What grain culture is the most productive in the world, in which sectors is used? The history of corn, useful properties and contraindications of corn and corn stigmas. What dishes are prepared in the world from corn?

What grain culture is the most productive in the world, in which sectors is used? The history of corn, useful properties and contraindications of corn and corn stigmas. What dishes are prepared in the world from corn?

From this article you will learn which grain culture is the most productive.

Do you know what the most productive grain culture on Earth? This is corn. Let's talk about her in this article.

A little story about corn

Cornor as it is called in America - maize, the Indians began to grow in Central America, even before our era. This is the oldest bread culture, according to some estimates-10-12 thousand years.

According to scientists, the ancestor of modern corn was a slightly different corn than it looks now: a low plant on which was on top of both the cobs and a panicle, moreover, the cobs were not wrapped in the leaves, as now, but naked. The wind blew, pollinated the cobs, and they, dareous, sometimes showered to the ground, giving life to the following plants. The ancient Indians, having tried corn grains, found them tasty, and began to grow it. And in order to get more crop, the Indians and Aztecs improved the wild variety of corn.

Christopher Columbus brought to Europe corn, and it began to grow it first of the 16th century. In Russia, corn appeared at the end of the 18th century.

What is corn?

This is how the corn plant looks like

Corn - A grassy plant, grows up to 4 m high, with long narrow leaves. It grows on different soils, including the poor, and everywhere, except for the Far North.

The plant itself is not of interest, although it is also eaten by large cattle, but the grains of corn on the ears, packed by nature itself into wrappers of leaves. Outside, the cobs do not come out, but only a bunch of long peculiar “hair” peeps out - these are women's flowers. Male flowers are at the very top, in the form of a panicle with pollen. At first, an empty cherry is formed in the wrappers, the wind blows, and pollinates female flowers, and only then grains begin to form on the ears.

Now corn is growing close 1 thousand different varieties and colors. There is a variety of corn where grains have all the colors of the rainbow.

The first place in the amount of corn grown is occupied by the United States. Behind the United States, there is also a record for the largest productivity of corn - close to 34 t/ha, beaten in 2015.

Attention. If other plants can rise themselves, then corn can not grow without the help of a person: the cobs need to be expanded, grain from them, and lower it into the ground.

Useful properties of corn

Young cobs of corn

In the corn there is:

  • Vitamins A, C and Group B
  • Squirrels
  • A little fat
  • Carbohydrates
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Gold

Where is the corn used?

Corn cleaning for green mass and silage

Corn is used in the following industries:

  • In cooking for cooking
  • To obtain oil and starch
  • Americans from corn produce whiskey
  • For feeding animals, in summer - green mass, in winter - silage
  • In medicine - bundles of "hair", called corn stigmas
  • Decorative handbags and baskets are weaving from dried leaves of corn

The benefits of corn stigmas

Corn stigmas are called a bunch of "hair" on the cob

Corn stigmas are recognized as useful to both traditional medicine and official.

How are corn stinging useful?

  • Have choleretic properties, namely, reduce the viscosity of the bile
  • Increase blood coagulation
  • Good prevention from glaucoma (15 g of corn stigmas per 1 cup of boiling water, insist 40 minutes, drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day)
  • Young cobs with corn grains, cooked to softness along with corn stigmas, help with pancreatitis
  • With stones and inflammatory phenomena in the bladder (1 tbsp. Corn stigmas, 1 cup of boiling water, insist 5-6 hours, drink before meals 2 tbsp. 3 times a day)
  • Recommended for prostatitis
  • The infusion helps to throw off extra pounds (1 part of corn stigmas, 10 parts of boiling water, insist, drink 1 tbsp. 5 times a day), after such an infusion

Corous flour recipe for folk medicine

Infusion that helps with diabetes mellitus


  • 2 tbsp. l. corn flour
  • 1 tbsp. l. rosehip fruits chopped into flour, blueberry leaves, immortelle flowers
  • 2 cups of water


  1. We take corn flour.
  2. Separately, chop the fruits of rosehips, blueberries, immortelle flowers (chopped in a coffee grinder, hand mill).
  3. Mix all together, pour 2 cups of boiling water and boil for a few more minutes, insist 1 hour.
  4. We filter the infusion and drink 75 ml 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.
  5. We treat 3 weeks, then 3 weeks a break - and resume treatment.

The use of corn in cooking

Corn cakes mcadi

From corn grains, as well as flour and cereals from them, young ears, the cuisines of the world are preparing various dishes:

  • In different kitchens, young cobs are boiled and eaten immediately or canned.
  • When adding cookies or cake to the dough for baking, corn wheat flour, the finished product becomes more crumbly, and cake cakes are similar to biscuit cakes.
  • In Moldavian cuisine, mamalyga is prepared from flour.
  • In Argentina, they prepare soup with corn and meat called Locro, and the second dishes with corn, meat and vegetables - Humite, Tamly.
  • For the first time in North America, products made of air corn-popcorn and Korn-Dog (sausage, wrapped in corn dough, and fried deep-fried) began to be cooked.
  • Different peoples prepare cakes from corn flour: in Central America they are called tortillas, in the Caucasus, in Georgia - hut.
  • Portuguese from corn flour bake bread, and the Egyptians - a cake.
  • In China, they learned to make pampushki from corn flour.
  • The ancient peoples of Mexico prepared a beer Chichu from sprouted corn.

Who is contraindicated in corn?

Corn is a valuable product in nutrition, but not everyone can eat it:

  • People with increased blood coagulation can be eaten in a small amount
  • The corn has a large number of fibers, so you need to eat carefully with exacerbation of stomach diseases
  • Some people (a small amount) have intolerance to corn, and dishes from it

So, we learned a little more about corn.

Video: How to cook corn so that it is very tasty?

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