blouse, massive accessories and you get a stunning image of a woman with a self -confident and your beauty.

Boyfrands jeans

Shortened jeans are suitable not only for slender representatives of the age for 50, but also to full ladies. But in this case, jeans should be with an overstated waist and sit freely on the figure. Do not forget that this model mostly looks with heels and wedges.

You can wear jeans torn, sewn and embroidered with various patterns, but do it carefully so as not to go into the image of “forever young teenager for 50”, so combine them with conservative details and classic shoes.

Jeans are submissive to all ages!
Jeans are submissive to all ages!

It is recommended to wear high women from the thigh. This will make the figure visually slimmer, and the image will add gloss and grace. On low women, such models look good only with heels.

Fashionable trousers

And in conclusion, we add about another fashion trend in 2019-2020, which will probably appeal-fashionable trousers-jeans for women after 50 years in snow-white color. Denim in light colors will look great not only at the resort in the summer, but in and the off -season, complete with drapo and cashmere things.

Video: Fashionable trousers for women after 50 years. Fashionable images of spring-summer 2019

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